ARTURIANOS - The Divinity of Your Parents

  • 2013

Beloved, we are the Arthurians!

In your World you experienced a special complication that is unknown in our society.

When you are born in a family, you not only bring your own karmas, but you also associate and naturally assume your parents' karmas. Frequently you tend to forget this.

These karmas are deeply embedded in your DNA and in your genetic code, not because you necessarily share the immutable fate of your destiny, but because you, unconsciously as a child, adopted your system of beliefs, their perception of the World and other limiting conditions; and that is why you involuntarily adopted its energy field and vibration, which is created by these belief systems and perceptions.

However, your scientists have proven that the information in your DNA and your genes is not a fixed inevitability, but is a matter of frequency that can be changed when you change your field of thought.

So, in order to raise your Light Quotient in the Ascension process it is required that you become aware and clearly identify which frequencies of your two parents have become part of your own energy field; which you tend to live unconsciously.

In our enlightened and advanced society this problem does not exist, because children are created, born and raised in an environment of pure spirit. Consequently we are always directly connected with the Source and we do not have the “ego” that you have, which usually interferes with your Original Divine Nature.

On your Earth, however, even the best and most loving parents carry significant vibratory limitations because of their imperfect point of view and their ties to a enslaved society, where even under the most fortunate circumstances, Free Will can be lived only to a certain degree., Love and happiness.

Only in the proper course of spiritual awakening, in the past has it been possible for a Human Being to emerge from the ancestral slavery of involuntary programming. Usually this required a long and difficult spiritual practice, sometimes for many lives.

Now, by Divine Grace, Ascension or spiritual liberation and enlightenment, is being offered to all Humanity, so that ancestral karmas can now be healed in relatively short time, consciously freeing them.

This means that now Humanity is being given the opportunity to free itself from the foundations and the dark past of its ancestral history.

This happens through those who have committed to participate in the liberation of Humanity towards the freedom of Light-Love and Radiance, which are your true Divine Being and Inheritance.

But to free yourself from the vibrational slavery of your parents (and subsequently your ancestors), you must first identify every detail of your own ties to those details, for any bond has a denser vibration; and it is not an expression of your Free Divinity.

To discover these details, it is useful to initiate a permanent internal dialogue with your parents. Be very attentive when you do this; The best thing to do is to write. This will give you clues about your unconscious interactions with them, which is a mainly automatic process, which you are not normally aware of and that belongs to your unconscious personal identity.

Look for feelings of tension and those that you would rather avoid. They show you where you should do the work. If you observe this process in time, you will discover your mutual dependence represented in certain rules and patterns, which need to be recognized for what they are and be delivered to Pure Radiance, accepting them and releasing them towards the frequency of Love.

This is not so much a mental process, but it happens on the energy level, if it is real in your case, while you let go and forgive yourself; And they too. This raises your frequency.

In the same way as you are in reality a Free Divine Being, your parents are too. And when you can fully recognize them as such, only since then will you truly love them, for once again they will have become the God and Goddess they have always been in Truth.

This frees your DNA, your genes and the cells of your body, from all the limited and dense information; and allow Divine Love-Light to enter your body completely: Your Mother becomes Pure Radiance; and your Father in Pure Consciousness. This alchemical process is the true gift of a Human birth and the true gift of parents to their children and vice versa.

What for millennia has been very difficult in your World, is now very supported by the currents of Light that are sweeping your Planet. Anything you release in a truly conscious way is released by these forces.

As you can see, without this liberation from your ancestral heritage, true Ascension is not possible. But all of you who serve the Light are here to free yourself not only from your own karmic bonds and those of your family, but also to help the karmas of your ancestors also be dissolved.

While you recognize the Divinity of your parents as Current and Radiance of Light and Consciousness in your own body, your own Divinity emerges fully. This is because you have freed from your own body-mind all ancestral density and your ties to it.

Thus you have transcended and released all the karmas that you and your parents sustained in the world of limitation and suffering.

Since this process does not end with your parents, as we indicated, it must also be lovingly applied to the parents of your parents; and so on. There is a lot of work to do, but you will discover that the process becomes easier and faster, once you have released yourself and your parents too.

Please understand that ultimately this process has to do with understanding and letting go of all your limiting patterns of beliefs and emotions that you exhibit. Observe them all, to a large extent they are the patterns of your ancestors, for whose liberation you have incarnated here. None of them is truly "yours, " they never have been. It's just that at some point you decided to assume them and identify with them, while you thought they were "you."

Then it's about taking off everything that isn't you. This serves your own process and the release of your ancestors, who have been frozen for millennia in the pattern of Forgetfulness of Self.

Understand what is in you as your inheritance of a Collective Consciousness that you share with others as a member of your blood family, of your tribe, of your social environment, of your nation and of all Humanity.

Be aware that you are not None of them, but that your true nature is Radiance-Love-Bliss-Consciousness.

Beloved Humanity, transcend all that is less than It; and recognize yourself as the Divinity that you are!

We are the Arthurians!

The Arturians channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel The Divinity of Your Parents March 14, 2013

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

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