Unity is not loneliness

  • 2014

God said:

Loneliness is from the past. You were in a big city while you thought you were on a desert island. Any sense of desolation is just an idea. You have adopted the idea that loneliness and since then you have sustained that idea. You have held the idea of ​​loneliness in the palm of your hand for too long. You have strongly embraced loneliness. Loneliness is like a kettle that you put on the stove and forgot to turn it off. You have kept the loneliness burning frequently and for a long time. Loneliness is something you are subject to. You have caught her.

The idea of ​​loneliness is like a virus that you carry in your bloodstream. Every time you decay, the virus of loneliness wakes up. It can be a thought, an apalabra, a look, any kind of contempt, and the virus of loneliness has you in its grip.

Loneliness is not your destiny. Unity does not mean being alone. Unity does not mean being without anyone else. It is fullness. A full heart does not care about loneliness. Put loneliness behind you. Throw it out, like a cigarette butt. Look at the solitude directly in the eyes, stop her and tell her to leave.

We could say that you feel only when you swallow your heart, when you put it aside, when you isolate it. You isolate your heart because you feel you must protect it from any rudeness, and so, you isolate your heart. Loneliness is a decision you make. It is like a winter coat that you buy and then complain about it as if it had been imposed on you.

Of course, you know well that you can be in a crowded room, at a gala event, in a mask dance and feel alone. Loneliness is not a matter of where you are. You can be alone at sea and feel subject to good company. Let your thoughts be a good company. Warm your heart in the fire of love. Let your mind and your heart have the pleasure of a good company. Invite people who are welcome to your heart. I am always in your heart. I have never forgotten you or your heart. Consider me the companion of your heart. Your heart and I are holding hands. May your heart go with me.

I will show you what to see. I will point out the beauty of life, of your life. I will give you a tour. I will take you to green meadows. I will take you to a calm sea. I will take you everywhere. I will whisper to you my love. Your eyes will light up your back to straighten. What a great position you will have! How will your steps accelerate!

There is no need to grieve with loneliness.

When you feel that the virus of loneliness returns, hold someone's hand. My hand is always in yours. What do you have to lose but loneliness? Shake it from you, beloved. Shake it out. Start today where you want to be.

Translated by: jhrendon

Original link: http://heavenletters.org/oneness-is-not-loneliness.html

Unity is not loneliness

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