Meaning of the number 11: The influence of this master number on our personality and love, and the message it has for you

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 The master numbers 2 Meaning of the number 11 3 The number 11 in the personality 4 Love in the number 11 5 Angelic number 11

"Numbers are the highest degree of knowledge, They are knowledge in itself."

- Plato

11 is a very particular number. In addition to being the first positive number that is formed from the repetition of the same digit, the frequency to which this number refers is also extremely significant. Do you know the meaning of the number 11 ?

We all know the importance that numbers play in our existence . This is so since they are a symbol of energies and carry great historical significance. They are present in everything that happens in the Universe, they govern personalities, point to future events and even spread a certain energy to people.

In turn, within the numbers we find a very special group that is even more powerful than the others, and these are called master numbers . These numbers stand out for their unique strength.

Therefore, if you are finding yourself with this number often in your day to day, it may be important that you know the meaning of the number 11 so that you can correctly interpret this message from heaven.

Stay with us as we immerse ourselves in the meaning of the number 11, so significant and powerful.

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Master numbers

What differentiates an ordinary number from the master numbers? Well, the numerological foundation of master numbers tells us that they have a much higher energy potential. These numbers have been the subject of fascination by experts in the field since all times, and it is an important concept when explaining the meaning of the number 11.

These numbers are three: 11, 22 and 33, and they are the only two-digit numbers that cannot be reduced to a single-digit number, since they have their own meaning and a certain series of qualities and properties that separate them from the rest. . And it is popular belief that these numbers, as the name implies, have a meaning that is far beyond the mundane, material and sensitive.

These numbers fascinate us so much that some scholars have wanted to include in this category the other numbers formed by the repetition of a number, such as 44 or 99, but there is no traditional or historical foundation that supports this theory.

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Meaning of the number 11

The number 11 is the first of the master numbers, and is a symbol of intuition and sensitive intelligence. This number is also a door to the spiritual world, and leads us to enlightenment.

The number 11 and its meaning are also related to the fact that in order to achieve this intuition and this spiritual elevation it takes a period of introspection that will take us to the confines of our interior. In that way, internal knowledge and the search for essence will also be synonymous with the meaning of the number 11 .

In turn, this number tells us about the two-part joint work, the synthesis of the two faces. The integration of the masculine and the feminine, as well as the immortal spirit and the mortal essence of our body. In this way, this is another symbol that goes back to stop perceiving these forces as contrary, and understand them as complementary, and that it is thanks to this integration that they achieve their highest essence.

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The number 11 in personality

Those people who are marked by the meaning of the number 11 in their life, will be very spiritual people. And therefore, the responsibility that falls on them will also be greater.

The call of the people who are marked by this number has to do with a spirit in balance, the development of their intuition and imagination, which makes them an excellent candidate to develop in the field of art.

Their innate capacity for conscious and unconscious connection leads them to spend a lot of time inside their head, creating imaginary universes and incredible stories. Their sensitivity is very high, which also makes them very empathetic and good for communication.

This inclination can make people marked by the meaning of the number 11 great spiritual guides, psychologists and doctors. However, ignorance of this nature and lack of control over their abilities can easily unbalance them and lead them to social and emotional isolation.

While they are destined for growth and elevation, they should avoid this echoing their ego, moving them away from the path to which they must go.

They have prophetic abilities, ability to correctly interpret the meaning of their dreams and therefore to predict misfortunes and accidents. Of course, this must be trained to achieve proper use of these skills.

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Love in number 11

The meaning of the number 11 in love makes people who are governed by this number loyal, attractive and passionate. Lovers of sensuality and romance, they enjoy tasting step by step slowly in their relationships. They are able to put in them all their energy and all their effort, and will seek to connect and understand the needs of their partner.

They like to take their time to be completely sure of their potential partners, and the level of their imagination makes them interesting and extremely creative people in love . He loves to surprise and innovate so as not to fall into repetition and boredom.

They are also very independent people, who are programmed to search and enjoy their freedom a lot . They like to work hard and work hard, and that will be reflected in their relationships.

Those governed by the meaning of the number 11 will also be very aware of the importance of words, and directing compliments or expressing support will be much more meaningful to them than any other type of gift.

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Angelic number 11

Are you seeing the number 11 regularly in your life? You can be contacted by the angels, and it is in that case that you must be aware of the meaning of the angelic number 11 in order to decipher the message that the universe sends you.

The meaning of the angelic number 11 invites us to be more attentive to the thoughts that cross our mind lately. It is an invitation to eliminate those things that make a presence in your head and that represent negative thoughts.

This number is related to light and spiritual realization, and sometimes it is common to see it before important events happen.

When you see this number repeatedly, thank the angels for communicating with you, because if they send you this message it is that they know about you and the things you are going through. They are by your side.

In addition, it is recommended that you begin to dedicate it even if it is a small moment of the day to perform some meditation exercise, or to read material related to spirituality. This will strengthen your spiritual life, which is important at all times.

It is also advisable to remember to put yourself at the service of others. Being kind, listening to the other, being grateful are some of the attitudes that can also be good for you spiritually.

Numbers have a great influence on our lives, and it is for those who know how to listen to them that they keep the most important messages about existence.

Stay tuned, and it will come to you too.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of



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