The Sacred Art of Healing by Alfonso del Rosario

  • 2014

The Tibetan Master (DK), referring to healing, says that The Healing, is the Sacred Art of the Curation n . He considers it as a transcendent activity and of high spiritual value and meaning for all those who dedicate themselves to this outstanding work.

In general terms, any human activity, as in this case the Curation, becomes Art through practice, to perfect the techniques that are applied, of the correction of the errors that arise and to enhance the successes achieved, whether in relation to a sculpture, an architectural work, a musical composition, or a pictorial work.

For healing to be a spiritual activity, the Therapist has to undergo a careful process of Internal Alchemy. You must properly reorganize and tune in all the elements that constitute your Personality, harmonizing your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions and your actions, in thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions, according to the most noble, subtle and vibrant energies, in order to conform the foundations of the Sacred Temple of his Spirit, of his Soul, of That which really is and we are all of us.

It is for this reason, which is also called Sacred Art to Healing, because it is the Spiritual Energy, that of the Universal Soul, that is attracted by our Soul (a part of It), to the Sacred Temple of our being, to be projected with all our Love and exquisite sensitivity to the person we are trying to heal.

For this healing process to take place, it is necessary that there is always an alignment, tuning and contact between:

  • The Personality of the Therapist.
  • The Soul of The Therapist.
  • And the patient.

If this happens, healing occurs (as long as the patient's karma allows it). We must bear in mind that the one who cures is not the Personality, Pedro, Juan, Inés or Laura, it is the Higher Self, the Ego, the Soul, the one who decides, the one who sees and knows. The therapist is a simple channel, a silent observer, a spectator of the miraculous process of the healing session.

Sometimes the Therapist, consciously or unconsciously, puts his Personality before his Soul, preventing it, the Soul, from manifesting all its energetic potential towards the patient through his Etheric-Physical Body. This is almost always due to a desire to see healing quickly materialized. In this case, instead of channeling the Universal Energy, the Therapist takes and projects towards the patient, from himself, from his own nature, his chi, his ki, his prana, or his vital essence, as we want to call it, devitalizing and unbalancing its entire bio-energy system, and there may be significant physical and psychological disorders and imbalances. This is one of the most important problems with which we can find those who dedicate ourselves to this sacred art, that of not understanding well that it is the Soul that must control the entire healing process, because it is the only one that knows among others things, if the patient's karma allows his illness, discomfort or any other problem, can remit intensity or disappear in its entirety. This does not mean that we should not collaborate at all times and to the extent that we can in the entire healing process, tuning in to the patient and providing all our help as best we can, but taking into account, that we should separate ourselves from the results of The healing session. Needless to say, we must be channels of that Unconditional Love, which will have to be kept alive and active towards the patient at all times, both during the healing session, and when it ends.

In healing it is the Mind, in its double subtle-intuitive and logical-personal aspect, the intermediary or connection channel, which facilitates the communication of the Soul with the Personality. It is what we have to always have under our control. Being the Mind the main instrument by which the human being uses to relate and evolve, it is vitally important not to become his slave, not letting him deceive us with his inopportune and deceptive illusions, ephemeral values ​​and false oropeles. We must make her a friend and faithful collaborator to help us in our task of achieving that Internal Alchemy, to bring out our most transcendent spiritual virtues.

We live in the Age of Aquarius, the quintessential sign of the Air element, where on a physical level man has come to conquer and dominate it, the result of its modern and advanced aeronautical technology. The next step for man is to conquer the Ethereal Air, which unites the different planets of our solar system through interplanetary travel. In the same way, in the spiritual realm, the human being is preparing to take the important evolutionary leap that will take him through the control of his Mind to make conscious contact with the Buddhic plane, where the refined Intuitive Air resides.

One of the Masters says that: “… through Raja - Yoga, the Mind is known as the instrument of the Soul and the means by which the brain of the Aspirant is illuminated, thus acquiring knowledge of everything that concerns the Kingdom of the Spirit ...

Raja Yoga, is the yoga of the present Age of Aquarius, being for this reason, Meditation the essential discipline that can get to control and conquer the Mind, so that by using it, we can transcend it and thus reach the Kingdom of the Intuition. It is only through Meditation that we are going to reach these high spheres of reality, since it is the only way by which the human being can evolve in a fast and efficient way, especially when, as in this case, he has his consciousness focused on service to all beings.

The main achievement that is achieved through the practice of Meditation is the disappearance within the field of perception of the consciousness of the Mental-Analytical part and as a consequence, of the appearance and manifestation within the field of perception of the consciousness of the other part, the Mental-Intuitive. In this way they achieve those subtle states of perception that allow us to be aware of our Soul and the subtle worlds that are related to it, making these contacts and experiences a part of our personality.

From the results derived from the practice of Meditation, some important considerations and achievements can be drawn:

  • The Union of Personality with the Soul.
  • The Transmutation of Vehicles or Energy Fields.
  • Contact with Buddhi and therefore, with Intuition and Wisdom.
  • Contact and Manifestation of Universal Love.
  • Contact with various types of energies.
  • Contact with high Spiritual Entities.
  • The Understanding of the mission that corresponds to us to carry out in the World.
  • The Divine Archetypes in the World Service.
  • The Externalization of the Potentials and Qualities of our Soul.

All this has an enormous importance, not only on a personal level, of the Meditation practitioner, but also to the group to which he belongs. Everything achieved, everything achieved, is projected towards those closest to each other in a positive way, reinforcing the emotional and spiritual bonds within their family (parents, brothers, wife, children), spiritual brothers, social group, the nation in the one that lives and finally the world. In this way, almost without realizing it, he consciously collaborates in the Great Evolutionary Plan of our Logos or God and therefore in the evolution of Gaia, our dear Earth.

The conscious union of the Soul with the Personality, makes a wide and well defined vision of the Higher Planes flow in the human being. It makes him understand internally that his Mind should not be limited only to the tangible world around him, but that he should use it, to achieve that quality of penetration and synthesis, capable of very subtly capturing the reality of any situation in which he can find, endowing it with that wise internal recognition, which makes it see and distinguish the True from the False, the Real from the Unreal, the Discernment, so necessary to carry out any work of Universal Service, such as that of Healing.

Author: Alfonso del Rosario

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