I Do Not Want Another Decide For Me, by Francisco de Sales

  • 2014

In my opinion, this is a beautiful war cry.

An excellent factory to use after every decision, every gesture, every thought, because it has a determinative, taxative force, which provides a firmness of character and decision, and that can change Undoubtedly - the rest of life.

There are many people who are excessively dependent on someone specifically - or everyone in general - and do not have enough character to impose themselves, nor the self-esteem necessary to make their own decisions and control their life, and perhaps they have been dragged along their lives following the guidelines imposed on them by others, and doing nothing more than suffer their internal conflict between paying attention to others And not being able to rebel - and your own desires that suggest you do other different things.

There are people who lack the necessary push and the lively and unstoppable decision to launch their own projects. Or that perhaps what they lack is their own projects because they have been governed by other people who have been imposed or trusted by them since they did not trust themselves.

With greater or lesser intensity, there is always a rebellion that proposes to leave that state and take command.

Sometimes it is easy to placate it, because all the disabilities and insecurities that one has, all the oppositions and impossibilities are argued, and with that it is silenced, although with a secret great pain and sorrow.

On other occasions, one has already gathered enough anger for the insurrection, the revolution has been set in motion and seems unstoppable, and it is then time to launch the cry: I DON'T WANT ANOTHER TO DECIDE FOR Me.

Taking this step, and ensuring that this new norm is respected, is very difficult for those who are not accustomed to governing their lives, for those who find it hard to trust in their strengths and possibilities, for those who are used to navigate between insecurities, or for those who are fearful or overly dependent on the opinion and approval of others.

In my opinion, if it is a desired decision, and not the ephemeral rebellion of a moment of heat, it becomes very plausible, dignified, honorable, deserved, and it is something that deserves all the effort that is dedicated to it because it is an act very commendable

Who has been accustomed to endure the relentless yoke of a dictatorship that has marked his life and his destiny - a tyrant father, an oppressive husband, fear, doubts ... - and, finally, he dares to scream and takes the decision deserves my support - everyone's support - my congratulations, and my blessing - everyone's congratulations and blessings.

I have already repeated too many times that God - or the Creator, or whoever each considers - delivers life along with the responsibility of that same life. And it is up to one to bring it to fruition. A good term that includes happiness, freedom, sovereignty over oneself, control over decisions, and the realization of a life according to your wishes within your means.

And it is convenient for anyone to check from time to time if there is any aspect of their life that requires a revolution that begins with the cry of I DO NOT WANT ANOTHER TO DECIDE FOR ME.

I leave you with your reflections ...

Francisco de Sales is the founder of the web www.buscandome.es for people interested in Psychology, Spirituality, and Self-knowledge for improvement and Personal Development.

I Do Not Want Another Decide For Me, by Francisco de Sales

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