Due to the immense influx of Love that surrounds the planet, denial is being eliminated by the Master Jesus

  • 2013

October 1, 2013

The fact that we are all one is increasingly evident to humanity. This is partly due to the positive statements of its main scientists, especially physicists, who can no longer refute the evidence of this, but mainly due to the spiritual evolution of humanity, which is providing the intuitive knowledge that this It’s like that. This is an incredible advance in a very short period and the Road Guides and the Light Bearers have greatly helped in this by sustaining and strengthening their intentions for the awakening of humanity. Their intentions are much more effective than you can imagine, and due to the limitations of consciousness when incarnated as human beings, they have very little sense of this, very little information, although the results are already being seen all over the world.

Congratulations are in order for your valuable continuous efforts to awaken humanity. These have not been in vain, although most of the international news is bleak about the conflict and corruption. On the contrary, the awakening of humanity is a fact. It is inevitable since Love extends its field, sweeping fear and confusion and fostering cooperation, which is carrying out a world in which enlightened thinking, followed by wise and loving action, creates an atmosphere of harmony in which all your physical needs are met abundantly.

Many of you have been waiting and praying for this New Era for most of your lives, in which all mankind without exception lives in the abundance of peace and Love, and this hope and prayers have clearly defined your intention - and it is the reason and how they have come to fruition. You are beings of Love who had lost their way in the dark, the confusion of illusion, and that dark confusion is being dissolved by your loving intentions - in other words: "Everything that goes away comes back. “You are changing very effectively yourself and the world, so do not believe in the scenario of pessimism and fatality presented by the media about terrorist activities making the world more insecure.

The very unpleasant events have been happening in the last ten years or so, with an apparently exponential increase in the last twelve months, but this is mainly due to those who maintain control of their world acting intensely in panic in an attempt to persuade them that they have to rely on them to protect themselves from the alarming horrors they are directing. In fact, it is a last resort - put on your part - that is failing. They still have some collective tricks up their sleeves, but for the most part, their ability to cause chaos has been reduced, and the peak of their activities that caused chaos has passed.

Keep doing what you do so well: keep the constant intention that Love will penetrate everyone's hearts on Earth. That is the task for which you incarnated. He knows that he is succeeding, and do not let the various deviations of violent hateful events distract you from universal Love and send it to all who are trapped in these situations - to the victims and the perpetrators, as well as to the collective that is the humanity. Love, as you well know, is the only solution, no matter how serious and irreconcilable the differences that separate dissidents are. For millions of years, they tried to solve problems and differences through force, violence, betrayal and deception, and they know from bitter experience that it doesn't work. When the wrong methods have proven time and again that they don't work, isn't it really crazy to turn to them?

Your task, your only task is to spread Love. That message has been constantly offered to you throughout the eons of long history, and they have finally understood this and are making it happen. It is the glorious path to awakening, and that path expands and extends like a huge flood, submerging everything in its path, because each person who chooses to accept his embrace cannot avoid sharing it with all those with whom he interacts. Love is slightly contagious, overwhelmingly invasive, there is no antidote, and that fact alone is cause for great celebration.

In case of any doubt, I emphatically assure you that Love - the divine energy of creation, which flows constantly outward from the Source in infinite profusion to all who open to receive it - constantly embraces all, each child of God. There is no place in the infinite immensity of the Presence of God that does not hold in his loving embrace. Consciousness in all its forms - person, family, group, collective, planetary, galactic, multiverse - it only has two options: either turn towards it, accept that loving embrace of charm, warmth, acceptance, with all that that entails: or move away in the denial of reality and pretend that it does not exist. For millions of years, many on Earth have been doing the latter, but denying something does not and cannot stop it from existing.

Due to the immense influx of Love that surrounds the planet, that denial is being swept away by everything that remains, everything that has always been, everything that exists - LOVE! Your illusion and all the unreality with which you have surrounded yourself is disintegrating. This can be seen very clearly in the continuous discovery of the massive corruption and deception scandals in which those who have reserved for themselves the power and authority to govern the world have been involved. His time is over because illusions have no place in the presence of God, the eternal abode of all beings with conscience - the state in which humanity will soon awaken.

Your brother who loves you, Jesus.

Due to the immense influx of Love that surrounds the planet, denial is being eliminated by Master Jesus through John Smallman

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