WINGS ~ Falling In The New World ~ December 8, 2009 by Karen Bishop

Your Book Excerpt For Today from The Ascension Companion SIMPLICITY

All letting go, loss, liberation, and endings created through the ascension process can, in the long run, leave us in a space of simplicity. There is such beauty in simplicity. The joy of being there for a child's smile, seeing a hawk furrowing the sky, attending a flower garden, seeing his favorite Disney cartoons, sliding down the slide with his grandson, or maybe just watching an ant carrying A bite of food home.

Simplicity largely frees us to become part of the moment. It frees us to be much more present for what really matters to us. As we get tired and become apathetic through the ascension process, we can only end up with a simpler lifestyle. With a busy busy lifestyle, we really are neither here nor there. And although we can complain that ascension has taken us a lot, it has really left behind only what matters.

In simplicity we have few responsibilities. We are much freer, and we have all complained that we truly value our freedom! Within the freedom of simplicity, we can connect much more easily with the Source. Our time is ours. We are far from that busy and hectic world. In simplicity we can see things that we never had time to notice before. Our lives move at a much slower pace. We can be present for others. We can be present for ourselves.

One of my favorite memories is sitting on a pneumatic tube, floating down the Russian River in the California wine region, with my daughter, then eleven, and two of her friends. I think that in those times I spent more time with my daughter's friends than with mine, since they were always much more fun, there was more innocence, and they didn't ask much. And we loved to play! That particular time, as we lived right on the same street as the river, seemed natural to me. And now I can play with my grandchildren. We get into so many pranks; splashing in muddy puddles, drawing, circling in supermarket carts, oh, simplicity!

Ascension brings back simplicity. We do not have to attend to so many things. We have been removed from many of our previous responsibilities. We get to spend a good amount of time in our creativity. The childish joy of our original and innocent inner child can rise again. And there are so many worlds within worlds that went unnoticed when we were in our busy, adult, and very serious lives. I remember one day having my forehead on the ground outside in nature on my friend's ranch in Colorado. And who was going to say it, I discovered an entire civilization on earth! It was really amazing, and something worth seeing. I would never have known that I was there if I had not been just wandering around and having a good time, while my friend was outside attending her "business"! Think of the creak of the ranch door opening, or the bright sunlight that flooded the room when the door was ajar; These are the most precious memories. These are the valuable moments. And these are the moments when we can feel so happy and happy, and that do not imply material things or things that we believe we need for our safety. These times of simplicity are when the spirit is always present.

When I don't have a simple life, I feel very disconnected. Having no debt, being able to do practically everything I want at any time, having the simplest possessions, and having no real program, is the only way I feel comfortable these days. It would be very difficult for me to have to be somewhere at any given time; I am not used to it. If my life starts to get agitated and complicated, I refuse to participate. Simplicity is too valuable for me.

If you have chosen this page, you are encouraged to remember that simplicity can bring you closer to the Source. It can place you much more in the moment and allow things to arrive in a harmonic and synchronic way of aligning very naturally through the Source. Enjoy your simplicity; That is really what it is all about!


~ Falling into the New World ~

December 8, 2009

by Karen Bishop


I have been writing WINGS articles and What Happens On Planet Earth? maybe for about eight years, knowing all the time and feeling my true purpose. In this way, I have always felt connected and in my true and authentic groove. At one point, as some of you will remember, I took a personal break, since I knew that my efforts would now change, and I returned with WINGS to assist and validate this change of purpose. This was in fact becoming increasingly evident to all of us. I did not regret it for a moment, for I knew that my purpose at that time was not yet complete in every way.

This transition from our old roles in relation to the ascension process, to create now free and clear in a new reality, resulted in many of you being completely free of your old roles to be able to Move towards a very new experience. It was my intention at that time to stay with the ship until each and every one of you had gotten into your lifeboats and reached the shore. Therefore, I was obliged to remain on board until the last soul had left, before I could get on my own lifeboat, and plant my feet on my very new shore. This moment has finally arrived for me.

Now I can have a time of separation from my old role, before starting my own new venture and my new life…. This total and complete separation that I need in many ways (I need a little rest and relaxation!), finally getting into my own lifeboat, in order to restore, or rather strengthen within me, my true and authentic self . In this way, I'm going to take some time without writing to spend some time with myself just having fun, playing and enjoying life (and visiting my daughter and grandchildren too) until the first part of January 2010. Together with some new ventures, will I continue with WINGS? Oh, it seems that I always do, but most likely they will come back with a new and different bias in relation to where we are now. Before leaving for a while, I am excited to offer you this latest publication of WINGS, that I hope to gather once again, what many of you already know and are experiencing now. Happy reading, and I hope to meet you again in the new year!

The ascension experience created so many things, inside and out, that little by little we came to learn and know a different way of being. Just writing the word "ascension" seems so strange and outdated to me, and I almost wonder if it was ever even real.

The experience and ascension plan were in fact created by ourselves at our soul levels. This fact alone, brought us together as a huge whole, creating together all the twists and turns as we came to experience them as one, all at the same time. In this way, we joined and felt together, we were so united, and we knew deep down, that something monumental was happening, even if sometimes it was only at our soul levels.

In addition, the ascension plan always served to invalidate all other levels of creation since it reached very high. For example, many of us were guided to move to specific geographical areas, or we even discovered that we simply could not leave specific geographical areas, even though we might have had a strong desire to do so. We could have found ourselves in places of darkness, unable to leave, since at soul levels we voluntarily agreed to help the planet with the ascension process. Therefore, we never tried to attract darkness because we had "problems" or similar things, but simply because we were doing our job in regards to ascension. That is why our family tool bags never worked in some cases.

Many of us gained weight during this time, and no matter what we did, we absolutely could not lose it, since we had agreed, once again as a whole, to contain more light in order to improve our attempts to raise the planet's vibration (I just lost 30 pounds and now I'm back to my normal weight ... another obvious example that we're done now). We lost our jobs, our relationships, our loved ones, and much more, seemingly without any control over these situations, since they were occurring at our soul levels and all due to the ascension process.

Oh, the ascension process… and how it apparently took away our normal powers of creation and experience, since he took control of everything. Normal spiritual practice, as perhaps believing that we are always right where we have to be and never "going" anywhere, was still difficult to integrate into this ascension process of "going somewhere" (even though "we arrived there, "of course, without trying to go there! Are we there, are we there yet?), and even allow the freedom to create anything we choose, since our personal experience was apparently hindered by the fact that this" everything " created by the ascension process was anything but individual.

Given all this, after many years of finally understanding the process and what it created, we also get used to having our hands tied to some degree. When many of us really "grasped" what was going on, then, as loving and dedicated spiritual beings, we got on board to support our process. In this way, we got used to a very different way of being and living, and it was largely about ascension, since I was wearing the baton and dictating our movements. He answered many questions and calmed our confusion, since after all, this process did not even remotely fit much of what we knew about spiritual practice and creation, or the use of energy in an individual way. So yet, our freedoms at lower levels were affected in many, many ways.

Now it's all over. Finished, finished, finished. We are done with the first phase of the ascension process. And since it didn't work anyway in regards to taking the entire planet with us, we are now completely free and clear.

This puts us in a very different space than we have ever been, in this particular life. Until now, the focus of our soul was ascension. Even from birth, since we choose difficult paths and dark situations in order to transmute those energies through ourselves, we have been on that ascension path for a very long time. "I always knew I was here for a particular purpose, but I can't remember what it is!" It was a family mantra that many of us had in the early stages. Now, many of us have come to know and remember that very real purpose.

The earth was created as a place to create and experience. This is the highest level and the most pristine purpose of our existence in this universe (and of course, simply loving everyone and everything is now more and more in the foreground than ever). The ascension process was under that umbrella, since we decided to play a game and experience it to do something before leaving the universe forever (we can experience a very new universe when we are finished, so there is never really an “end”). The plan isn't really over, since the only real change is that we couldn't take the entire planet with us. So, although we may feel unsuccessful to some extent, since we are all angels in our essence and deeply love every living being on this Earth, we are nevertheless still able to continue with phase two of the plan ... create the New Earth, and Also, help those who have just reached the dimensional frontier. (Those who chose to "cross" are very different from those in the other world we leave behind, in regards to requesting help with their processes. So in this way, our services will continue to be necessary, as they will be requested and revered. )

So now, here we are in a very new space. So in this way, of course we can feel lost, confused, not very sure of things, perhaps with an identity crisis, or even wondering where the foundations under our feet have gone. Furthermore, we are no longer being guided, sent, placed (apparently without our permission) into experiences created by our souls, which were creating the ascension process, nor are we in our usual furrows. Now we are in a wide open territory on a blank canvas. We are very free, and it is precisely this freedom that is making many of us uncomfortable.

I remember once hearing a story about a dog that had been in his yard with a very short chain for many years. One day he was released forever so that he could walk around, and he simply could not handle this new freedom, since it was so different for him. Inmates who have been imprisoned for a long time, they find it very difficult when they are released, and many proceed to commit another crime in order to return to the family territory they have become accustomed to for so long. This is all human nature (or canine!). We are still human beings. We are used to the structure. Even the cosmos has structure. Most of us are quite experienced, and we are certainly not really in the same space as the examples mentioned, but due to our sudden change in internal programming we may still need some time to get used to it, as well as a process of recovery of the soul is guaranteed. So, now we are in the process of identifying how we want that new structure to be and what we want to create, along with some of us who still ask for a recovery time simply to walk out there and play for a while. Because of all this sudden change in our soul levels, and due to the completion of a very intense but important phase, many of us are going to feel out of balance, empty, and circling without a clear sense of direction.

More recently, the Earth moved to a very new groove in the cosmos. This created for a time very dramatic waves of thrust energy, but when this phase ended, then we felt a very new rooting and settlement. After this movement, things felt calm, serene, as if we were at home, and that maybe now we could relax for a while. But we are still aligning in other ways. Although the earth is now in that new groove or position, it is still tilting. This inclination is part of the restoration of a new equilibrium. The inclination of the Earth then results, in feelings of being out of balance from time to time, or even when things are going well, and then suddenly they feel very mal . This inclination creates an energy of up, down, up, down .

Through this process of inclination, a settlement or displacement naturally also occurs. In this way, then, the initial manifestations and sensations derived from the inclination gradually dissipate over time, as we settle more and more in our new energy spaces. This process of settlement and displacement will also create and strengthen our new connections with who and what we will be doing, being and creating on the New Planet Earth. In this way, over time, we will no longer lose our balance so much. With all these adjustments and new acts of juggling taking place, it is not surprising that we can experience sensations of not having a sense of belonging! But through everything, we will naturally gravitate to where we belong, and to what feels comfortable for each and every one of us.

Currently, there is an energy of fear running everywhere, since so many souls feel lost and scattered, with little or no security. When this occurs, strong opinions abound as an attempt to hold on to something. Where we are currently in regards to our energy status, it reminds me of the time during our last presidential elections here in the US. There were so many strong opinions and feelings that it became a challenge for me to read my mail. The same is happening now, with a new wave of attack voices coming to my mailboxes, with strong opinions about how things really and truly are, and how and why I am wrong, along with personal attacks and advice. and highly inappropriate evaluations in relation to the personal information that I decide to share (some opinions are also affectionate, but they certainly remain opinions). A letter will firmly state one thing on a specific topic, and the next letter will state the opposite on that same issue. People are seeing things from their own individual filters of perception.

In Entering the New Reality, I talk a lot about the filters through which each of us sees reality. Filters are always much denser than higher levels of being, and opinions are in the same league. Because we are now moving forward to our new stage of contributing to our own unique purpose and seal to create a new reality, our filters then, are very much in position regarding who we are and what we are. Almost everything else within us has been expelled through the ascension process. We just need to use these filters, or contributions, at the right times. And what is more, more important, these individual contributions or purposes must fit within a structure or everything and be used in conjunction with the others, if we are going to be able to successfully create a very new reality. At this time, with fear creating a strong stronghold for many, this is yet to happen, but it is only one phase that we are going through, and it will happen if we are the wise souls that I truly believe we are. But know also, that there are also many of you who are very happy now being in the eye of the storm and just floating right where you are. Our choices and experiences are very vast and different, all creating a beautiful and amazing mosaic of a perfectly orchestrated energy grid.

So now, we are in the space of non-space, and we are also experiencing the ups and downs created by the inclination of the earth. It reminds me of a person I know who recently ended their marriage, and now he is in that space where his "new" has not yet arrived. Leaving her marriage was a big step for her, so that she could move forward. But she tells me that she has to be constantly alert about staying out of the old, since she and her husband are now very good friends, and it can be easy for her to fall back into that old groove.

Are we going back to the old, while we are still in the non-space space? Is that what we have to do to feel good? The discomfort that many of us are feeling stems from the fact that we are out of the old, but not yet in the new. We are still in non-space because things are still settling and moving.

We are, in effect, the legitimate creators of the New Planet Earth. If we really have new roles, being the legitimate creators of the New Planet Earth is these new roles. There are no rules, guidelines or frameworks yet established, to which we had begun to get used to the ascension process. I was telling a friend the other day, that this is like when December 25 arrives, only that we have just discovered that there is no Christmas, that there never was, and that now we can create something very new and different for her to take her place, or maybe not even create anything at all. We can go to the highest heights of our imagination and create anything that makes our hearts sing.

The palette is blank and empty. We have evolved enough, that we don't need any guidance to create in this palette. Now we are our previous guides. We are holding so much light now, that we can trust that we are going to create something magnificent and wonderful, something that will sit on each of us like a glove, and also know, that it will absolutely happen. We can use our own guide, since we now have a carte blanche and free will to make it happen. If we create the ascension process, then we can also create something new and different. We are such powerful creators that we even knew enough to change the ascension plan and tweak it a bit, since it was not working as we had expected and expected. We are really very powerful, and we are really in charge. Maybe we just need to regain our confidence, since the change in the ascension plan that occurred in September unbalanced us a bit. But, again, we knew enough to save ourselves, and we knew enough to continue with the next original phase, even if it was with fewer souls on board.

I think some of us are still stuck in old spiritual practices, and also, still a little in our old molds of the ascension process. The new spiritual practice is about being happy, joyful and being at peace, under the framework of creation and experience (now that the first level of ascension is over)…. that is to say, these feelings and emotions can be experienced and created in a vast range of scenarios, all depending on who we are and the filters through which we run our energy. There is absolutely no right or wrong. In this sense, there will be many, many variations present and many different levels of vibration.

In addition, another important new role is also coming to the fore (I would not call it exactly a "role"). With so much present change and zigzagging energy, which can hit us really hard, we will very naturally crave the placid energy of love. With so many things happening sometimes, it doesn't even matter what groove each one is in, where we are in any so-called plan, and even how things are. Above all this is the energy of love, and this connects us, no matter who it is, what it is, or where a particular situation is. As someone told me recently, love is the simplified version of our true purpose, and indeed it is.

This pronounced experience of giving and receiving love will really prevail now as never before, since we have evolved into a state of being of much greater vibration. So although things can get difficult, feel dark one day and clear the next, and sometimes they can make us feel bipolar, the energy of love always serves to keep us constant, since it can never be affected. This is really the energy that cancels everything else. It doesn't really matter, then, what our individual purpose is, nor how we can help another, when all we really need to do is simply love each other. We will find in the times to come, what extreme feelings and actions of love and affection are going to be emitted from us as never before, and for me, this is when I really feel better and in greater alignment than ever. The energy of love will come to the fore as never before in the times to come. This is in fact an integral part of our new space.

The energy framework is then: Experiment, create and love.

However, in some strange ways, we are still recovering from the ascension process. We are now very slowly and surely, undoing some of its effects in regard to trust, confusion, guidance, self-confidence, and most importantly, to possess our new power again. We need to restore our true and legitimate power and feel good again. We need to recover our dignity and grace, since the ascension process really hit us hard (not only with the change of plans, but with the last two or three years that placed us in darker and more challenging spaces than what we had experienced for quite weather). We need to allow ourselves precious time to allow that to happen ... align ourselves again with our true and authentic self, before beginning to create the New World and before beginning to help others who are on the dimensional frontier, trying to get where we are. now.

We have to realize that this is now a new era. Now we are in a very new space to freely create again, and none of our new creations has to do with the ascension plan and its seemingly strange and restrictive rules. We can have positive and enlightening visions again, and we can know that this time, they will happen. And for our brothers and sisters, or other people who have crossed and are just beginning their process of awakening, aligning and ascending, we can offer them great love and care, since this alone will be a purpose that we will incorporate as never before. before, while we watched lovingly and allowed them their experience.

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"

All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

Thank you Margarita Lopez!

Translation: Margarita López

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