Conscious co-creation as a way of life (part 3)

  • 2016
The Universe Responds, Always Responds

In the first and second part we could see that asking is placed in the vibrational frequency of what you want and that through this vibration you are sending the signals to the universe to find out What experiences do you want to live?

We also saw that this is often complex, especially because the family and the environment in which we live shows us many shortcomings which we by loyalty accept and perpetuate.
Consciously co-creating consists in consciously deciding what I want to live, instead of creating by default.

The second step of conscious co-creation: THE UNIVERSE RESPONDS, ALWAYS RESPONSES.

Ancient religions and philosophies always repeat that all prayers are heard, that God answers even before you ask. But honestly it is hard to believe this especially when we have asked for abundance in our lives and what we live in every day is more and more lacks.

However, it is true, the Universe responds to everything or what you ask for…. Not only what you want manifested, but also what you don't want manifested . How? Respond to everything you've paid attention to, everything that you vibrationally focused on and therefore asked for.

The universe does not make judgments . He doesn't tell you - look, you have been behaving well, therefore I am considering giving you that new job that you have asked me so much.- Or worse still - no matter what you do good, last week you lied to that friend, so no You deserve abundance.

This is the explanation of why sometimes even "bad people" happen to good things and "very good people" bad things happen to them .

This is a very difficult conditioning for us because we come from a belief system based on judgment, reward and punishment. The lack of merit is one of the greatest difficulties when consciously co-creating. We have grown up believing that for good things to happen to us, we must deserve it, and that merit is achieved exclusively with work and sacrifice.

We believe that if we sacrifice ourselves, if we strive sooner or later our prize will come . Otherwise we will live a life of mediocrity. If you analyze this conditioning, you will realize that it is related to your whole life, in all areas.

At work, if you want a promotion immediately you think you have to earn it. For that you can consider taking a specialization course, or study English or arrive earlier, perform better, achieve goals, etc. Can you think that you want a promotion just because you feel like trying to live the experiences of being boss this time or just because you want to do it?

In the couple, it is much more intense, since we believe that there are a number of attributes that we must meet to be loved. And this often has to do with how I look, if I look young, athletic, well dressed. Beauty standards have made us go behind an almost unattainable image, but we believe that if we do not reach it, we will never have a boyfriend or girlfriend who loves us, because we are not enough mind… ..

The lack of merit, one of our worst conditions

To understand that the universe responds, and that it always responds, is also to understand that in the universe all potentialities exist at the same time. That there are different probable timelines, and that it is our conditioning that allows us to live the experience of one of these timelines.

In simple: if you believe that something is going to cost you, there is that possibility and it is exactly what will happen. If you think something is easy, then what is manifested is easy. In the end you decide how you want to live an experience.

AUTHOR: Beatriz Cueto, editor of the great family of
You can find out more about Beatriz on her website

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