I am an angel by Francisco de Sales

  • 2015

It has taken me time to realize.

With that I was convinced that I had to have wings or wings, live in the unknown of heaven, not have sex, have blond hair, and play the lyre like a virtuoso, I had ruled out myself as an aspirant to be an angel or little angel

And I have realized, a little while ago, that I have met an angel (at least) and that I am an angel myself. Ah! And that you too are or can be an angel.

I was 6 or 7 years old, no more. In my house we were very hungry and we had accumulated inadequacies. That January 6 TAMPOCO also came the Magi. I had risen early with that restlessness of what they would have left for me.

Any. I found out right away. Nothing at all.

The others had not yet woken up and I checked through the window that it was still night. I didn't want to stay at home. I guess I was as angry as I was disappointed, so I took an iron that I had, with a sharp point, and went outside to play a game called the fan. As it was still night, I stayed in the portal waiting for some light.

The light appeared, sparse, between gray and discolored, and I started to play. I was alone in the world.

I do not know how long after a woman appeared, young, very large - and I was not an extraterrestrial: it was simply that I was very small - and asked me what I was doing. Play, I replied. I know he asked me more questions but I don't remember them. I remember what happened: he took a very large, calamine gun from a bag, and handed it to me saying that the Magi had left it at home for me.

I don't remember if I was very grateful. I know that it was short-lived and that I forgot about it until at 59, the scene appeared again in my mind and I realized that this woman was an angel.

A few years ago I was looking at something in a store like those that have a lot of things and I saw a neighborhood in my building. 6 or 7 years old I was alone, browsing through the things I had to see. I smiled at him. He smiled shyly. He had in his hands a kind of glass bonbonniere.

A few moments later I heard the noise made by a glass thing that falls to the ground and becomes shattered. The saleswoman, as possessed, turned into a real energetic woman, turned towards the girl, with her arms in a jug, and with a truly threatening attitude. He shouted: "Now you have to pay what you have broken."

Obviously, I had no money and, besides, I was frightened by the beast. I watched her and I would almost dare to say that I saw her shrink physically. Not know what to do. He looked at the woman and his silence was the only solution he could provide. The beast did not loosen in her attitude.

I pay it, I said. And the girl's face lit up. It returned to its normal size. He left without saying anything but looked at me from the door and in his eyes I saw many things that I am unable to describe.

I am sure that one day he will tell the story and say that an angel appeared to him.

As you can see, it is very easy to be an angel.

You just have to be willing to be.

It is said that angels represent goodness, beauty - of the soul - and innocence - the lack of intentional malice. And that his mission is to be a link between God and the Human Being.

So one can become - if it is his desire - someone who transmits happiness to others, who reminds them of the divine nature that forms us, that brings them hope or love, care and tenderness, or Humanity that Sister us

And it's not about doing dazzling miracles, but those miracles that are so necessary sometimes.

CHEER THE DAY TO OTHERS, for example. And it can be so simple ... an attention, a sincere smile, a word of thanks, recognition for their work ...

ENCOURAGING THE DISCOURAGED may be another good idea. You already know that the word mood means "Soul or spirit as it is the principle of human activity." And that to cheer is to “infuse energy to the soul”, which is the soul. And resurrect the soul of the other is within reach of any aspiring angel ...

SHARE. The little or the much. The material or the ethereal. Optimism or a word ...


There are so many possibilities to become an angel !!

Do you dare to be?

I leave you with your reflections ...

By : Francisco de Sales

Source : www.buscandome.es

I am an angel by Francisco de Sales

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