About the WTT or World Teacher Trust

The WTT: World Teacher Trust is a spiritual organization dedicated to the service of society. It is made up of several thousand families in India and many others throughout the world, especially Europe, North America and South America. The name of World Teacher (The World Teacher) refers to the Universal Principle of Love Wisdom, or what in the West we call the Christian Principle. The Master of the World is Christ, who in the East is known as Maitreya. He is the one in charge of the Hierarchy of Teachers who help humanity.

It is a spiritual impulse that takes organic form through its inspirer, Master Ekkirala Krishnamacharya, also known as Master EK and his follower, Master K. Parvathi Kumar. The association was founded to systematically teach Ancient Wisdom and express it as a way of life. The association works with meditation, service and study applied to daily life. Meditation is directed above all to the integration of the soul with the Universal Soul, the service serves to purify oneself and the study increases our understanding and enlightens us.

The purification of the physical, emotional and mental bodies of the person is possible only when you have a mental attitude of service that is demonstrated in life. The Association of Trust in the World Teacher is an organism that includes people of the most various backgrounds and professions, with a common attitude of service to humanity and a spirit of mutual trust as a way of life. The Association organizes group meetings periodically, open to the public. Collaborate with society, respecting current social and political norms.

The financial means necessary for the operation of the Association come from the same resources of the individual members who feel it and voluntarily use them for the work to continue. An outstanding feature of the Association is its cooperation with other associations of a spiritual nature, goodwill groups, cultural, educational, social and professional organizations. The WTT has publications in Telugu, English, Spanish and German. The Kulapati publishing house in Germany and the Dhanishtha Publishing house in Spain are responsible for publishing and distributing such publications.

There is also a video library as well as CDs with the conferences and seminars given by KP Kumar.The Muditha center is formed by one of those thousands of families that it shares with all those who openly and impartially approach to get to know the work and share experiences with base to the magic triangle of meditation, study and service.

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