The Genuine Freedom of Man by Vicente Beltrán Anglada

  • 2013

Conferences in Argentina First part | Buenos Aires, October 22, 1985

This is my last conference here in Buenos Aires, the last one in this period, I may come back again. During the course of these conversations, I have had a very deep specific interest, felt with intensity, to tell you all that, in my opinion, is producing this inner breath in your heart. During all this time that I have been with you I have had a specific interest in speaking to you about what, in my opinion, constitutes the sovereign key of Life: the genuine Freedom of man and, to speak of the genuine Freedom of man, we must speak of the Spirit of man and all this time we have tried, you and I, to deepen this immanent sense of Freedom that constitutes the key to life, which constitutes the key to evolution itself. One of the really transcendent meanings for the present moments, is to find out how and how we can achieve the Freedom that constitutes the Spirit and how this Spirit can manifest through us creating the motives of the right action, creating new paths, new paths. strangers, some paths that are not written in the books or in the words of the Saints and, nevertheless, are omnipresent, are here, are now, are at all times, triumphing from time, triumphing from circumstances, constituting the Breath that We must all lead one day to the Eternal.

In us there is an immanent background of singularity that resists being conditioned; the condition that constitutes the environment, the tradition, the circumstances, the thrust of everything that comes from outside us, has so far constituted an insurmountable barrier, has created borders, limits to the expansion of our spirit, why then Doesn't this spirit of deep observation of the facts and events that we ourselves have created exist in us? Why not resist in an intelligent way the evolution of the incessant facts that gravitate on consciousness produce confusion or is it that we have lost the ability to be ourselves? The ability to be, the ability to live within us, with all the integrity and with all the beauty that constitutes this being that we call the spirit. During all this time our spirit has been galvanized by faith, by a consciousness of hope in the future, but understand that there can be no future without going through the present, and we must live fully this present so that the future does not constitute a seed of fears or vain expectations, always trying to find those points of confusion, within which without realizing we are all involved.

Life is free and man is free, we are all free, and this genuine Freedom must be demonstrated, if we really want to ascend through these silent summits of the Eternal. All religions, all philosophies and all creeds of all time have spoken to us of God, of Freedom, of Love and of everything that constitutes a source of hope, however, they have forgotten that man is free and not it can be charged with prejudices or atavisms, nor traditions, however glorious these traditions may have been in the past, because Life is relentlessly renewed in our hearts, and if this is true, we cannot accept tradition as a moral code, neither as an imposition of the environment, but as something that must be examined very deeply to be able to reach within this depth, that living germ that constitutes the correct action, and for me, there is only a straight condition in the individual when the individual he feels free, really free, beyond the imposition of tradition and circumstances.

We are a spirit that constantly renews itself. No one can give us what we are and that only we should conquer. Neither tradition, nor the facts of the past as glorious as they may have been, nor how much we have studied, nor how much tradition has bequeathed as high as it has been, if it is not accepted with a Spirit of Freedom, will it become a conditioning of the action and, being so, we will continue to be slaves constantly, without strength to resist that living force of Life that burns within us, which constitutes the supreme stimulus that must make us a true integral being and a hope for the future of The humanity. So, if we know that we are free, if we know that between us and God - the inner God - there are no borders, except for those that we accept, why don't we make this vivid, twinkling effort in the present that should turn our life into a Source of inspiration? Or why accept the imposition of others, however great they may seem to us, no matter how powerful and dynamic their will to action appears and how high the concepts with which they try to numb our conscience? If Life is us, if we are the Spirit, and therefore, we are really free, why seek the truth that we are ourselves outside ourselves? Why go to tradition? Why worship the vestiges of a past? Why submit our spirit to others, whether through beliefs, religions, faith in ancestors? Or have we lost the ability to freely decide our creative action? Why do we have to constantly depend on others, whatever their condition: religious, mystical, political or social? Why? I wonder and I ask you ... why?

If Life is free, if we are life, if we are really interested in discovering this Life that we are, if we feel free internally, why not prove it externally? The stimulus of action is the I, the unconditioned I, this internal I, this supreme inheritance of the Divinity, which no one can ever take away from us, this Spirit of Freedom that is in us, which is incessantly breaking the wheel of tradition, which destroy all the borders imposed by the worn codes of unholy morality. If we reach this point of understanding, if we are really willing to feel driven by this breath, by this supreme faith that moves all the mountains, why wait for tomorrow? Why not do it now? Why not free ourselves from all environmental impositions, recognizing the tremendous empire they have over us? Now we have the great opportunity, the opportunity for understanding, which is not the opportunity of the historical legacies of the past, which has nothing to do with mystical traditions, which has nothing to do with those who, without being trained, because they have not yet they have reached the Supreme Freedom try to impose their beliefs, their ideals, their dogmas, their precepts, with which our life is dwarfed until being reduced to a slavery from which we must constantly free ourselves if we really feel this faith, this natural attraction towards things that are beyond the maelstrom of circumstances or the evolution of events, or can we separate our self from events? Or do we believe that the environment is something unreal, created by destiny or karma? Can we come to understand that we are the creators of the environment, the creators of every situation, of whatever kind? And, therefore, if we are creators, if we are persuaded that we are the architects of society, why What not to start right now to fight against the impediments that prevent this Freedom?

I mean the Supreme Freedom, that Freedom so exquisitely soft but deep, that breaks the shackles of all external oppression, which vibrates beyond the archaic concepts that we are still treasuring in the heart. The Truth is us and we cannot have a concept of Freedom without it being full of Truth, and this Truth that we are producing, which we are generating in the form of Freedom, must produce a situation of freedom in the environment around us, not depending on what we have been told in the past because, as you know, the past ties the mind and heart no matter how glorious this past has been; This is the first great warning, this is the just Law that Man has to produce, in capital letters, not the little man who creeps helplessly through the dry and arid deserts of the Earth. Can we together produce a radical change in the events of time? Can we determine the master lines of the evolution of the future? Can we live within this mystical reality that we are ourselves?

I affirm yes. If we realize that we are bound, if we understand exactly our situation, not the historical situation, nor the mystical situation that is written in the books, but adopting as serenity of our action the serene, deep and constant observation of the events of the time, for these events to produce fruits of Freedom, a Freedom that constantly try to take away those who have not understood. We must be above the archaic concepts, traditions, everything that helped us get here, so that we can produce a new man, so that each one of us becomes a witness of the Light and a servant of the Plan here on Earth, to finally determine a more just, freer and more humane society. If so, we can no longer expect anything from the future, everything is vague promises; then you have to live very deeply here and now, do not wait for tomorrow because tomorrow does not exist, if there is no fruitful and really inspiring present, full of Peace, Freedom and Balance. I would not like to tire you more with this little introduction. I know that many of you will want to ask me a question. A question is always a question in time and if the question is intelligent, the answer will be intelligent. I wait with great affection for your questions, noting, however, that my language is very free because I have never folded to conformity, because I have always tried to be myself within the exquisite Freedom of the Spirit. Let me be free in my answers. Thank you.

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