Embodying Your Essential Relationship with the Creator, María Magdalena channeled by Natalie Glasson

  • 2017
Table of Contents hide 1 Understand Your Relationship with the Creator Through Mary Magdalene 2 Identify and Explore Your Relationship with the Creator 3 Contemplate Your Relationship with the Creator 4 Meditation to Improve Your Awareness of Your Relationship with the Creator

January 27, 2017

I, Mary Magdalene, present myself with immense love for you and for all Humanity. Love is my role, my purpose; and the gift I want to give to Humanity, inspired by my connection and my Divine relationship with the Creator. As Ascended Masters of the Inner Planes, our service to Humanity and the Earth is inspired by our personal connection with the Creator and our experience of the Creator; Everything we are and do is inspired by our memory of the integration of our Soul with the Creator. While I manifest my Love to you, I put at your feet aromas of the most beautiful and serene flowers that flash and shine with Light. While this is a symbol of Love that I share with you, it is also a Portal of Light that encourages you to explore my synthesis with the Creator, as well as yours.

You have spent many lives on Earth on the journey to remember your true eternal embrace with the Creator; This trip has produced numerous insights into the limitations of Humanity as well as the abundance of the truth of the Creator. Whether you realize it or not, you are already seeing through the illusions of the Earth; spiritually, you already know everything you should be and you are already everything you want to be. Now is the time to realize that your journey continues; however, it is waking up to a new stage of consciousness in which you no longer seek, you no longer try to achieve or surrender your power; you are in a period of your Ascension that has been long awaited, a time in which all that is needed is that you fully recognize yourself in your beauty and in the blissful nature that is your truth, your power and your natural existence. This is a time when you become everything you know you are. I, Mary Magdalene, can inform you that you are a Being without limitations, a heart that has the capacity to love fully and eternally, you are a Soul that has full understanding of all that is the Creator; and you can also recognize that you exist without being an entity, a person, or even a form. You are Light, Love and Peace, but even these are names and forms that distract you from your truth. While I share everything you are with you, only you can have true access to your truth and understand it. You can access the discovery of who you are on an unlimited scale; and experience it when you explore, recognize and consciously incorporate your relationship with the Creator, your true and essential relationship with the Creator.

Now all parts of your Ascension lead you to remember your essential relationship with the Creator; you are seeing, feeling and recognizing your truth that is the synthesis with the Creator, because you have fully explored and understood everything that is the Earth, especially the habits of Humanity. Many observe the habits of those around you and yours, with a feeling of familiarity; you may even feel that you can predict what will happen in a person's life from the small actions or habits he continues to exercise. You have studied many Human Beings, you have obtained an expansive and compassionate understanding of the limitations, lack and suffering in which Humanity falls; and most importantly, you have studied and observed yourself. You know what you need to let go and what you need to welcome, whether your spiritual awakening feels new in this life or not. In truth, whether you are aware of it or not, you feel familiar with everything that concerns the Earth. You understand that everything that encourages you to experience limitations, lack and suffering is a pattern, a distraction and a family experience that makes it difficult for you to recognize your truth; These experiences prevent you from remembering everything you are, your Sacred and Essential Relationship with the Creator, while you are being promoted and offered tools to have access to a deep knowledge that allows you to fully understand Humanity. Now your Ascension tells you to recognize that you already understand the nature of Humanity, that you already experience a Divine relationship with the Creator, that it is simply necessary for them to become a conscious and continuous presence in your real reality. Earth music.

Understand your relationship with the Creator through Mary Magdalene

Receiving my energy will help you remember your Sacred Relationship, your union and your synthesis with the Creator.

Maria Magdalena: Please introduce yourself and surround me with your truthful and loving energy. As I inhale and accept your Presence together with me, I know that I am prepared and willing, that I can connect with my True Self, remember my truth and be fully aware of my synthesis, merging and integrating n with the Creator. I allow myself to have access to my truth now. Doing so helps me to have access to the vast knowledge gained by observing and observing Humanity for many lives. My Heart Chakra and my Upper Heart Chakra are open channels that introduce all the understanding and incorporation that I need at this time to help my Ascension and my self-realization . Mary Magdalene, I know that while I am in communion with your energy I also connect with my own truth and understand it with greater depth, knowledge and faith. Thank you.

Identify and Explore Your Relationship with the Creator

Recognizing and experiencing the loving and eternally compassionate nature of your Soul, present in your Heart Chakra, throughout your Being and even those around you, encourages you to identify and explore your relationship with the Creator. At this time your Heart Chakra wants to expand more than you might imagine, while memories of limitations, deficiencies and sufferings that are in your heart want to surface your Heart Chakra to that you can fully accept the truth they contain. You often consider that memories of limitations, deficiencies, suffering and fear are painful, create pain, anguish and affliction; This may have been the case at a certain stage, however you have retained these memories in your Heart Chakra for a very specific reason. Each of the memories is a key that allows you to release and remember your compassionate observation and study of yourself and others; Each of the memories offers vital information to fully understand the habits of the Earth and its Humanity, to see through illusions and realize the patterns that are present. Although the patterns seem to be negative experiences or situations, they have a wisdom that allows you to accept your power and remember your eternal union with the Creator. Currently it seems as if you have accepted a perspective that leads you to recognize the illusion instead of the truth. When you allow yourself to see beyond the patterns of limitation, lack and suffering that are repeated in your life and those of others, you get a new perspective; We could say that this is the definitive perspective. Throughout many lives you have been waiting to reunite with this perspective that consists in your perception of yourself as your expansive form in complete union with the Creator.

Let your heart be as loving as you want, let the memories of pain, suffering, fear and limitation come out, to recognize the Divine Truth and Wisdom that remind you. The synthesis of these 2 experiences will prepare you to explore and remember your Divine relationship with the Creator.

Contemplate Your Relationship with the Creator

Spend time exploring and contemplating your relationship with the Creator. I share with you some questions that you can use as points of exploration and self-observation during meditation.

What is the Creator?

What do I think or feel of my connection with the Creator?

How do I feel, think or perceive that it is the relationship of the Creator with me?

Do I really deserve to have a relationship with the Creator?

What experiment, do I perceive or recognize when I focus on my synthesis / fusion with the Creator? Or what experiment, do I perceive or recognize when I repeat the statement: "I am synthesized with the Creator"?

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions; they are simply exploration portals to encourage you to reach what limits you; and even the expansive truth of yourself as the Creator.

Meditation to Improve Your Awareness of Your Relationship with the Creator

During meditation, invite the Creator to completely surround you with the purest Light frequency that is accessible to you now.

While you feel the embrace of the Creator, recognize that within you there is a Lighthouse of Light so enormously beautiful, that it is also the Creator.

Let your inner Light Lighthouse merge with the Creator's Light embrace around you. Observe the energy, Light, wisdom or knowledge that are formed from this simple synthesis.

Imagine, feel or recognize that the Lighthouse of Light within your Being is a presence of the highest and purest Creator. Merge your energies and your Light with this aspect of the Creator. Observe what happens, as this will allow you to recognize the qualities, feelings, sensations and even words or wisdom that express and explain your relationship with the Creator.

I, Mary Magdalene, am present to serve you to realize your relationship with the Creator. Now, this is an essential aspect of Ascension.

We are One Eternally.

Maria Magdalena.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting


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