Positive energy: the key to changing your life

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 How do you get to the positive energy? 2 3 Living here and now: 4 Meditating is the exercise for the soul: 5 Change everything you can: 6 What is the impact of positive energy on your body? 7 What the science of positive energy says

We often underestimate the power of positive energy, without realizing that in reality, it is an inexhaustible source of physical and mental health. The harmony of all the elements of our life, we open the way to new opportunities, new challenges and why not an accurate and happy future.

But ... What exactly is positive energy? Positive energy is a way of living, of understanding the world, basically it is about finding harmony with the universe. It's not about feeling happy all the time, or being happy even when we are going through storms. It is about tuning your life, your body, your soul and the energy of the universe to generate synergy that allows us to be grateful and honor our present to bet on a balanced future .

How do you get to positive energy?

Many times routine and daily problems lead us to live with a halo of pessimism and stubbornness in our lives. That, inevitably leads us to a vicious circle of negativity that does not help us to progress and what is even worse, limits our horizon by removing from the middle those opportunities that could give us a purpose in this life.

But, the search for positive energy, daily effort and hard work will help you to reach a new state of universal harmony that will open the doors of what you so desired.

The equation is simple, the greater the positive projection of your mind, the greater the opportunities that destiny will put before you. I know it sounds somewhat simplistic, but the truth is that the power of the mind is immense . Many of us do not know what we are able to do just by imagining the outcome of a situation, but the truth is that by projecting ourselves we program ourselves to make that happen.

Reaching total harmony is not complex, nor does it have magic recipes, you just need to implement these activities:

You are what you see in your mind: the power of mental projection is very great. If we think positive inside, what we will transmit abroad will be the same. That allows us to begin to gradually attract positivism and good energy. Which results in people and opportunities that contain the same emotional charge.

Live here and now:

Thinking about the future and everything that others expect of us determine our lives, often do not distress and cause internal frustrations that eventually become traumas. However, living day to day being consistent with what we want will help us work on those goals we long for. We must learn from our past mistakes, understand our present and not become obsessed with the future.

Meditation is the exercise for the soul:

World of Meditation

Doctors recommend doing physical exercise almost daily, however, they say little about those exercises that appease the soul, such as meditation. Working in peace of mind requires perceiving time alone with yourself to be able to sort your feelings and understand what you are going through. That is why meditation is the perfect exercise to attract positive energy to your life. Take at least 15 minutes a day, choose a mantra, practice breathing and leave your mind blank. You will see how little by little anxiety moves away from your life and you begin to perceive reality in another way.
Thank you whenever you can:

Gratitude is the feeling that will allow us to reach the state of proper positivism . What should you thank? all. Thank what you have, the people around you, the mistakes that helped you to be a better person, the little things that make you happy and mainly thank you that you are alive and that you own your destiny . Avoid negative expressions and instead, appeal to gratitude whenever you can. Learn to create an atmosphere of harmony and happiness, that will help you make the change in your mind that you need so much.

Change everything you can:

From your mind to the colors of your house. Move what your mind feels the tangible areas of your life. Place candles, change the colors of the blankets, look for new scents for your home; All of this will help attract positive energy to your life. Become a magnet of good feelings, attract everything you want and see how they get those things you always wanted and could never have.

What is the impact of positive energy on your body?

The moment you start working on yourself you will see how little by little the frustrations that seem to overwhelm you disappear and the positive thoughts will become more recurrent. You will feel that you are complete and happy, you can clearly see simple moments that cause you real happiness . And you will stop thinking about those trivial problems that clouded your view and did not allow you to move forward.

You should know that these types of life changes are gradual but once they start there is no going back. Probably when your mind thinks positive, don't notice that you have changed, but your body and soul will work differently, in tune with the Universe.

This paradigm shift will not only affect you, but all the relationships you have will be positively affected. Perhaps that distant link you had with a friend becomes stronger or those people who only contributed negative thoughts are not part of your daily life. You will see how positive energy is spread and everything around you becomes more enjoyable and conciliatory.

What the science of positive energy says

Several studies have shown that there is a real impact on the lives of people who generate positive energy in their lives. Experts say that for chronic or terminally ill patients who have a positive attitude they show improvement or even total cure of their ailments.

In other words, the positive mind can heal the body, the key is to relax and not let problems overwhelm or frustrate you.

Now you know, positive energy is a way of life and reaching it is not so difficult you just have to start working on yourself.

Work on your happiness day by day: "Change the Energy of the Day Being Happy"

Author: Valentina De Anda

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