Spring Equinox 2011

  • 2011

Not a single movement that happens in the Universe ceases to affect the human being and the different Kingdoms of nature.

Logically, these four great Festivals that make up Equinoxes and Solstices, have an important importance in humanity and they, together with the 24 phases of New and Full Moons, try to help our individual life clocks conform to me. Next to that Universe where we live, we move and have our being.

In the Equinoxes, this magnificent equality in the duration of day and night, tells us about something as important as balance. He tells us that following the guidelines of his energies helps us to that difficult harmony between personality and soul.

Being `` feeling '' for three days that this special movement of nature is going to take place creates an energy space in us full of possibilities.

The disciples who are practically already in that equilibrium are actually prepared during the ninety days prior to each of these events, modulating in their interior the music music harmonic s; They are tuning in to their vibrational note with greater depth.

We are beings in which the lights and shadows live and therefore, in the moments when the universal Light rushes towards us we can more easily find our own balance.

In the Aries Equinox, the Sun apparently cuts Ecuador and goes upwards, towards a more subtle upper stage. Ecuador is the midpoint. In that step our energies work more easily towards the higher centers.

There is a vertical line between Aries and Libra and the continuous work of personality, overcoming moments of discouragement, determines the activity of the aforementioned centers. Any feeling of separativity, resentment or so many others that are not easy to detect, alter the Solar Plexus that is connected to the Ajna and affect us during these days and then subtle energies of the Equinox are reversed, they are activated even when it is slightly and They rush.

The strength of the Sun is unlimited. From it emanate all the planets, those Sources of Wisdom with which we work every day of our lives. We can rise through flowing with these energies, through the way that each one has to meditate on the Light and Love, individually or when possible as a group.

If we are capable of this serene observation, it will be a sign that instead of following the impulses of Mars, we are working with its Esoteric Regent, with Mercury being able to sublimate the communication and the elevation of thoughts which we must feel as a true forced vocation before the events that happen around us.

Uranus the Regent of our Era, breaking into this Sign is creating an apparent chaos with waves of intense sensitization, of deep sense of our total connection and respect to the Cosmos, that to give birth in the human being the yearning and feeling of freedom seeking and of ideals.

On April 3 will enter the Sign of Aries its Regent Mars, bearer of conflicts and military confrontations in conjunction with Uranus and also located Mercury in Retreat all forms a stellium of energies that are collaborating to that necessary change of a social paradigm that It was no longer maintained.

At the moment Jupiter walks by his side until the month of June and for a year he has been softening and protecting the profound changes that are made on the planet. In June it will enter the Sign of Taurus, while Pluto for a long period of time, will bring to light everything that until now could be hidden, both in economic, political or religious structures, depending on humanity and each of We in particular, may this whole mix lead our evolution forward.

From the heart,


Source: http://logosastrologiaesoterica.blogspot.com/2011/03/equinoccionade-primavera-2011.html

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