Do you feed the Ego or Nourish the Soul?

  • 2018

Depending on the option you choose, so you will pay your karma and so will your state of happiness

All human beings without exception crave something as simple as being happy, but are we really aware of it? Do we know how to be? Do we live truly happy? Where do we look for that happiness?

When we say that we are happy, it is really a pseudo-happiness that comes from the deceptive ego that covers it with emotions and sustains it with attachments; However, that illusory state is finite and there will come a time when it will collapse like a house of cards when the wind blows. That transitory happiness is just an emotional state that, at any time and in any adverse circumstance, such as a disappointment, a mishap, a dissatisfaction, or the result of reflection, disenchantment, stress ... becomes its opposite: unhappiness. Every sensation or state that has its opposite is part of the duality of the Earth; on the contrary, everything that lacks the opposite comes from the deep feeling of the soul and that pure feeling that lacks the opposite, does last under any circumstances. Creation simply IS, without more, lacks the opposite.

Through the physical sensations of the senses, the ego intends to imitate true happiness; but that sensation is finite, it is simply material, due to its duality it is impossible to pass the veils towards the connection with your true being: the SOUL.

True happiness is more than a state of punctual satisfaction, it is the one that will take you through the veils that tarnish the soul towards JOY. Joy lacks the opposite, or you have it or lack it. Joy is indefinable with words and goes even beyond mere feeling, because it flows from the deepest, is out of the material and preserved from its noise. The state of joy endures endlessly, without limit and constantly increasing.

When you begin to feel a gratifying sensation for some action coming from hearing the call of the soul, even for a moment, you will perceive a glimpse of the state of joy and know that this is the happiness you were looking for. That is the true state that every human being seeks, even without being aware of it. From that moment, you will yearn with more anxiety to reach that state, which will only be the beginning of a joyful search, a flirt between perishable matter and your true original state: the infinite. At that moment, you will automatically begin to malnourish the ego and nourish the soul.

It is impossible for the ego, finite and perishable, to even equalize a glimpse of the joy it feels when it nourishes the call of your soul for the first time. The soul will always guide you on the right path in the experimentation of matter, the one that suits you best. On the contrary, feeding the ego will lead you along a path of ups and downs, good days and even excellent and bad, bad or mediocre days; It is a stony path that is already born with an expiration date and only avoid if the soul takes the reins.


What else could you be more than the soul?

Are you the ego, the emotions, the senses, the attachments? All of them are simply physical-mental tools that are available to you in order to manage the physical and mental body in matter. With them you can only live, interact and experience the material. So where is the problem? Very simple, in that all of them only exist in matter and when the body and the mind dissolve with physical death, they disappear and only the actions that you have thought or executed with them remain. Therefore, considering them as real will subject you to their dependence.

Nurturing the ego is the easiest thing in matter; if you allow it to act and govern your journey, the ego will be happy to guide you along the transitory path of apparent happiness. Apparent yes, since it only lasts for a while, as does matter. Apparent because it always hides the counterpart of who you really are and, therefore, offers you a simple pseudo-happiness that comes and goes, which produces euphoria or sadness, depending on the moment or the circumstances.

Everything material, that which interacts in matter, is finite. However, the soul is infinite, indestructible, unalterable ; more than constant peace, it is constant, growing and infinite joy. Unimaginable with the material mind, feeling it is only possible from deep connection through meditation that, connecting you beyond the conscious and the subconscious, leads you to the supra-conscious; That is where you can experience that indefinable sensation that is perceived beyond the senses: the states of peace, well-being and finally joy.


To truly nourish the soul, we must apply the principle of "letting out before entering." What the soul really needs, rather than nutrients, is that the anti-nutrients that the mental and physical bodies constantly emit in such quantity and variety are separated. Such anti-nutrients are generated by the density of matter and mental states dominated by the ego, such as uncontrolled emotions, material and personal attachments, possessions and the sense of possession, uncontrolled management of the senses ... AND it is they that prevent the soul from nourishing itself with the just and adequate material experimentation that it has preset.

The soul itself is the nutrient par excellence. All you need is to express yourself freely without conditions. The vital energy of which it is composed is pure nutrition for the body and mind. If you let that energy flow constantly, you will need nothing more, and the body and mind will facilitate that joyful encounter.

The basic nutritional principles for the soul begin, first, with the respectful treatment of its current physical container, which is the materialized body, so that the soul can experiment in matter without being hindered by toxic or poisonous states. Then with the tight control of the mental body, which pretends without failing to govern the experimental path on its own, regardless of your true reality.

Therefore, freeing the physical body of poisons, poisons and dense foods, nourishing it with the foods most closely related to the design of its constitution and nourishing the mind with purified thoughts from a detoxified physical body, will be the pillars that will help you greatly nourish your soul, paving the stony path that leaves the ego in its path and allowing you to take charge of your experiences and material experiences without suffering and full of true happiness.


The main rule of matter is based on living from equilibrium.

It is often said that you have to be positive or that you are negative, but the best truth is apart from both. In the dual world, balance is the best option and between these two aspects, between being positive or being negative, there is also a balance and it is being realistic.

To be realistic is to value the two dual options interchangeably in order to make the right decision; Without that assessment, located in the negative, it will be difficult for you to get out of the vicious circle that the negativity causes and, located in the positive, it will make you see everything of a single color and, when the road is filled with stones, they will drag you to the opposite. It is the fruit of duality, or you are here or you are there. On the other hand, when you take the road from realism as a result of the analysis and reflection of both polarities, and those stones appear, you will be fully prepared to take the best option of the moment. Working from that balance is what will allow you to emerge the wisdom from which everything is resolved in its most appropriate form and time to your moment.

What you are in positive, you already are and it is part of your reality, but what you are in negative, is the counterpart that serves you precisely to experience and value what you really are. That is to be realistic, avoid clinging to one of the two positions and understand that everything is part of your path of experimentation, you need both one and the other in its right measure at all times. Like the ego and its companions, use them under the instructions of the soul. There lies the balance to feel truly happy.


All the information and tools you need to nurture your evolution, are offered by the Universe here on Earth. We tend to look so far that we stop seeing what we have near us. The Universe has placed us wisely in the most appropriate place to travel our path and in that environment and within ourselves there is everything that is needed for it. But, by default, the human being has the tendency to seek as far as possible: in galaxies, aliens, intra-lands, the past, the possible future, other civilizations We believe that we will find something much more wonderful than what exists in the near. The Universe always puts what you need at your fingertips, in the here and now, where he himself has placed you; It's that simple. Are you on Earth? Well, look for her and close to you! Observe and you will find what you need either for your moment, for a specific situation and for your experimental evolution.

Everything far away can serve you to start your journey and wake up, and provide prior knowledge of who you really are and how life works. It can serve to locate you and activate the process of awareness of your reality, but staying anchored externally, far away and following others forever, little or nothing will solve your concerns or regrets If not, it is very possible that you will get caught up in the illusion and that illusion will slow your evolution.

The closest thing you have is to listen and listen to the clamor that flows from within. Who are you going to listen to? To others, to ego, to the senses, to attachments? To that which only offers you some satisfaction or temporary happiness or the voice inside that flows from the intuition expressed in pure feeling and that proposes what suits you best, to Although at any given moment it may be that your understanding is incapable of understanding why it leads you along those paths?

Take advantage of all the experiences that the ego, emotions, senses and attachments give you to realize what you really are and get from that experience valuable nutrients that will prevent your soul from becoming numb!

Is the ego bad?

The ego simply is and tries to feed you with its favorite tools: the emotional states of the mind, the sensations it receives from the physical senses and the clutches through the attachments to everything, be they people, things, situations ... With all this, the ego creates the mental habits that will condition you and hold you to those situations and that, over time, will be part of your daily life, will enslave you like a wheel that always turns in itself and you will say that life is like that or that you have had bad luck or that everything is the fault of others ... And then, you can continue complaining or use the ego in its right measure, under the guidelines that come from the soul, which is the healthiest and most nutritious alternative for you and your reality.

Without the ego, without emotions and without the senses, physical functioning towards matter would be very different. Either you would be paralyzed to perform material actions or you would be in the joyful samadhi, which is the state that is obtained by connecting from matter with your true reality and with which the experimentation of duality ceases to exist. But if your life mission is precisely to experience what you really are in duality, you must use these tools of matter.

You will know that you are acting with the ego in its right measure, when you let yourself be guided by the infallible wisdom that springs from the true intuition and instant inspiration that come from the soul that opens when you stop malnourishing it and nourish your companions healthily: physical and mental bodies

Keep in mind that all the actions you take with these tools and physical states will feed or nourish what is called karma, a sack of dual experiences that you will take with you and that you will have to manage when you return. All of them will return intact, they are only yours and are part of you reincarnation after reincarnation.


"Who gives, receives", "Who sows winds gathers storms", "What you do is what you will find", "An eye for an eye tooth for a tooth", "Who for iron kills iron dies" ...

All these expressions reflect the universal law of karma or law of cause and effect, which governs all the actions and thoughts that the human kingdom produces on the material earth. Karma is the result of what you have generated, the toll to be paid on the consequences of what

you have caused or the harvest you will receive from the correct actions that you have practiced. Both in one sense and in the other, for the benefit or harm, every action causes one type or another of karma that balances with that polarity.

Karma is like accounting, you have a must and a credit, or addition or subtraction. If your balance of a life is positive, you will live the next life full of fullness, everything will work for you and you will be able to generate a lot of abundance. On the contrary, if it is negative, you will live full of inconveniences and it will cost you to generate fullness or abundance, you will have to try harder and sometimes you will not get it.

Karma is a sack that you have filled with your actions; No one can fill it or empty it, only you have that power. If from that sack you only take out and you stop putting in it right actions, there will come a moment that will be empty and in that moment all your fullness and abundance will suddenly end without more; Good karma will be over. On the contrary, if you carry him full of wrong actions or continue feeding him, you will have to go through the toll and relive in a certain way what you have caused; but you also have the option to nurture it and continue filling it with correct actions until you dilute your regrets.

The root of all illness is ignorance and, at the same time, it is that of your sorrows and karmic tolls. The solution to all this involves acquiring wisdom, which is the tool that will provide you with the clarity of the path that you must undertake with all your thoughts, actions and decisions towards the matter. Wisdom is acquired by nourishing the soul.

All actions are karmic and each of them will force you to pay a toll or allow you to charge it; You will be a payer or a collector. Both in one case and in the other, you have the option of living those karmic effects nutritiously or unhealthily. Stay tuned, keep filling the sack with wise actions so that it never empties and so you can live more fully. Although if you have to revive them in their toughest form, live them from the full nourishment of the soul and this will undoubtedly be a substantial and happy experience instead of a sad regret.

Ignorance is the result of hearing and feeding the ceaseless cry of the ego, while wisdom is what comes from nurturing the essence that you are. Actions performed from wisdom will nourish and vivify the soul and, at the same time, dilute your pending karmic tolls. But remember, only you can decide if you feed your karma or nourish it.


If you simply feed the physical body instead of providing healthy nutrition, without worrying about what you are eating, leaving it in the hands of habits, customs or what others say, the mental body will act at ease and the ego, its manager, will take over that situation so favorable to him. The ego will direct your course and the body will ask you to continue feeding it in that way to maintain that hypnotic state, thus entering an endless wheel that you can only break by being aware of the great gift that Creation offers you to interact and experience in the matter, which is none other than the wonderful physical body. Activating your powerful will, you will be able to break unhealthy habits and banish the ego to the space that corresponds to it. You will thus be able to enter the process of changing your diet towards nutrition that is healthier for your physical and mental body: its original food.

It is impossible for the subtle body to express itself in the dense and intoxicated material environment caused by the intoxicating wheel of the ego. When this dominates the situation, the humble soul simply stealthily withdraws and extends the veils that will keep it free from that dense vibration, waiting for you to decide to break that intoxicating chain fed back by the insatiable ego.

Clean and detoxify your physical body, cut the sources from which unhealthiness flows, choose the appropriate recovery process and your mental lucidity will emerge. That lucidity will allow you to understand the true reality, act in a balanced way and thus keep the ego in its place. Properly nourish your physical body, activate your mental power and the soul will receive the nutrition that suits you at all times and in turn will nourish decisions and actions.

Always remember that to be happy you have to act from balance and for this it is essential that you properly nourish all your bodies. Practice meditation regularly, because when you truly contact the soul through it, there you will find all the answers.

We wish you a nutritious experience in your life and, above all, that you be truly happy!

Author: Josep Mar a Montserrat Cellular Nutritionist

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