The Inevitability of Change and Deep Dream with Gaia ... A New Communion of Light

  • 2014

Beloved Family of Light, it has been an intense and tumultuous months since the New Planetary Year in July and the influence of the New Light through the Star Portals of July and August. These Energy Changes have produced changes at a Very Deep Level.

This Change is inevitable, because it is part of the processes of Life and Evolution. When the Earth passed to the 5th Dimension in December 2011, She got rid of the rigid limitations of the old Three-dimensional Grids and allowed herself to reconnect with the Graceful Flow of Divine Light from the Heart of the Cosmos. This meant that every living being on Planet Earth was also recalibrated to this New Accelerated Frequency of Change.

Change is inevitable. It is part of the process of Life and Growth. It is the opening of a cocoon in Spring and the fall of the leaves in Autumn. They are the first green shoots in the snow and the richness of the summer harvest. Everything has its moment in Time, in the Rich and Blossoming Physical Life.

But even beyond the natural laws of Growth and Change on Earth, Changes are also taking place at a very deep level of Consciousness and Creation. The New Light Codes that enter through the Star Portals accelerate and activate energies at the atomic and subatomic levels, which we would call the "God Particles." These nano-particles are the Divine Cosmic Intelligence as manifested in Physical Reality. As these particles evolve and change, so they initiate Change at all levels of Creation.

So, Dear Ones, we would say that change is taking place first on a very deep level in the Creation Fabric and in the Collective Consciousness of the Earth. But you will also feel this Change in your Physical Bodies and in your Collective Experience as Communities.

As profound changes occur, your Physical Body will begin the process of adapting to the New Reality and the Higher Consciousness Reticle. Here are two processes involved. The first is a very deep cleaning and expulsion of anything that is heavy, low frequency, toxic or limiting for you and others. You may notice that your body is looking for changes in diet, exercise, sleep patterns and forms of expression. This "debugging" process is necessary for the next step, in which the body begins to "Inhale Light" into the cells.

The process of "breathing Light" is a Cellular process that occurs spontaneously in the Cells when the Body is at a High enough Frequency; And ready to make the change. At this point, the Body will obtain about 50% of its nutrients from the Light, in an intracellular synthesis process; and about 50% of Physical Nutrition.

However, we would say that this change only occurs when the Body is clean, rooted and aligned with the Body of Light. It is a Spontaneous Evolution; And it happens when you're ready. At that point you become a "Glowing" as you begin to radiate Light and Energy from your Cells. This is the First level of change from the Old Physical Form based on Carbon, to the New Form based on Crystalline Light.

Beloved, we ask you not to try to force this process, but listen to your body and what it needs. If not

You are ready for Change, you may still need more traditional methods of nutrition, until your body is ready. Even after the change you will need to monitor your nutrition and your energy levels, to ensure that your body maintains its new energy and radiance pattern.

Once you have made the change, it will be very difficult for you to be in close proximity to people and toxic and contaminated environments. Your new energy structure is designed for the New Earth and you want pure air and light, nutritious foods; and a harmonious and light-filled environment.

This change in Physical / Energy functioning will also be felt at the Emotional and Mental levels. Your Emotional and Mental energies may be unstable for a while; and fluctuate very widely while your system integrates the accelerated light energies that travel through the nervous system and ignite the hormonal system and brain cells. In some situations you may find yourself responding very quickly with strong emotions. Just keep in mind that it will take time to adjust the accelerations in your system.

Beloved Family, over time we have shown you how to take root in the Earth Star Chakra and the Earth Center; and how to align yourself with the Cosmic Heart. This is an essential daily practice when you work to integrate light breathing and the acceleration of Light impulses into the nervous system.

When this process is complete, you will feel aligning yourself with a new sense of yourself and your power as a Master of Light. You will have more confidence in your ability to manifest abundance through work with the Divine Light, setting it towards Co-creation with the Divine Source.

The Earth Community and the New Reality

Beloved Family of Light, just as each of you is experiencing this light acceleration, so is your Collective Expression as a Global Community. In the 5th Dimension the aspect of Interconnection is the main vehicle for the manifestation of the Collective or Global Reality. So you will discover that you will have changed from a culture of "nations" to a Global or Planetary civilization, where "nations" are simply parts of a Planetary network.

To explain it more clearly, in the past each person thought of himself primarily as belonging to a specific nation, with a national identity that defined it. You also identified with the problems of your particular nation or state. Now, when the Earth becomes a Planetary Culture or a Global Nation that is connected, all the problems that affect the Planet affect each nation and each person. There is a new identification with the Earth, instead of simply with a part of it.

The New Indigo and Crystal Children already know this; and they are "wired" to live their lives as Global Citizens, beyond the limits and boundaries restrictions. The New Earth will allow the recognition of One Planet instead of many nations. This is the next step in the Collective Evolution of the Global Community.

This does not mean that this Global Collectivity is controlled, manipulated or dominated by any power or group. In the 2012 Transition, the responsibility of the Earth passed to the Senior Dimensional Council of Elders and the Council of Earth Guardians. These are the Councils of Light that determine the direction and evolution of your Planet. You work with them when you meditate for Changes, Peace, the end of suffering and the creation of the New Earth. Each person called to

Being an Earth Guardian will feel the need to help wherever the Planet calls.

So effectively this means that governments become administrators of the Physical Level of the decisions and guidelines formulated at the Higher Levels by these Councils of Light. So you will find many surprising changes in the way governments handle Global problems.

Initially, as the energies accelerate, you will be confronted by many unexpected and surprising events. Everything is changing. But gradually you will begin to see the contour of the New Reality emerge as the Light begins to manifest itself in the reactions and responses of those who administer the Earth at the Physical Level.

When you observe these changes, do not become anxious; you simply allow yourself to accept that the profound changes are manifesting a New Reality that is in harmony with the Divine Creative Intelligence. The old traumas and scars of Atlantis are in the past; And there is nothing to fear. The future will be an expansion towards the Light, Joy and Abundance of the New Reality.

Once again we say that the Indigo and Crystal generations are here to lead the way towards this New Reality. They will be passionate, careful; and full of Fire and Light to manifest this New Reality. This is your mission; And now is your time. Many Young Leaders will emerge that will help guide the Planetary Community from the limited Economic “Mental Prison” made of mental structures, towards a New Reality of the possibilities of other ways of Living, Sharing and Manifest what is necessary for Life in the Earth.

Deep Dream with Gaia ... A New Communion of Light

Beloved, in all these Deep Changes there is another aspect of You that is also changing. In the past you were limited by the nature of your society in the old energy grid. You were disconnected from Earth and Heaven; and you lived in a closed circuit of ideas and mental and emotional feelings that allowed you to be controlled by those who manipulated the media that spread these ideas.

In the process of Awakening, you could disconnect from your closed circuit matrix. and expand your Reality towards a Multidimensional Consciousness that embraced both Heaven and Earth.

But on Earth there are still many who live within the old closed circuit; Many are already emerging towards the New Consciousness. So there are different levels of Consciousness.

the most superficial of the closed mental / emotional circuit; and a much deeper Expanded Multidimensional Consciousness.

Now we want to talk about this Expanded Consciousness. It is a Consciousness that is in deep contact with the Earth and in deep contact with the Cosmos. It is a Consciousness that awakens your connection with the Galaxy, but also with the Earth.

As you expand into the New Reality, you will find so with Earth. You will become aware that you are part of Gaia; and that She speaks to you, not in a superficial way, but through a very deep Consciousness She will transmit images and feelings to you. You will feel with Her and dream with Her.

Some of you will be asked to help in deep healing processes for the Earth, in places such as Fukushima in Japan; or help to work with the Forests, or to clean and purify the Oceans and the Air so that the New Earth can manifest itself. Those who are called to this job

it will be the Warriors of Light who will focus their intention on the Transformation of old beliefs and patterns of Atlantis, towards the patterns of the New Earth.

Then there will be some who are simply asked to dream about Gaia; and dream in a New Land of Abundance, Love, Beauty and Clarity. Dreaming Clear Skies, Oceans and Clean Lakes, Trees and Forests and Healthy Plants; and all Living Beings Coexisting with Love and Respect. This is the original dream that resurfaces while the trauma of Atlantis is healed; and the New Earth arises towards manifestation.

We wish you Joy in your Deep Dreams of a New Earth and a New Reality.

The Unavoidability of Change and Deep Dream with Gaia A New Communion

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