Aligning with the Sacred Cosmic Heart - The Energies of March 2009

With the awakening of the new Light Codes that were activated in the geometric grilles of the Sacred Heart in January and February during the lunar and solar eclipses, they are feeling new changes and turns in their lives. Your Higher Self is aligning you gently with the New Light, leading you to align yourself with the Great Heart of Everything, that Pulse of Love, the Heartbeat One, which lies in the Center of the Cosmos.

Dear ones, now, with the process of this recent alignment, you are moving towards your inner harmony with the Diamond Light Grid of the Cosmic Unit, which is the energy of the Sacred Heart. By feeling this inner alignment, you are experiencing the need to release everything that is not in complete harmony with your Divine Essence, with your Deity. This, for many of you, can represent a time of difficulties, since you are experiencing a "cleansing" and a "recalibration" of the frequencies of your closest personal relationships, in order to allow your alignment with the deepest essence of the soul from each person.

This inner alignment, dear ones, is especially affecting those who are working with that aspect of the Sacred Heart that is the Twin Flame Grid. Many of these relationships are going through a trial and transmutation period to ensure that they are in absolute integrity with the energy of the Twin Flame template. Some of these associations will dissolve, according to the highest good of each soul, and some will be reconstituted in a higher level of Light. Dear ones, if your relationship is undergoing one of those painful “reformulations, ” let the process flow under the direction of your Higher Aspect, trusting that everything happens for the Highest Good.

This is a powerful time for this process of alignment with the inner Twin Flame within the Sacred Heart of God. This energy of alignment and power will reach its climax during the March 20 Equinox. Regardless of where they are, that moment will be an optimal opportunity for them to align their inner masculine and feminine energies with the Flow of the Spirit that brings Heaven to Earth within their own center of the Sacred Heart.

Dear ones, know that the primary energy of the Twin Flame of the Sacred Heart is within. Your own Heart, so beautiful, is the mirror of the Great Cosmic Heart of All That Is. Your Heart yearns to beat in complete harmony with that Great Cosmic Heart of One. That is why you are now realigning your Inner Light. In this way, you are releasing everything that does not reflect on your Earth your inner Divine Light.

Beloved Masters of Light, you know that you chose to be on this Earth to be the material manifestation of the Divine Light. They chose to inhabit a material body that would allow them to shine their Light as part of the Symphony of Light that constitutes All Living Beings on Earth. That is why it is so important that you bring the light of Heaven to the material form and that you radiate that light from that material form that you have. Because in reality, dear ones, that is the meaning of your "enlightenment", that you bring the Light of your Inner Divine Being to manifestation through physical form, and that you do it in a concentrated and conscious way. In this "enlightened" state, every choice and every decision you make will be enlightened by the Love of the Source and will be a demonstration in your lives of Divine Unconditional Love in action. This is the true meaning of "rooting" the Divine Light into their lives through intention and conscious choice.

In this way, dear ones, by creating this continuum of Light between Heaven and Earth, you can balance your masculine and feminine complementarities of the Divine Light in your acts of co-creation with the Spirit. This perfect inner union will allow them to create and manifest with ease and fluidity in their New Earth. That is why we can tell you that the Star and Cosmic Light Codes that have recently entered the grid field of your planet have been designed to awaken your Sacred Heart to the Light of Divine Love that is in you. Once that channel is fully open, it will be possible for them to manifest an external reflection of this internal harmony within a loving relationship with a Twin Flame partner.

Dear ones, accept with grace this time of alignment and cleansing, because this will soon lead to your lives great manifestations and blessings.

The March 20 Equinox and the New Grids of Paradise Earth

Dear Lightworkers, when you feel this inner alignment towards Harmony with the energy of the "One" that is in your own heart and in your relationships, you will also feel it in your relationship with the elemental kingdoms and with the mineral, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. animal and its Sacred Guardians of the Grid.

In this celebration of the March 20 Equinox, the Sacred Guardians of the New Earth grilles, the Paradise grids, will work closely with you to generate this new alignment of Oneness and Harmony in the grids of the New Earth. Those of you who participate in the ceremonies of the March 20 Equinox will work with your sacred elemental and animal interior energies, in union with the Guardians of the Holy Land.

Dear ones, it will be a Joyful Celebration of the Harmony of the "One." Allow the nascent consciousness of "One" to enter your Mind and Heart and begin to prepare for the first planetary experience of a New Earth of Alignment and Harmony, as well as among the Lightworkers "Guardians of the Earth" and the Sacred Guardians belonging to the remaining Sacred Kingdoms.

Because, by Sacred Edict emanating from the highest levels of the Spirit and the Heart of the Source for this time, it is arranged that this be the right moment for this Sacred manifestation and reunification of the Planetary Heart on Earth. The Sacred Guardians of the grids of the Earth have agreed to a harmonization and unification of the different levels of Sacred Life on Earth to bring together, at this time, the entire "family" of the Planet.

Now, we know that many of you, the Lightworkers, have maintained their Sacred Connection for many lives, during which they worked in Sacred Association with the Guardians. But now that the Earth begins its realignment with Harmony and Sacred Relationship with All Realms, it is a special moment of Joy and Celebration. The energy of Love and Light that held a few dedicated souls for so long now becomes available to the entire planet. As of March 20, the Harmonic Love of all the Guardians of all the Realms will flow through the Grids of Paradise to recreate Heaven on Earth in an association of Sacred and great Love among all the inhabitants of this Earth.

It truly is a time for Gratitude and Celebration.

The Guardians of the Sacred Gratings, image courtesy of David Lawrey, from the United Kingdom

The Energies of March 2009

The full moon of March 11 will fall into the sixth house of Virgo, associated with the energy of the Earth. As Saturn is also in Virgo, a powerful energy of transformation and restructuring of the Earth will be created. The new Codes of Light are allowing a new structure of reality to emerge on Earth. The New Earth Grids are filling with Divine Light to allow the appearance of a New Society on the planet.

The Equinox will take place on March 20 and, on this occasion, you are going to celebrate the creation of the Harmony of the One on the Planet, within this energy of Global Balance presented at the time of the Equinox.

The New Moon will be on March 26 and will fall on Aries, the first sign of the zodiac New Year. Spring will be coming in the North, along with the energies of a new cycle. The New Moon in Aries is always a good time to sow the seeds of your intentions, so that they take root and flourish in the next cycle of the Earth. Evaluate what paths of Light they could follow to reach the highest potential of their souls on this Earth and what Joy they are willing to accept from the Abundance Flow Divine coming from the Throne of God.Keepers of the Sacred Grids, image courtesy of David Lawrey, from the United Kingdom

Translation: Paloma Fern ndez.

We wish you a March full of Peace and Joy.

Upcoming Ashram Hyoyo de Luz activities:

Spring Equinox Celebration 21, March 22, 2009: Drum Ceremony, Temacal and Meditation
with Tibetan bowls
SPECIAL PROGRAM HOLY WEEK Yoga in Andean Coexistence and Shamanism + Info

Workshops of Initiation to Tantra in March + Info



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