I am the Truth and the Life, by the Master Jesus

  • 2011

Because I Am what I Am, said Master Jesus and evoked the greatest Truth pronounced until then.-

The One that I Am is God-Love that is in me, that runs through my veins, that allows me to breathe, walk, jump and laugh; and so it is!

In the East the OM is evoked and in the West the I Am, recognizing in these two simple words, the All Power we are.- I Am is to affirm that you are Divinity, essence of God, divine spirit embodied in man and not a man with spirit.-

You are We are Beings of Light that one day we decided to incarnate to evolve in the Great School called Earth.- For what just to grow as Spirits and Souls of Light.-

The true Life is in other higher dimensions and we were brave enough to descend to the dense 3 Dimension and work to illuminate, teach and grow to return again and again until all mismatches in other lives have been resolved. past.-

The purpose: the Divine Mastery reached and the end of the Re-incarnations.- Universes parallel to ours are so full of life how ours is the Great Truth.- We know that our thinking is transmitter, receiver and creator sa es La Verdad.-

We are neither superior nor inferior to anyone, we are the same Energy dispersed by human thought, the false I, the egotistical self that creates, destroys and separates.- In Universal Unity We are all equal, the one who believes independently This state, is not in Divine Grace, has been absorbed by the human mind, which judges, condemns and criticizes. - But also one day will be reached by the loving hand of God and I will tell : Welcome home, my son.-

The parable of the prodigal son is a semblance of this. - The human is not subject to the rule of suffering to return to the Home of God, our Home; but the desperate attempt of God to make us a flat path and see the Light, has been a work in vain for centuries and centuries.- Therefore, at the election of our Souls, we return with the Father, tired of walking and pilgrimage in search of finding on the outside what we only find inside us.-

I Am The Truth and Life, said the Master Jesus, evoking that our reality is a fantasy created by our external senses; We are the Truth because we belong to the Kingdom of Love and we have the Life to show it to the world.- The Truth is to see life from the vision of God, without critical eyes, raising the compassion of the attacked by weakness outside the knowledge of the Universal Laws .-

Accepting our Supremacy and Divinity without spiritual egos and not letting anything from the outside create dissonances and irregularities in our vital experiences.- For all this we are The Truth and the Life, of which Jesus of Nazareth told us so much.-

What is the Truth? ... we silently ask the Great Masters ... they whisper to us that The Truth is all that contrary to what our limited human ego has created: diseases, hatreds, separations, limitations, grudges, quarrels, blame, self -sabotajes… .ect… all this is the false reality, the Mayan world of which the Hindus speak.- Truth is Love Respect, Abundance without limits, Generosity, Altruistic surrender, Love free of condition, the Universal Order.-

How to get to that Truth? ... we keep asking ourselves.- The Truth is within us, it is not outside ... it sprouts from the inside out, wrapping it all in a dense golden cloud of Love, Truth and Life.-

With Infinite Love.-

.- Susana Palacios

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