The quantum awakening ~ July 2012 ~ Ask to see a Greater Vision - part 2

  • 2012

The Quantum Awakening A Thought, A Way of Life, A Website and a Global Electronic Bulletin

JULY 2012 NUMBER 161 More than 12 years of online publication and distribution

Created, Channeled, Published and Registered with love since 1986 by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan



Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

For many years we have sought outside ourselves the truth, wisdom, knowledge, miracles and a simple test. We have lit candles, prayed 'Hail Mary' to statues, icons, and we have literally lost ourselves in the avalanche of everything that 'supposedly is' bigger, holier and more divine than ourselves.

We have invoked the Angels, the Masters, the Saints, guide spirits and our loved ones who left, asking for help, their intervention, miracles, the winning numbers of the lottery, the phone number of our soulmate.

When covering more than 2012, the lines of communication began to diminish and fragment. We kept coming out of ourselves towards something 'bigger than' us, something bigger, better, omniscient. The letters, emails, phone calls, of these 'larger' energies continued to decline. We lied to ourselves and convinced ourselves that our third eye was clogged, our heart was closed and our crown chakra did not work well.

We knew that we were the ones who were damaged, we had to be the ones who couldn't hear the words of God. We tested elixirs, oils, crystals, meditation, readings, regressions to past lives and any other tools of the new era that were available. Even so, we could not hear the word of the Lord. We spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours trying every trick there was, trying to fix what we thought was damaged.

We saw others, green with envy, since they seemed deep and seemed to know everything. We take this herb and this vitamin, we use this color on this day and still we could not reach maximum performance. Then one day we just stopped. We stopped praying because nobody seemed to respond. We stopped meditating because the visions had not come in months. We stop trying to manipulate our lives. We stopped trying to manifest the desires of our heart, because our heart was very sad. When we stopped trying so hard, our lives began to change, little by little, day by day.

We begin to feel more comfortable in our own skin. We begin to like ourselves again. God didn't seem so far away. Life was not so difficult. What had changed? We had finally closed the circle and we accepted ourselves, the good, the bad, and what could not be seen. We had finally accepted the past, the present and what may come. We had finally learned to love internally and completely, just as we were at that minute. But we still felt that something had changed.

A veil had been lifted; we had been released, but from what? What had made us stumble all the time were our expectations of what it was supposed to be. We saw the full picture. Ask to be shown a Greater Vision.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are of ancient galactic birth. We are of Sirian origin. We are beyond its measure of time and space. We are beyond your understanding of what is genetic. We are what the light longs to become in consciousness. We are genetically encoded within the body of the entire Earth. We live deep in the ancient flesh of human beings. We come here at this moment while the alignment of the heavens and stars accompanies them towards a Transportal of being. A solar dimensional instability comes. The entire holographic nature of the Earth fluctuates and fades in and out of perception and sight.

The Earth is in a sacred mirror portal. The key that opens the portal is its own faithful reflection. The master key that opens the portal is the reflection of Love in all its many splendid flavors: love for oneself, love for the earth, love of the heart. In the eye of your mind, see this mirror portal. When you look intensely at your own reflection, what do you see, what do you feel? Is it your beauty that is in front of you? Is it your joy? Is that your dislike? Is it your love?

Between today and August 8, do all you can to put on love for yourself, because that is the canoe that will take you to the island where you are so much looking for refuge. It is a solitary rowing that they undertake when going towards a foggy horizon, in a land where their perceptions are distorted. As in Alice through the Mirror, they fall through the rabbit hole of this portal. They look behind the mirror that contains their reflection. Who do they see? Is it the me you once were? Or is it the self that you long to become?

The next place of impulse takes the form of a maze, a point to go round and round in a Fibonacci spiral to find the nautilus of its being. At that point of inner centering they will fall and rise simultaneously, creating a dimensional flow, a curve in their future, a curve on their planet and a curve in the light. At that turning point, they will then be offered an opportunity that only comes when they have started the love codes for themselves. Then and only then will they be allowed to enter the center of their universe.

Within you there is a timed trigger that is waiting for numerical conjunctions to activate and awaken latent truths. The portal is you. The moment has always been now. The entry code is the energy plant of your love for yourself. It is not the imprint of the palm of your hand. It is not an eye scan. What allows them to enter is the imprint of the heart.

Your planet is known as the search engine. Because they barely incarnate, they start looking; they look for themselves, they look for their hearts, they look for their mission, they look for their partner in life and love. And when they are satisfied and have achieved all that, then they continue searching, because nothing on Earth can fill them, nor did it ever. So you are always seekers, never resting enough to savor the nectar of what you have manifested, of what you have created, or of what has come to you; Its species and its light is always advancing. Because the light will never be full until it drinks from itself. All external portals and the dimensions they seek outside of themselves through crystals, through books, etc., only give them a taste of a spoonful of the thing itself that truly they need

The Hall of Records that is hidden in the belly of the Sphinx, in the belly of the Inverted Pyramid, is also hidden in its own belly. It lies hidden from the (solar plexus) belly button down. For all of you have cleaned the debris from your heart, from your speech, from your third eye, from your crown, but you don't touch the spotted place, the dirty place from the solar plexus down - the basement of emotional debris, sexual debris, anger and fear. It is within that underground chamber that you will decide how much love you can exhume and resurrect: the parts of you that don't want to be seen, that don't want to be loved, that don't want to be known, that don't want to be touched. That is the part of you where you will enter with compassion, as if you were visiting a nursing home or a nursing home for the mentally ill.

Notice each part of you that is stained and tattered and shattered and torn and angry and dirty. Love her as you would love the people of the street who just need an opportunity to be beautiful again, who need an opportunity to be healthy again and who need an opportunity to be balanced again. Because everything above the waist is snow white, isn't it? They have forgotten to clean the lower chakras for eons. They slid it to the back of your plate and now it is cold and stale and moldy, and you are about to ingest it to be able to enter the Heart of Light.

Then, when you are in that mirror reflection, you will know who you are and will be activated with codes that open the portal to the next level of your light, a place where the light curves only for you. A place where the light crosses only for you. The Mirror is presented as a memory point.

(This July 25 is “The Day Out of Time, ” this is the 365th non-day of the year. It is a day for a sacred pause and celebration before the beginning of the Mayan New Year on July 26. The Day Out of This year's weather is extremely powerful, and coded with White Rhythmic Mirror, the second clear sign on the cover of Pacal Votan's grave.White Mirror represents the Hall of Mirrors, where you can face your own reflection and see the truth about themselves. Being a mirror, White Mirror only reflects what it is, in the Hall of Mirrors there is nothing good or bad, right or wrong, just reflection. For the Maya, White Mirror is the knife that releases them from what tie them in. The greatest gift of the sword is the power of forgiveness. A deep freedom emerges from forgiveness. The White Mirror sword symbolizes truth, light and positive use of power.)

The portals separate those who do and those who do not. They separate those who choose to move forward and those who choose to remain in comfort. This choice is not something decreed by the finger of God that points to each individual. It is something decreed by each person. Stop waiting in your lives. They are here. Is now. We are the Syrian Council of Light and Sirian of Origin. Our blood, our fiber, our genetic coding runs inside each and every one of you. The Syrian Star will transmit a genetic remembrance, creating the activation of a Syrian template. A remembrance, like a motherboard that speaks from the heart. We leave



This configuration gives them the portal of infinity, taking them beyond all their previous limitations. It is a number to go beyond what they know as their normal limits. He asks them to fly to the moon and stop at the Milky Way on the way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a source of pure power. It is success, prosperity and big business with the added flavor of spiritual blessings. It is finally remembering his divine heritage, promised by his Holy Creator. It is to disregard earthly limitation and go forward and upward to a place of opulence and abundance.

August 8, 2012 consists of the marriage of matter and antimatter. It was a place where polarities met and heaven and earth drank from each other's cup. It was a celebration beyond time that accompanied them home through the Lion Gate of the Sphinx to the Stars. This was an unprecedented event that took place last year. The very endings of our DNA opened while their telomeres developed to expose a new possibility. What comes to be has not been fully developed in time. As of August 8 (8: 8) it has always been experienced as the portal of the Lion Gate, opening a time portal to ancient Egyptian codifications that are in precarious balance between the sphinx and the great pyramid of Giza. This central decision point demands all the attention and energy.

On August 8 we are given the opportunity to walk through an Accelerated Awakening Portal. That acceleration will occur within the cellular records of our innate trinity (Body, Mind, Spirit). These timed records are contained within a tetrahedron-shaped crystalline code (three-sided pyramid) that exists within the codex and codon of each strand of DNA, within each cell of the body, as well as each cell in the Universe.

In ancient times, "Registers of Remembrance" were physically hidden deep within the Earth, within sacred sites. The Mother Matrix of these encodings resides within the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Sphinx. When the ancient heavens were aligned in a specific star configuration that opened a portal, the sacred sites with these encodings were then used to download to Earth and humans, new levels of truth and wisdom. In this day and time, not everyone can go and cross the ocean without warning to align with the incoming energies, nor do we need to. We all carry within us every apex of every universal sacred site ever emitted into existence. It's just a matter of tuning into these real cell records to receive these energies.

The only way the Earth can move forward is through the heart (heart, anagram of earth, Earth). Each toy, tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one comes into direct contact with the heart. Since the Universe knows that we are stubborn hardheads, it has lined up some stars to shoot that Cosmic Cupid's arrow in our direction. Not of the kind of love of Valentine, but a portal of love so immense that one is automatically included in it without even knowing it. Set your intention while setting your clock on August 8. Let the flood of the ancient Nile fertilize your soul with the nutrients that are necessary for its growth. Look behind the curtains at your new self that exists beyond all space and time and body.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The sacred that they yearn to be, comes in the Solar Winds by inhaling the possibilities of their evolution. In the winds of change comes an emission, a declaration of knowledge that has been hidden and is now released to be seen in the light of a new day. It is exposed by transposing the limits of non-disclosure, entering into you through the air you breathe and the sky under which you live.

Each of you contains and houses records of what has been, records of what will be and records that exist akáshicamente and interdimensionally. They contain in their interior ancient truths that emerge to the surface of their humanity confusing the five senses. Use these escaped truths as a platform, a base, and a Voice. Decree precisely the thoughts of your heart, what you seek, avoiding the chaos of manifestation.

All thoughts in their hearts and everything everyday, are asking for solutions. You house and host the truths, wisdoms and solutions to all problems within your sphere of existence. Everything that is issued to you in thought, in action or in decree can be resolved by you in thought, in action, in decree! When they meditate on injustices, they awaken a cellular vibration and the knowledge of each experience through the time in which that particular injustice existed. At that point of awakening, you can strengthen or dilute the injustices with each thought. Their afflictions, their lacks and their lack of solutions can lead the elements towards disaster or peace.

You inherently contain all the questions and all the answers simultaneously. When they have a complete thought that involves the decisions of someone, a place, or illness, or injustice, their essence of light is asking them to add their thoughts of completion to be able to take it forward to a place of positive results. Do not hold on to negativity / injustice or ask why the problem / situation was created.

Every time your thoughts go to a place of "why something is or isn't", then they start playing with the problem team, not the solution team. Your destiny is to be part of the liquid solution. When the energy comes to you, he is asking for your help. You have the decisive energy vote. They have the decisive quantum particle that will transform the situation from problem to solution. See how much power is involved in this knowledge?

With every thought they have during the day they are influencing the result of humanity, of the Earth, of this solar system in which they exist and this universe in which they play. They think they make no difference, but they do. Every thought they have is a decisive vote. Every desire to do the right thing, to do good, is a decisive vote in favor of enlightenment, ascension and peace. Vote with your heart. Influence the result from the heart. Decree with your heart. Hold the focus on what you want to see. You are the decisive heavenly vow of all that you ask.


Yes, I do, I do, I do,

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

When you don't see a solution to what happens to your heart, let the Universe intervene. Do what you can and trust in God, and the Universe will do what you cannot do. They are asked to remain at peace in the middle of the battle, to consolidate themselves with the divine certainty that they will come out unscathed.

It is time to put on the ruby ​​slippers of faith, to hit your heels over time and allow them to lead them to portals of beliefs that are much greater than those they have considered in the past. They cannot worry and have faith at the same time, they cannot occupy the same space, the same time, the same frequency. The energy of flying through the air more easily represents what we are asked to do. We are asked to LET GO to what we have been clinging to with such firmness and allow ourselves a free fall from one light bar to another. The faith factor has to be 100%. Nothing less is accepted.

Believing so deeply and firmly is not for the weak of heart, the weak of light or the weak of purpose. Stand firm in what resides in your heart. In the midst of all hell unleashed, become a living blessing. Use your light and your heart to bless the other. Bless everything that crosses your path, become healing and holy, in your life, in your appearance and in your intention.

Look for ways to be a blessing. You can never give more than God, but try anyway! Whatever they give, in blessing, in faith, in peace for others, they will be rewarded in denominations of accumulated blessings that exceed any expectation. Let your heart's desire lead you to a place that will help you avoid everything that comes to avoid and circumcise your soul.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee


Translation: Margarita López

Edition: Susana Peralta

Official website of The Quantum Awakening in Spanish:

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