Sumate voted with the heart - initiative

A powerful wave of consciousness arrives that sister hearts to vibrate in unity.

Did you think you had seen everything? Your eyes can't believe it. A beautiful and pure movement, centered on the heart, will unleash a wave of consciousness that nothing can stop. In the next elections you will see hundreds of thousands of people who will vote dressed in white, as a symbol of purity that will animate the inner flame of the new man who is called to lead without betraying his inner voice. Join Enhance the love of this bright light wave, which will reveal a new way of governing in unity.

This is an open call, without party or religious intentions, that springs from a genuine need to promote changes that build a more balanced and harmonious society, where man awakes and turns his gifts and talents at the service of a reality that makes him deserving of his "human" title. It's time for peace, it's time for love, it's time for unity in diversity. Your vote of confidence will enliven the crystalline framework that will synchronize the energy that will release the best of each.

Does what you are reading sound utopian? To believe is to create. Every conscious act has the gift of aligning mind body and spirit, opening the eyes of the soul to see clearly what we need to continue evolving. If the act of voting is transformed into a sacred act, where everyone chooses from the heart - radiating light, love and conscience to their representatives -, whatever the outcome of the elections will have won the birth of a new humanity, which will understand the importance of vibrating consciously.

Participating is simple. It requires that before casting your vote invoke that which for you represents the supreme good, so that you can count on the lucidity necessary to choose those who will be able to govern without giving in to the pressures of the environment, being faithful to their hearts. That internal movement gives its vote a powerful vibration that will reach the spirit of those who have chosen to represent it, helping them to become aware of the responsibility granted to them in suffrage. These simple actions are not seen, but it has an energetic effect that is felt.

Those who do not know who to vote for, at the time of their election, can internally express their willingness for those who win to receive the blessing of opening their hearts to lead with pure intentions. If everyone votes in this way, the elections will have a sacred nuance. Whoever wins will win, the Human Being will triumph, because with these actions guided by the heart, a higher level of consciousness will have been achieved that will allow to transcend the old political rivalries, combining efforts in General welfare benefit.

Pure intentions do not need colors or flags, they only flow in love, however there are souls who wait for a signal that will give them confidence in a healthier world. Dressing in white will be a powerful symbol that externally manifests what it feels internally. Listen to your spirit. The white movement already beats inside. Travel, from the heart to the heart, vibrating in unity. Feel like Wake up Your vote is a burning candle. Boost this bright wave of consciousness that sister and illuminates.

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