Gems of this Retrograde Mercury - 5 Ways You Can Benefit - By Selacia

  • 2015
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There are gems in our current Retrograde Mercury! In this article I talk about five ways in which we can benefit. Knowing about these gems and acting on them we can make all the difference we can experience now.

Background of Life Cycles

As a reminder we have three Retrograde Mercury per year, this goes from May 18 to June 11. During these times, due to the influence of Mercury, things like communications, technology and travel may not go as planned. You may experience delays, misinterpreted emails, "blunders" when connecting with others and much more than your usual portion of misunderstandings in relationships.

Despite these challenges, life continues. On any given day, you are influenced by a lot of energies and situations - some visible and many invisible in the background. Even outside Retrograde Mercury, you are impacted by many other planetary cycles. Similarly, their life is in constant motion - events that develop due to actions and opportunities that arise to help them fulfill the purpose of their soul, taken earlier.

Why are things more intense now?

Retrograde Mercury feels much more these days due to advances in technology. Consider how your grandparents used things like typewriters to write letters and manuscripts. Yes, they were slow and inefficient, but there were fewer things that could go wrong. Communications too, are something that humanity must learn to master in new ways due to technology . Many times, people are not present and texts or emails are sent - all this is not recommended during a retrograde Mercury!

Are you hearing a lot about Mercury Retrograde these days? Why is it more important to know more about this now?

A key reason is that our ascension process is accelerating and people are processing much more transformation energy in a single day. There are individual factors, too, such as knowing where these cycles affect you personally due to your astrological chart. This can really make all the difference to have everything in order - so that you can better plan the activities and better remedy the " paws" .

5 ways to take advantage of the Gems of this Retrograde Mercury

The following are five ways to take advantage of the gems of this retrograde Mercury, making this often confusing cycle work for you instead of against you.

FIRST - Since this cycle is a perfect time to review your priorities and projects, use these moments to contemplate what needs to be changed. The energies really support your reflection and inner dream work on these issues. Be sure to combine what you get intuitively with solid research to learn more practical ways to achieve your dreams. It is important in this cycle to be very grounded and in your heart. Remembering that as you review things, this will help you make great progress.

SECOND - Get out of your spiritual magnifying glass to look at key relationships. This is a perfect time to review the way they relate to other people - be it their loved ones, business partners or people they see regularly. Invite your higher self to help you make an inventory of the relationships that need to be updated, making a plan to resolve the misunderstandings when the time is right. Due to the special communication challenges during this cycle, if you can expect to have that "great talk" to clean the air, do it. Use these moments instead to refine your focus and the words you will use.

THIRD - Put your intention right now to be more observers of the "little pushes" of the spirit on pending issues. This could be anything from a project they need to finish, something they have to update, or a home renovation that they have thought for a long time but never took the time to plan the details. Use this time for renovation planning or for finishing touches. Wait until after June 11, to start new projects.

FOURTH In general the energies of 2015 can bring many sudden events new doors that open without notice, other doors that close in an instant. Retrograde Mercury are famous for bringing news that they didn't have before, sometimes weeks before the officially starting cycle! Focus on the good, make peace with the bad, and always remember that the light is in you.

FIFTH; A research search and getting to the bottom of the problematic issues can be easier and more productive in the coming weeks. This means that they could reach the deepest bottom of a lifelong challenge. Use this time to analyze irresolvable dilemmas beforehand and to heal the DNA of patterns that are blocking your progress. Establish your intention to reconnect more fully with the love and joy that resides naturally in your nucleus. As they do this and investigate their obstacles, the universe will align the energies and situations helping them to progress.


Translated and shared by

By Selacia

Translation: Alicia Virelli

Gems of this Retrograde Mercury 5 Ways You Can Benefit By Selacia

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