KIRAEL: Understand what Gratitude and Blessing is

Good evening, it's five minutes to nine, I know you see everything, but it's incredible, I just came to the computer and the soft bells call me, not even loud. Well, I planned to do something else but here I am waiting to see who shows up to convey a message. With all my love .

Yes Alexiis, you're right, I'm KIRAEL. It is important, as you perceive it, that you know that the Great Change is very close, of which I have spoken so much and so much. It is fast approaching and this requires that you, who are called lightworkers and other humanity, be aware and be aware of the changes that are going to occur.

Things are not going to stay the same for any of you. There will be changes in all your lives and it depends on you how you will receive them. They will receive them with despair, with fear, with anguish or they will receive them with joy, knowing that these changes, although they may seem strong at the moment, will take them to a time of joy, A, of joy, of glory.

It is up to you, it is up to you to prepare, although you should have done it for a long time, but the last chance to prepare for what will come, prepare to see with joy the Great Change that is going to take place, because finally, I I say finally, it will lead you to that new consciousness, to that new way of being where everything will be different. Nothing will be the same.

Everyone, absolutely everyone is going to have to get used to the new way of life, but it will be a way of life in which there is no hatred, there is no envy, there is no jealousy, there is nothing of those low energies. Each one will understand the brother, they will help each other and this is the mission that you have to be aware of. To help others, not look the other way when they see that a brother is lost on the path.

Give your help, give your love, give everything you have learned throughout these years of teaching, share what you know, keep nothing to yourself. All the teaching they have received is to be shared with all humanity and not just humanity. I know you are not going to talk to plants or animals, that is not what I mean, although of course it is possible, but share your knowledge in the sense that you will appreciate that all are living beings, that all in one One way or another are part of the Creator.

If you cut a flower, ask the plant for permission and she will gladly give it to you, but if you tear it away just like that, she will feel a lot of pain just as you would feel it if a member is plucked, just like that.

In that sense both the animals, the animal kingdom, the vegetable and the mineral, are more prepared, are more prepared to serve you. So, if you take what you take with love, you take it with blessings towards the being who gives you a part of you, then you feel happy to fulfill your mission, to fulfill your mission to help humanity, but to humanity has to become aware of that, to become aware that things are given to it, but not by force, not with violence, but with thanks, with love.

That is what you have to remember, what you have to become aware of. Everything, absolutely the entire universe, deserves your blessings, deserves your love and deserves your thanks. So many times we have taught you this, but how little you have incorporated into your daily life and you will not have another one, because with your old way of being you cannot go to what awaits you after the Great Change.

Those ways will no longer work and for you to make that transition, as smooth as possible, is to be aware of what each energy represents, each being. Be the kingdom that is. Even those animals that humans despise and that you call 'cockroaches' have their raison d'etre. It's not that I say they invite them to their homes, no, but don't despise them, don't kill them just like that. Do not kill anything, because everything is part of the Creator.

If you kill an animal, if you kill a plant, without blessing it, without asking for permission, you kill a part of yourself. This is what they have to recognize, this is what they have to assume, of what they have to become aware of. This has been talked about so many times, but it is always necessary to repeat it and I believe that we, who call ourselves the Masters, will continue repeating and repeating it until what would be the fatigue, until the moment of the Great Change, with the hope that even if it is a human being aware of what we are talking about.

Think a little, analyze, realize what is really worth, realize that every inspiration they make is a blessing, that every drop of rain, every wind, everything, absolutely everything is a blessing that the Creator provides for their children and that It is the awareness they have to have.

It is urgent, there is no time left. There are no years and years to come in which you can learn these teachings. Time is shortened, the Great Change is about to occur. So you have to hurry to learn this, there is no more time, there is no more delay for learning.

Hopefully this reaches many ears and eyes open when they read this.



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