Easter Time, by AA Miguel

I am Miguel, Prince and regent of the Celestial Militias. I convey all my love and all my protection. I come, and as I have said, I will come back again, during this important period, to say nothing else that I live every human being in your heart, that I live this planet and that I also live the whole of this solar system, at each window of weekly time.

On numerous occasions, I have already indicated a series of important elements that are in the manifestation phase in their organisms and also of the organism of planet Earth. This refers to the reaction and integration to my Presence and the Ultraviolet Light that I am allowed to relay from the Central Sun of the Galaxies, from the central point of God's thought, to you, through my vibration, from my Presence and also through the other planets and their Sun, in this solar system.

On numerous occasions, I told him about the radiation pressure and the pressure of the UV radiation. My presence and this energy have profoundly transformative effects on your human and planetary organisms. The first of these transformations is to wake up in you and awaken codes that are still unknown to you, in manifestation in your DNA. This is meant to allow him to find, in the extremely near future, the entirety of his Essence and his Divinity. And that, I said, is accompanied by a series of mechanisms, sometimes lived in a very disturbing way, from simple tiredness, through pain, or even a series of what they call diseases that represent, in that case there, ways of elimination of their shadows, of their blackness and of what could be called, eventually, their past karmas of a collective nature. This is now.

A large number of you perceived this vibration of ultraviolet radiation in your body. Do not forget that this energy is destined to penetrate its highest point. The highest point, as a human organism, is its head. The highest point on this planet where they live is constituted by what they call volcanoes and in particular the volcanoes that are located in the mountains. This is underway. You can see it already, in any case for awake human beings, in vibrations, pressures and pains occurring regularly onwards, and for some time, in your head. The pressure of ultraviolet radiation is thus manifested within the human organisms in your head. The goal is not to remain in this head but to pass this Ultraviolet energy to your heart. In fact, it is in this that a series of codes linked to his Divinity and his Essence is found.

The radiation pressure linked to these ultraviolet light particles should, as the weeks go, lead to the center of your inner sanctuary and inner Temple. There is the condition 'sine qua non' of his rise, his ascension and the return to his Unit. That is ongoing. That obeys precise norms in its internal physiology and its internal energy mechanisms on which I will return again, at the appropriate time, after the Easter period as defined in its Roman Catholic calendar, because this period corresponds, simply, to a full moon. especially active as the one of the month that is still linked to the bull festival. But they are not there yet.

Let us illustrate these observations not in their organisms but in the planetary organism. The radiation pressure lit, literally, a series of major volcanoes on the surface of this planet, this is an undeniable fact. Now, there are also a series of anomalies linked to phenomena that call meteorological consisting of abnormal temperature rises and deeply abnormal temperature drops. The reaction of this must be a slope of this energy that arrives in the volcanoes that corresponds to a terrestrial fire but that has been initiated by the cosmic fire in relation to the Ultraviolet radiation. Include that UV radiation is deeply linked to changes, to transformation. Ultraviolet energy has never been intended to be an energy of destruction but nevertheless corresponds to an energy of reconstruction aimed at breaking down the barriers of this planet, such as the human organism, to its Unity, to its Divine dimension that was hidden from it by duality and by the incarnation. This is ongoing.

The next stage will occur at the moment when the number of volcanoes lit on your planet, and where the number of UV particles accumulated in your head, will allow energy and consciousness to concentrate beyond duality, that is, not in your head. but in his heart and, this one, for the whole of the awakened beings. I said that the radiation pressure was going to increase and, this, until the summer equinox period. This is also true in regard to your planet and the set of these planets that must precede the ignition and ascension of your planet. This is ongoing. Many volcanoes must still wake up during this period that remains to cross to go in the period until their summer. This is ongoing.

The next stage thus corresponds to the slope of the energy of the volcanoes on your planet at the level, not of the water element that is linked, but of the air element. This corresponds, in planetary physiology, to profound modifications of what they call the air and sea currents of their planet. This will result in a stoppage of some currents and the development of other existing maritime currents. In the air this will translate into a main emphasis of what they call hurricanes and cyclones that are going to manifest in regions over which they have never been present before. And that, once again, is linked only to the reaction of the disturbed elements in planetary physiology.

Ultraviolet energy, therefore, is relayed by a series of beings of high dimensions that have to do and be in relation to the energy of this planet. It is a series of Councils, called the Galactic Council, Intergalactic Council, Melchizedek Council, Eagles Council, etc. There are many, beings having a human anthropomorphism, which today are at high levels to channel, direct, orient the Ultraviolet radiation pressure energy. Your role is essential.

Perhaps you perceive, for some of you, fluctuations linked to energy in your human physiological organisms. As you can see, there are time slots in each of their days during which they will perceive, to experience this pressure of radiation, both in their head and for those who are more advanced., in his heart. Remember also that the pressure of this radiation that will grow, human beings who do not have the possibility nor the spiritual means to activate the upper chakras (that is, those located between the summit of your head and heart) will see these energies being affected in what they call the lower chakras (i.e., the chakras located at the bottom of the heart) translating into a force of deeply expanded reaction to the event linked to social movements, to economic movements, they also generated by the pressure of this new radiation.

As you know, many human beings have tried to take advantage of this period to create a climate conducive to fear on their planet, a climate conducive to the destabilization of the human soul. This will not take place contrary to the intentions of these forms there. The pressure of the radiation of the Divine Light, retransmitted by the Ultraviolet radiation, by my presence, by its Sun and by the set of Circles and Centricles linked to the Light comes to disturb a great deal of all that and implies, in humanity, a phenomenon of confusion. The important thing is, as I said, to remain aligned and centered as much as possible, to remain neutral as much as possible in relation to the confusion. You can create this as much as possible, absent from reaction in relation to the coming events. This is a prescription that I am going to ask from you and to point out that you will not find peace more than within you and certainly not you.

This leads us to reconsider, already, before their passage to the fifth dimension, what they call life. You have the practice, from many incarnations for most of you, to live an externalized life that is defined by duality and its reaction in relation to the broadest sense. and also the narrowest of their lives and their destiny developments. Today, it is never better to find the Source of your life in the center of your being, in the heart. It is in this place, and only in this one, that you will consider the peace necessary to avoid reacting to the social, economic events that are coming towards you in great strides.

This is not a scary message. There is nothing if a number of human beings conceive fear through these words. I came to announce what the Father asked me to announce. There is a series of prophets, there is a series of prophecies that have always existed on the surface of this planet. Your goal is not to be scary. Its objective is only to prevent, inform so that humans hear these words in their interiority.

Today, more than ever, that will become more and more true. The only solution to this problem, the only solution to his disappointments in his inner, economic, social, family, personal life can be only in the center of his being and in nowhere else Obviously, they help you, I also told you that, but nonetheless, nobody can go to your hearts, for you. That belongs to him. It is a work of every minute, of every breath. They will realize, in the coming weeks and that they will lead them to the summer equinox, that at most they will return to their interiority, that at most they will return to enter their heart n, that at most he will return to his Essence, at most it will be easy to manifest peace, tolerance, love and understanding outwardly, whatever the hardness of the external events must affect the planetary physiology and also the physiology of some human beings.

The only way to be in the heart is not to react. The only way to be in Unity is not to maintain duality. Now the reaction is part of the duality. It is therefore essential that you learn, by your meditations, by your prayers, by your moments of silence, by your encounters with nature, to develop more and more this feeling of harmony with your own Unity, with your own Divinity.

Now, they are very precisely one week after the expiration of what is called Easter. Not that I want to talk about religion. So, if you want it well, I will use the term New Moon full. This arrives very precisely in 8 days of its terrestrial days. During this period that they live now, and consequently a new period of 7 days to this date, I ask you then to find more moments and opportunity to enter the center of your heart although that should only last a few minutes but done several tens of times If that is in your possibility. That will allow him to stabilize his inner state as well as possible only in order not to re-enter so much in reaction in relation to his neighbors, in relation to his own emotions, to his own mental, professional, economic, social or emotional activities.

The only solution, once again, is linked to learning the capacity they will have, as a human being, to live the events that await them in their hearts. The solutions will derive from your ability to live in the state of heart. If you escape your heart, relatively important emotional manifestations run the risk of occurring that would be profoundly harmful to this that you have to integrate, reveal and reveal in yourself in relation to your Unity and your Divinity. The next favorable period is the radiation pressure in your heart.

I return now to what I had called, and what they found, as luminous phenomena linked to the presence of Ultraviolet radiation. You can perceive this radiation to your own eyes open in your dual reality at nightfall at the moment when the moon begins to appear in your sky. Observe your sky and you will see that the luminous phenomena begin to appear on the whole of your globe. It will not be, then, about phenomena linked to the sun, initially, but linked to the moment when the sun is on the other side of the place where they live and will therefore be a reflection of this light on the moon that will manifest itself in their eyes. The luminous phenomena that occur, meanwhile, in broad daylight refer to the imminence of the manifestation of my presence as reconstruction energy, especially if these phenomena persist beyond the duration of 48 to 72. That is already known. .

The most important thing, once again, and I say it in each intervention, is not so much the external phenomenon, although this refers to Light itself, but to its internal reaction to the pressure of the radiation that will be the acceptance that will allow it not react to the events that the Earth lives and will live.

Here is what I had to specify and what they have to do during this period conducive to the entry into their total interiority in order to really find out who they are, what they are and what they wanted to go to and, that, based not on your desires but of your vibrational capacity to reduce this body, to make you enter into new vibrations that some of you have begun, since March, to experience, presenting yourself under episodes of vibrational rises on some parts of the body or the whole of their physiological organisms. This is a learning. This takes a while.

Time has now finished reaching the perfection of this ascension which is not yet a body ascension or a fifth dimension ascension but prefigures, in an illustrated and real way, what will happen at the time of its definitive vibrational ascent in the fifth dimension that is with the body or without the body. This belongs to you, to each human being before their choices and before the reality of their vibratory capacities. The only possibility, whatever their ages, their pathologies, their ways of life, are only linked to their inner capacity to raise what we usually call the vibration of their soul in the Spirit.

The rise of the vibration of the soul in the Spirit translates into a vibration of the whole body and also a pressure of the vibration in the head and in the heart and, subsequently, in the whole of your body. At that time, when the pressure of the vibration is manifested in the whole of your physiological organism, it becomes much easier and easier to include what ascension really is. All the rest are nothing more than your projections linked to your desires, your emotions or your mental. Ascension is a vibratory process.

The spill of the Father's Light, which I came to bring to you through the pressure of the UV radiation, is directly linked to this vibrational increase. There is ascension without increasing your inner vibration. This is the guarantee of your ascending capacity for the future time. However, the time, once again, is the reconstruction. This reconstruction, they observe, is ongoing, at the level of the planet, at the level of their individual, their neighbors and at the level of humanity as a whole. There is a more or less greater perception, a more or less strong intuition, a greater or lesser instinct that the reality of change is there. That is really there. That is not in the words, that is not in the egregores that they can create but only in their capacity to what I would call the rising of vibration.

The rise in vibration is the only adequate response to the pressure of the UV radiation. It is up to you to receive this energy in you and, if you welcome it completely, even beyond your heart but in the whole of your physiology, you will soon and very quickly verify this capacity of vibration of the whole of your body, of the set of your organism I say well to the physiological organism, that is, of its physical body. I do not speak, there, of the perceptions linked to its different subtle bodies that would not translate the ability of your physical body to completely enter into vibration. The vibration they receive is intended, if they wish and if they accept it, to completely transform their physiology. It is what it is, for some, already, the enthusiasm of living. This period of maturation or access to vibration will be done, now, until the expiration of what is called the summer equinox.

There are some important elements that I wanted to convey. If you now have questions regarding these processes, I want to try to provide additional lights.

Question: could you tell us about the codes that will wake up?

The question has already been raised. Just worry about raising the vibration. I will give you the precise discovery of what these codes are after the Easter weekend period.

Question: How can the desire to increase vibration manifest itself as well as possible?

The only way to raise the vibration is to accept the pressure of the UV radiation. Prayer, demand, is not referred to by this evolutionary process.

We have no more questions. We thank you.

Then, beloved human souls in incarnation, before I retire and tell you until next week of your human time, I am going to make you approach the process linked to the vibrational rise by increasing the radiation of my presence and, as a consequence of the pressure of Ultraviolet radiation in their structures.

... Energy effusion ...

Here, beloved Sons of Light, human souls in incarnation, to which correspond the firstfruits of this vibration that you must live. I am Miguel, Prince and regent of the Celestial Militias. Receive all my love, the love of the Father and above all my protection and I tell you until very soon.


Channelizer: Verónique LORIOT & Jean-Luc AYOUN


April 6, 2009

Translation: Elijah Prophet

April 4, 2009

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