KRYON in URUGUAY - Transcript of the audio "SU ADN Y EL CAMBIO SUDAMERICANO" - Montevideo October 20, 2010 - Channeled by Lee Carroll

  • 2010

Note: Topics of this channel “More about DNA” - “Kundalini in South America - Potentials and Changes to Come: Mother's Compassionate Energy”

Greetings my estimates are Kryon of the Magnetic Service:

My partner once asked me, what is Kryon's true message? I am going to tell you what I replied: "The time will come when human beings will be able to turn their eyes inside, and they will be able to see what is there ... how they are allied with Gaia and how each of them are multidimensional beings." And everything has to do with humanity, I exist as a brother, to show you the Love of the Father, and that's it! and for 21 years this has been all there is. But in that period of time the Earth has advanced towards another type of energy; It is the turn that I already predicted. It was not difficult to predict, because that was where his ship was headed. If you know the topography of the sea and the ship is going in one direction, it is not difficult to predict when the ship .. when the ship arrives there, and I did so and now you are here. The fate of that ship has almost concluded has arrived ..

And if you see what we told you, we said that human consciousness would live a turn and that the Earth would change, many feared it! "Kryon is talking about another war" and I never said that! I want you to see around you and see what is happening in your land, as in the other lands around you. However, there are some who say: "Well it's just a small cap of positive things, our destiny is to be the victims of time, we will repeat all the energies that we have manifested." They raise their hands as if they were an authority and say: “Look at South America, it has always had problems, with its leaders, wars, with disagreements. It seems that we only go through waves of dictatorships and problems that go from the top to the base. ” 21 years ago - I told you - that this was not the case at all, it is possible that this is the end of an era, the end of an old era, it is the end of a cycle ... a cycle of negativity, it is the End of a cycle of being the victims of the planet, and there is evidence everywhere that I am right.

And there is joy and there is joy because I am right, it is everywhere, you can look for it and observe it, South America is strengthened, a bigger world power, power not in the military sense, power in the sense of stability, in the sense of integrity, a role model of how things should be. That is what we see, and there are reasons ...

I'm going to do one of my favorite things, I'm going to talk about DNA, and it's going to do the first time I do it on this continent. For 5 years, my partner has been working on this issue, I am going to tell you that you are almost fed up with it, but it is something that we continue to raise again and again; and this energy of Uruguay is the perfect place to talk about something that is so sweet, so beautiful information so full of peace and so sacred. And so it will, because it is appropriate for it to do so, since it relates to what is happening here. Then I give you information that has not been heard here, and that it will be in the book that is to come.

Let us tell you what we know about the sacred nature of each of your body's molecules:

Number1 Kryon why are you going to talk to us about biology, if we come here to talk about more esoteric issues? . Very good question ... if you think they are separate topics, if you think that the esoteric is here and the biology is a good question. And the answer is as follows: They are allies, they are together, they are linked. Science, including biology and physics, are the tools that the Creator used to build you, and the more you learn about science, the more you will discover God. And here you are with something inside, which is beginning to reveal that it is totally different from what you thought.

So dear humans, wait for me for a while, patience me while I explain the DNA, it is not just something chemical it is a multidimensional molecule, which is full of what They will call the Creator's energy. In the DNA there is a chemical mystery that the scientists cannot decipher, in fact it has only been in the last generation that has advanced in this field, in the decade of the `40 they learned how DNA was seen, and a few years ago they began to analyze DNA and now they know the chemical substances that compose it. This opened a book of great mystery and perhaps this is going to be proof of what I am going to say now: the body has 26, 000 genes and scientists say that if they manage to decode the chemistry of DNA will be able to identify all these genes and now they know it! and they know less than they knew before! Since they discovered that less than 3% of the DNA is what creates these 26, 000 genes, and according to them more than ninety-something does nothing. Do you know how many chemical substances are in DNA at the three-dimensional level? More than 3 billion chemical substances in a DNA molecule, and the secret of human life, the production of genes is less than 4%. What do they do what they can do with this information? What is the next logical question? What does 90% of the DNA do? This is the puzzle that science is facing, they don't know what that 90% is for and that is the information that Kryon brings.

Before you see the structure we predicted, when you see things in a quantum state, they seem to be random or chaotic. While you see with three-dimensional eyes and with three-dimensional instruments you will only see a random chemistry in 90% of the DNA, but then we told you what is inside: 90% of your DNA is information, deep information. And scientists say if that is so, why can't we see the structure? And the answer is because it is multidimensional. We are going to defend these statements because one day you will agree with this science. And in fact they will be able to see the symmetry, but not with the instruments they have today. In an instant I will talk more about it.

What is in the DNA? Information that is chemical and sacred at the same time. In chemical terms is the information is the "Master Plan of genes", the portion that has to do with the production of genes, that is the part of the protein that is encoded, are the motor of the race car that is the body human. 90% tell them in which direction to go, the speed at which they have to go, and how the machine, the machinery, the engine creates what they need to create.

Let me simplify this a little more ... Have you heard of stem cells? . Forget everything you've heard! They are all over the human body, so it has to be, they are everywhere, they are available and science can connect with them. When they do and when they see this, they will not understand how they work because the information is multidimensional. There is a Master Plan for each human being in each stem cell and it is in 90% of the DNA, it is information! Science is not able to see that yet. Ahhh .. but there is more, most of the DNA loads interdimensional information that is esoteric.

Let's start with the most esoteric: the biology of the seeds they have received from other parts of the Universe, are there at this time, and have only had it for 100, 000 years. Oh my dear ..., see the stories of the creation of all civilizations, almost all those stories are metaphorical, talking about humans who are totally sentient, that is, they are human, they "feel", they are evolved beings, and they exist in the garden that It is called Earth, at a time when Earth has concluded its movement after four billion years of the creation of that garden. Where the cataclysms that were taking place as the Earth lowered its temperature, and the solar system was established in a peaceful system, and after that they receive spirituality.

All the stories of Creation have the same thing, they say the same thing they say that humans in some way or another receive consciousness ((awakening)). And we have already told you the story, and this is not the place, to say that the seeds of spirituality were only given to you 100, 000 years ago. In their DNA are the seeds of their ancestors that come from another place, not from the planet.

In their DNA there is even more, in each of the molecules there are esoteric energies, this may not be understood, even a part of the Creator is there, a multidimensional esoteric image of God .. It is so obvious that anyone visiting this planet and I will see you, I would immediately see your power and be very careful with you; how ironic that you don't see it ... how ironic that you don't see it! The irony is that they often see themselves as "the victim" thinking negative thoughts, never understanding what is really there, and that is what is really changing.

There is more ... the record of your spiritual growth through many expressions and lives, is contained in your DNA. I am seeing a room full of old souls, even the one who doubts, even the one who doubts. Each human being has free will, at some point in their life they can open the spiritual bottle if they wish and can take out what they have learned over time.

Let me ask you a question, there are many of you who have read Kryon's works for many years now. Let me ask you old soul: Was that information something new for you? Quite frankly! Not at all! But it was very nice to remember ... isn't it? It was very nice to see that information in writing, isn't it? What you felt at the cellular level was true because you knew it! And this is what is happening "there is a huge memory that is happening today", the Akashic Record of all your lives is in your DNA, the imprints you have left on Earth with all these lives, is still there .

Have you had that dejavu experience? To see something and feel that you had seen it before? A situation where you go to a place where you had never gone and recognize it ?. How do you think that works? .. Let me tell you my dear, it is the activity in your DNA that knows that you were there, and perhaps you are seeing that not with the eyes you have now, but with the central consciousness you are remembering that, even the different situations that are presented to you sometimes that are crossroads. There are those in this room who need to know this, maybe you are full of suffering, of pain, maybe you are full or full of a situation that you do not understand, maybe you have come for that reason, you are sitting or sitting in that chair looking for answers. Listen to me old soul! ... the energy on this planet is different and has never been like this before. Many are feeling confused, perhaps they feel that it is something they have faced at another time, the decisions you made in the past got you into trouble, because they were dark decisions, they were not right decisions for your life and that is what you are feeling. Do you want me to repeat that? Do you want to repeat that experience? Do not!! You do not have to repeat it. The energy of the planet, the energy of this region shows you a new path, it is not a repetition of history, it is the construction of a New Earth, the wise decisions you make today, will affect the children of tomorrow. All of that is in your DNA.

Let's talk about the main aspect that I want to raise: we have told you that DNA is surrounded by a large energy field, collectively the human being has 300, 000 million DNA fragments, all together create a multidimensional energy field surrounding your body, the Energy field covers more than 8 meters around you and is multidimensional, it is not necessarily magnetic; nevertheless it contains attributes of magnetism and it has a beautiful image ..., and we already gave them the name, the ancient name of this field that Elijah gave us, who saw the rise of his teacher, is called the "Merkaba", and this is the Essential basic field of DNA.

Do you have symmetry? of course!. Can it be measured? No, it cannot be measured with three-dimensional tools. Can it be seen esoterically? Of course, beautifully. And who can see it? There is someone in this room, one of the few who has permission to see what has no symmetry in the three-dimensional plane, although it has a beautiful symmetry in a multidimensional state, represents the symbol, is the teacher Peggy. And what has she done with this, she wants to show you the infinite layers of this, because it creates joy, creates balance, creates wisdom, because it contains mastery inside which represents what the creator is. It is a balanced energy, encompasses the Universe as a whole, as above it is below, because everything is the same.

Is it possible that DNA has a field? "Science has never told us this Kryon!" Oh sure he has told us, if you look for it ... In Russia there is a scientist who checked it decades ago Look for it! Vladimir Poponin showed not only an interdimensional field surrounding a single DNA molecule, but he even showed that the energy field is intelligent, the energy field was able to shape the particles of light following a mathematical design, see? If there is symmetry, it is physical, there is a field that surrounds DNA.

Let me ask you a question that has never been answered. With 300, 000 million pieces in the body ... How do you manage to think as a unit? How do they synchronize the human body? How do they allow cell division on a base that takes millions at a time? What kind of communication is that? Medical science says that "it has no idea." They will tell you that everything is in the mind, in the brain, they will say “the brain does everything, gives three-dimensional signals to all the organs of the body, allows everything to continue functioning, that is the communication there is, that is the energy intelligent body. ” And then you have someone who has a split medulla and all nerve wires are separated from the body and the heart is still beating, and digestion continues, even the reproductive organs continue their cycle. How would you explain then that the brain is the boss? He tells them that there is something else that is happening, isn't it? The intelligent field that is DNA constantly synchronizes the functions of the body.

Let's go now to the point I want to point out: there is an energy that surrounds the planet Earth, and 21 years ago we told you that it is changing, this energy is a New Energy, and it has to do with the 26, 000 year cycle, in fact it is a fractal of time and change everything! It contains the potential of an end of era, 21 years ago when it began ... we told you that the end was not going to be a negative end, we told you that I was not going to see an Armageddon, that as bad as it looked it was not going to be destructive. We told you to see things outside of what you considered logical ... to see that I was going to see "a slow development of stability." Against all odds we ask you to seek integrity in all governments, against all odds we ask you to seek integrity in financial institutions, since a new leadership awareness was about to emerge.

We ask you to look for the “unity” glue that had never been manifested before, and you are seeing it. We told you that there were going to be energy movements on Earth, we told you that the magnetic framework was going to move, part of the framework system is part of your system as well. The realignment of the magnetism of the planet is the portion of Gaia that corresponds to the turn that you are living. Everything has to do with DNA, because that energy field that you have that covers 8 meters, is like a gigantic multidimensional antenna and what is it capturing? The changes Gaia changes, everything I told you, the progress of the water cycle that you call global warming, is simply a cycle of the planet that you have already lived previously and is here to coincide with the 26, 000 cycle years of the galactic alignment, and then there is the movement of the planet's kundalini to South America, that is not a prediction of Kryon is a prediction that comes from everywhere, from the North American Indians, the Dakota, the Incas, saw that it was coming ... The time will come when the Center of the Heart of the planet, that is, that which represents the Compassion of the Mother was going to move from India and Tibet to the part below South America, which was going to focus on Chile, and that would affect the entire region as a whole, from the tip of Colombia to the bottom. And you are sitting here, in this room in Uruguay you are already known because it is a peaceful, patient place, see why I am telling you this?

I want them to see their neighboring countries in the following years and I want them to observe stability, I want them to see the unit, I want them to see the numerology of 33. Numerology that even Tibetans know Because 33 is the energy of Christ, it is the Compassionate energy of the Mother. And that feminine divinity so wise that she is the Mother, does not make war, will not make war. And this is what is happening, and against all odds and against everything that has been told to you, it is here in this region of the world first.

What does the energy field tell you? Do you feel it? What is it that brings you to this room? . Perhaps you do not feel that which strengthens your power. Observe how all the teachings around you are beginning to coordinate. Can you change what is already in your body that you think is permanent? If the DNA is 90% information, why don't you change the information? And you can do that, because Human Consciousness is one of the strongest energies on planet Earth. This is the beginning of the new tools that we have promised you.

And this Unity energy is being deposited in South America first, watch it, watch it, the process is slow, yes! With the same image that my partner used, describing this process with the speed of the snail that is slowly moving towards Sao Pablo and seems to be dead, some of you will lose patience, some of you will see n the news, who is not creative but rather is reactive and will say: Ah if you already knew it is not what Kryon said What was going to happen. But give it time. There will be those who will pull and push that they will go and come as they always have, but this time the integrity will win more than ever.

There will be those in the government who will say Why do we not bring things together instead of disintegrating them ?, Why we do not resolve issues between borders and countries for all the times? Why don't we create a single South America that agrees with each other: on financial issues, on unity, on strength, on markets, and that they show the world something That they never thought could come from these lands? That is the PONTENTIAL. And I just gave them something that their children will see and maybe these words ... they will stay for long enough for them to see that it is something that was there all the time and that it was something that was totally predictable. And that is the message.

God is everywhere, think what you think God is, you have seen it in nature and that does not cost you a job to see, you see the system everywhere is not it? A beautiful balance of unity, nature does not fight with itself, contains the essence of God within it and a system that works, but does not have free will, it simply works as a system. And now suddenly there is a turn of energy on the planet that will move towards unity, towards the energy of the Mother, the energy of Compassion, linked to what is in the DNA has to be, because that is where it is creative energy and that is the consciousness of humanity.

Listen to me, when you leave this room you will have decisions to make, when you return to work you will have decisions to make, when you return to your family! You can sow seeds of light and positive unity, based on the compassion you perceive between each other. They can return if they wish to an old energy that will not survive, where they create drama and sow negative thoughts. What decision will they make?

The old soul that is in this room is waking up to these new potentials, and Kryon is sitting in an energy that is perceiving it with great depth. "Oh Kryon I love what you say but we are so little ... Turn around to see you, we are only little". It's not like that! Because for there to be light ... only a few are needed to illuminate the entire region.

We have already said it before: "You will not see a convergence of humanity towards this belief system", that is a three-dimensional approach. But if you are going to see a convergence of humanity in the way you think, in all belief systems, biased towards love, compassion, wisdom, finally creating a planet of peace and this starts here ... And that is Kryon's message. for today.

And so it is ..

Facilitated by DNA & Expansion of Creative Consciousness -


The audios were shared by Mónica Califano Arrived to us by Susana Peralta. Thanks to all who shared this valuable information!

Other links related to Kryon Channels by Lee Carroll in Chile October 2010:

REMOVAL COMMENTS in the Chilean Andes by Shil Beraja

CHANNELING DAY 1: “Information on 2012 and Kundalini”


CHANNELING DAY 3: “What did you come here for? - Esoteric contracts - Look for those who have also found creators inside - Who are your parents really? ”- (Several messages in the final Ceremony) -

KRYON.en.Uruguay.20.Oct 2010 “More about DNA” - “Kundalini in South America and the Changes to Come: Mother's Compassion”

You can download all the Spanish translations of Kryon in Word file from the Kryon site through Lee Carroll at

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