Lighthouses of Light - Building a new world - 15.3.12

  • 2012
Table of contents hide 1 ~ Building a New World ~ 2 Reach new heights using harmonic overtones 3 Pain - Changing the role 4 External filters have been removed 5 Rebalance the ego 6 Changing the rules

The Lighthouses of Light - Reminders from Home

March 15, 2012

Re-cordatories from the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are live presentations on the Internet, transcribed and sent in English on the 15th of each month.

The next Lightworker Virtual Light broadcast will be: Saturday, March 31, 2012 11:00 am US Pacific Time

~ Building a New World ~

Hello everyone. I wanted to let everyone know personally that we are going to change the way we send the emails of the Lighthouses of Light on the 15th of each month. Many of you have noticed that we have tried many techniques so that our mails avoid spam filters, but it has not worked. From this month we will send a note warning that the Lighthouses of Light are ready to be seen on the official website. We appreciate your understanding.

I am also proud to announce three new OverLight modalities that are being released now. See the English programming page for more details.

Have a great month.

Big hugs,


Note: The following message has been recanalized and edited with the guide of The Group so that it has greater clarity in this format.

Greetings from Home!

We bring you an incredibly comfortable energy. We have entered the scope of your expectations, because you have come in search of answers, guidance, or a push in the right direction that gives you a validation and lets you know that you are doing exactly what you should be doing. Let us explain to you first that much of your life from this point forward may be left without validation.

Especially in the first steps, because it is very difficult for you to validate your path after a single step, but the further you go, the more comfortable you will feel with your creative abilities. That is what it is about. This day we want to give you a vision of yourself from another perspective, one that you probably have not considered. They are evolving through these different levels of what we call humanity.

Throughout their history, they have documented many evolutions, but this one in particular has many different levels. This evolutionary process that they are experiencing not only involves the physical being, but it is also the first time they evolve to a point where they can carry more of their own soul and light. These changes that are happening right now, even with your physiology, are beginning to change levels that you are not familiar with. The vagus nerve [1] will become very important for many of you when you begin to understand that it facilitates your interaction with the rest of the world. Through this nerve, the physical body feels other spirits and at the same time exudes its own, creating these connections.

Reach new heights using harmonic overtones

This day they talked about uncovering the veil and see how connected they really are with each other. Another issue that we want to mention is that of harmony, because that will be the most important piece with which humans will have to learn to work: energy harmony Ethics How do you harmonize two energies? Let's go back a little and describe what we consider to be the harmony so that they understand the concept. If you repeatedly hit two neighboring notes on the piano keyboard, you will be playing Chopsticks (which is tolerable but unnerving). This is because they have two notes that are so close that they cannot be found at regular intervals, which do not support each other. They are two very unique notes that insist on being totally unique. Only when you place your hands on the keyboard at a comfortable distance can you play what you call a chord, where two notes overlap at regular intervals. Not only do they support each other, but they also create a third tone that you hear as harmony. Something very magical happens when they listen to music and suddenly they are able to hear a lot of harmonics and overtones. In the harmonies you only hear the three notes that create the harmony. The first original note is the first part of that harmony, the second complete note to the first and the third note is what they hear. What we are telling you is that your ears are only able to hear a certain range. There are harmonic levels that you cannot hear, but we can. This harmony has levels of overtone whose communication with humanity will go beyond what they have never experienced as individuals, and that is why the harmony in This planet is becoming so important at this time.

Pain Changing the role

Now that we have described what harmony is, let us share with you some of the challenges to achieve harmony where you are now. Let's take a look at that part of the human being that has accompanied each of you again and again. It is known as a motivating factor for all mankind. What is it? The pain. It is what you experience as pain and is a great motivator. You have used it again and again on planet Earth both to do things and not to do them. If you look at their lives, they will notice that many of their daily structures have been created to avoid some specific pain. As they begin to uncover the veil and see the many ways in which they are connected, the first lesson they will discover is that pain is shared with the collective. Therefore, one can feel the pain but it does not belong to him, for pain is only the temporary bearer of the gift.

Find the gift and pain will no longer be necessary and can be released. Actually, there is beauty in that darkness. Because they live in a polarity field, they have become accustomed to judging everything as good or bad. Dear ones, we tell you that there is no good or bad. Everything is somewhere in between, depending on where they choose to put it at a certain time. We ask you to find that beauty that exists in the dark, even in the pain that you still carry or experience.

Each of you has a pain that you have carried with you throughout your life. Some have resolved the situation within themselves, however, the pain still settles heavily in a bittersweet way in your heart. Pain is a huge motivator. Consider the human expression of creativity such as music, poems and movies. Many are the result of pain or painful experiences, or unusual situations. What we are asking you to do is to prepare yourself for this new level of humanity and not wait to face all the pieces. Look more closely at the joyful pain that has been present in your life so far, that has motivated you in some way or has permanently changed your direction. Even if we could erase that pain right now, you would not let go, because you have paid for it in a way that gives it real value.

Find a way to say thank you because that pain is a carrier. If you know what the benefit is, you will gladly go through that process, as your spirit has done repeatedly. It is the humanity they carry inside; the reaction of the animal with which they have merged and that sometimes repeats the same patterns over and over again, seeking success at different levels. Many times, when they move from one level to another, they acquire a clearer level of understanding about their truth. These are some of the changes that all humanity will be evaluating and observing, and during which they will seek answers. The most important thing is to keep in mind that you are building a new Earth, full of the vibrations and dust particles that have come together, you only need your creative thinking. His eyes are open and all that is required is his intention, his desire expressed as a thought. These particles magically join together to create a new Earth to live in. Does that mean we will be changing the planet? No. It will happen right here. The questions we have for you are the following: Are you ready to enter that Earth? Are you ready to be fully responsible for your thoughts? Are you ready to be the creators of your own destiny? Are you ready to uncover the veil? That is what is happening. With each step that the collective goes up, a small part of that veil is removed, regardless of its bandwidth [2]. It does not matter if at this moment they are at the upper edge of the highest or lowest vibration of planet Earth, everyone is moving together and that is working. It is moving faster than the speed of love. Honestly, it is moving faster than anyone would have expected on this side of the veil.

External filters have been removed

Many are beginning to attract attention across the planet at different levels and are demanding a better world, because this evolution is not limited to the area of ​​spirituality. It is impacting every person on this planet. There are times when it is necessary, even, to experience a wave of energy that can help all humans everywhere, altering and changing their vibration to take it to the next level. This is currently happening with what you call the flu virus. Basically, this virus offers new possibilities to many people who need an extra push in this area. When they go through a disease of this nature, they are no longer the same person. Why? It's very simple: they are vibrating differently. Does that mean that each disease takes them to a higher level? No, but it does mean that the disease is a part of its process. Disease is not always a sign that something is wrong, that is a typically human concept. You must understand that you are healers, because many of you are helping other people to take these steps and acclimatize to this new energy, to live in this energy and use it every day. This is the greatest wisdom we can offer you, the healers of light. Hold your knowledge, know that you are here on planet Earth with a purpose. It is also very important that they know they have everything they need to do their job.

Rebalance the ego

Many of you will be called to a new place, or you will suddenly find yourself without the support you had before. They will wonder what they are doing wrong and why they no longer have the support of the universe. You know that your spirit is there, you can feel its direction and its energy, but you cannot always associate it with your movements and emotions. There is also another part: Harmony. How to harmonize with other people? It is easy for the Guardian to look at the public and know that he has known each of these beings, some of them for many lives. But it is not easy to remember him when we are not with him. This is a typical veil that prevents them from re-remembering their role and to compensate they develop something called ego.

Now, your ego is your sense of self. It is not your sense of unity, but of separation. They need this sense of "I" to pretend to be human. Because of their sense of separation and their identity as human beings, many believe that their ego will decrease and disappear. They will always need the ego; however, they need to rebalance it as they go. Put simply, the basic understanding of your energy will be different. Let's go back to pain for a moment, what is the greatest pain a human can experience? Well, we can tell you that the Guardian has broken many bones in this life. He felt a lot of pain, but none as hard as the emotional pain that created a fissure in the idea of ​​what his ego was. We will say it again: they build these structures called ego to house their identity as a human being. So, when they suffer an emotional repercussion, when someone disappoints them, hurts them, or reflects them with such precision that it allows them to really see their defects, that creates a fissure in the idea of ​​what their ego is and this hurts them even the most intimate. That is the greatest pain. Now, if you are harmonizing pain and looking for beauty in it, do the same with the ego. Find the beauty in it. You do not need to release it because it is a part of you. Now, if you can create a flexible ego, you can grow. Understand that it is not about you, after all; The challenge with the ego is that it seems to have a life of its own. Many times it can reach such a degree that they block the rest of the world. Everyone is familiar with that paradigm and many of you ask, "Is my ego too big today?" We think it is absolutely hilarious, because if they really had a problem with it, they wouldn't be asking that question. The truth is that the ego needs to be balanced in both directions. It cannot be too high but not too low, and that is the biggest challenge we see. Find the balance by standing up and expressing how valuable they are and so they can share the message they brought from Home.

This is the piece we need to rebuild on planet Earth so that humans can take the next step and live as empowered beings. It should not be just an expansion but a total reworking of the ego. Instead of being a solid, rigid structure, without any flexibility, we are now going to honor the people who enter our life by simply saying: “I like the effect you have on me. I will make good use of that effect and send it to the rest of the world. I will begin to look for beauty. ” That is the common denominator, the most important piece that each of you brought from Home. You are not creatures of planet Earth ... you are here making a brief visit. If we can help them remember where they really came from, they will remember the fun games and the rules they set in order to participate in this game.

Changing the rules

Dear ones, the rules are changing and you are changing them. We ask you to make your voice heard. Does that mean that you are the only voice or that you have all the correct answers? They are creating a new world. Your input is needed. And if they experience pain, the first thing they have to do is allow themselves to feel it. Let them bathe you completely like a wave, fully experience the pain, because there is a gift there. Find the gift and the pain will transform. Find the balance in your own ego discovering what causes them pain. Ask yourself: "What is the solid, rigid core of who I think I am?" If you can, let those reflections come and incorporate them while living your life. That will allow them to experience more pleasure, to be able to fly here or play there for a while. "Oh, things are getting too serious here, so we're going to have to come back here and play some more." That is the basic idea of ​​what they are doing. They are expanding the light in every opportunity that presents itself. Every time they smile, every time they express a truth from the heart, their eyes twinkle and the light penetrates through all things.

You have probably reached more hearts than you can ever imagine and many of you are just beginning. They have created a new world. We also want to tell you that, as many have been fighting and waiting for the moment when life becomes easier. We tell you, dear ones, that the hard part is over and you have succeeded! Now all they need to do is alter their expectations. Enjoy the trip, dear ones, because you are creators of miracles beyond your understanding and are creating miracles at every moment.

With the greatest honor we ask you to treat each other with respect. Take care of each other at every opportunity you have and open the door for others. Works. Remember that it is a totally new game that you are playing and play well together.


The group

Connected to the Heart

By Barbara Rother

The extended family

Steve, Austin, Elke and I will soon drive the car to San Diego, California, to join the rest of the family. The reason for this visit is our grandson who will soon be four years old. I find it hard to believe. Not born recently?

Life continues and the family continues to grow. Recently our nineteen-year-old niece had a healthy little boy. The baby was not planned, but was definitely welcome in our family. Yes, she and her boyfriend will decide what they are going to do, but this baby will know that she is surrounded by a loving family.

Another niece is also about to have a baby. This gives us all great joy. Her husband and she had almost abandoned hope of being parents.

Miracles occur, either in the form of an "unplanned" pregnancy or after a long wait looking forward to the arrival of a child. The greatest joy I felt, besides being with Steve, was to give birth to our two children. Seeing the extension of the family with their own relationships and their own families increases happiness.

Yesterday I had a long postponed lunch with a dear friend. The couple at a nearby table had an adorable baby with them. Secretly, I think we both thought that our quiet and planned lunch for a while would be interrupted by crying when the baby began to stir. But we soon discovered that we had fallen in love with that girl and her parents. After talking with them, we discovered that this beautiful creature was going to be one year old the following week. At that moment that lovely girl turned and smiled at us, stealing our hearts. I love children and although my friend never had children, she told me that she would have loved to have a granddaughter as cute as that little angel. I know that I will have a granddaughter at some point not far away, for now I enjoy my grandson and my nephew.

It is interesting to see how our family grows. It is important that they know that I am there for them and that they have my unconditional love, but I let them live their own lives. I still have that life lesson that makes me want to take care of everyone else. It is very important to take care of myself and my happiness first, then of my family, and those in my environment will feel my joy and I hope they will do the same with their own happiness.

The other day I told someone that the reason Steve and I have a good relationship is because I feel good at any point in my life, whether full of joy or fighting. I feel strong enough to deal with whatever comes, but I feel even stronger because I know I have a love that I can count on if I need it. That is why we have been married for almost forty years. We are here for each other.

Isn't it a family? The members of the Spiritual Family or the one in which you were born love each other unconditionally and support each other with all their hearts. In today's world there are many divorces and that creates a new way to mix families. It is about extending love, of uniting with the heart.

We all work to become the person we want to become. That's what life is about. I take care of it a little every day. I can say how proud I am of how I have grown and I feel that everyone who is reading this message should be too. Every day is an opportunity to reinvent a new life. It's like a new baby, when you arrive in this world we welcome you to this new life. We can also welcome you to our own new life as we recreate who we are.

With love and light,


Lightworker is a conscious nonprofit corporation dedicated to expanding the Light through empowerment.


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Las Vegas, NV 89133

+1 702 871 3317

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