Love is the love of Archangel Gabriel

  • 2012

Messages from GABRIEL, LOVE IS LOVE Channeling of Archangel Gabriel by Luis Carlos Perez

Channeling of the Archangel Gabriel

July 4, 2012. By LCPC

Love, my beloved, is love. And although they can't see it, even if they don't want to believe it and even if they can't accept it, love is the only tool capable of sustaining them and keeping them in balance during this momentous quantum leap that Humanity has had to live.

Love, a word that you use very easily and that somehow devalue because you don't give it importance, because you don't give it relevance, because you can't understand the power of your energy. Love is everything, my beloved, love is salvation

So it is that I, the Alexander Gabriel, at this moment invite you to connect with your hearts and ask you to love yourself, to learn to sow seeds of love in yourself. Only by learning to love each other, only by learning to respect each other will they be able to learn to love and respect others. Only by sowing these seeds of love in your hearts, taking care of them and protecting them so that they bloom strongly, will they be able to count on enough and necessary energy to carry out this quantum leap. with absolute fluidity

So it is still time, my beloved ones, that they make love blossom in their hearts and that they really learn to love each other, to respect themselves, to take care of themselves, to value their bodies, to feed their souls, to understand that the most important thing is each one of you. If you can see that you must love yourself, if you can understand that by loving yourself you are loving God who lives in each one of you, at that time you will have developed levels of tolerance, of understanding. n, of humility and wisdom so great, that they will be able to allow that new energy, the energy of change, the energy of the so-called New Age; can manifest itself in harmony, inside and outside

So I, the Arc Gabriel Angel, at this moment I invite you to love you, I invite you to love yourself as you have never loved anyone, I invite you to see within you and discover the miracle of life in yourselves I invite you to value yourself, to respect yourself, to honor yourself; because only by sowing seeds of love in yourselves, will you be able to make love flourish in others, only by loving you will you really be able to love; Because love is everything. Love is the perfect tool, love is the instrument that will take you to that new era of which you speak so much, in the best possible conditions

Learn to remain silent, learn to respect each other, learn not to judge, not to think, not to criticize, not to get into the processes of others, not to attack, not to engage in anger, to not allow Your fears get stronger. Learn to let go, learn to live in perfect harmony with yourself, learn to discover the great virtues that each of you have; and above all things, make that love flourish, make love invade each and every one of their bodies, so that it is that vibration, that energy that connects them, that couples them, that makes them fit with the new reality, with the New Age. Only love, my beloved ones, will do the miracle. Only love will allow change. Only love will protect them in the process. Only love will make you shine with your own Light, because the love of God dwells in the heart of each one of you

I, Archangel Gabriel, invite you to love each other, so that you can then love. I invite you to love yourself, to love yourself, to love yourself as you have never experienced before. Look for that love, take those seeds to the bottom of your hearts and make them bloom. Little by little you will see how the miracle of the New Age springs from within each one of you, because only love will carry out this wonderful transition

I, Archangel Gabriel, have loved you, love you and will love you infinitely.

I, Archangel Gabriel, have loved you, love you and will love you infinitely

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