Be a peaceful force of love and compassion ~ Message from Lady Nada

  • 2014
Lady Nothing, Ascended Teacher Weekly Message ~ December 26 to January 2, 2014
Received by Julie Miller

There have been many situations suddenly arisen in your daily activities where you felt it was justified to blame another, both personally and collectively, and the energy dispersed during the act of blaming someone is neither conductive nor productive to create any effect more than that of plunging them more into the realm of despair and dismay. Understand, beautiful and bright hearts, that blaming is working for your ego, which will drive you to blame others in order to protect them from feeling helpless. Blaming comes during certain conditions that create frustration and leaves them with a feeling that they lack something, that they are deprived of something instead of allowing them to feel the sorrow or sadness that would lead them to heal themselves. Themselves. Blaming creates a dynamic part in your feeling; a sense or feeling that they are capable of doing something about disturbing situations by assisting another dear being, passing the responsibility that is theirs to them. When you get caught up in the blame, you think you are taking an active and progressive step asking for justice, and that those you blame will become different. During any difficult situation, beautiful and bright hearts, it is important to separate your desire, that part of you that feels that the circumstances that you have experienced are those that have created your pain, suffering or discomfort to be different and your energy creates anger, which in turn creates the guilt that you bring to the situation. For the energy that you use to blame from your anger and frustration does not let you see clearly, and therefore, the bigger picture of how to work with the situation at hand becomes a challenge because they allowed you to grow disproportionately thanks to their need to blame If you are able to redirect your energy away from the need to blame someone and see what changes you can make in yourself, then, my dear ones, you will begin to see clearly how to rectify and get out of the difficult situation more easily. Any time they are presented with an opportunity in life with a situation that provokes their anger enough to blame someone for what they are feeling, they are being given an opportunity to discover within themselves their own willingness to trust and connect with the positive side of life instead of the negative. When you are willing to face your own pain and despair instead of sending you back to the world where others are going to feel more pain, you cling to your own discomfort instead of sending a healthy energy back to the world. When you think your pain is too much to be carried by you alone, you may feel that it is too heavy to handle. Instead of blaming others, they are encouraged to pray to be enlightened, so that the Healing Light and Love of God will fill their entire Being, illuminating their path and leading them out of their dark predicament. Beautiful and bright hearts, the Light of God will show you what you need to cling to, giving you the inner knowledge that it is possible to expand your heart and that He will help you. This is a challenge, a personal and deeply spiritual one because it requires that they sacrifice the pain they are feeling in order to discover a certain degree of amplification within themselves that allows them to bear their pain without creating more for others. You do this not because you want to continue to suffer but because you recognize that you are an important part of all life, not just that of your own self and your separate feelings. When your beautiful hearts expand in order to increase your volume to sustain your feeling of loss and despair, you provide a great benefit to the entire world, which transmutes your feeling of frustration and blame. The Love that resides in your heart and that is expanding dissolves your need to have negative feelings and actions, providing instead the ability to live freely and in peace in any circumstance that brings your life. This type of positive action and change in your thinking and reactions does not create inactivity, as many dear beings would believe at first sight; the new changes they have adopted will reflect a determination to be a force of Love and Compassion for the entire world, where the energy of their feelings from their expanded heart benefits others for the greater good of humanity. The reason they change the way they react to difficult situations is that they provide insight into how ineffective their need is to blame someone because they are angry and that it takes away their precious energy and focus. Your new and positive way of handling your frustrations, anger or pain resulting from a situation with another loved one will contribute to your ability to move forward in your life in an accelerated and direct way, where your decision making and planning skills bring you back to be in the present, one that feels comfortable and peaceful. Beautiful and bright hearts, what is often hidden from your awareness awakens but that is still very active are your negative energies that you have the tendency to retain within yourself, and are the reasons why you cannot reach your own feeling of peace and calm. Dear ones, you have had moments when you have been able to feel an explosive anger or some other disturbing emotion or feeling suddenly emerging. And yet, at other times these hidden negative energies operate as a suppurating wound just below the surface of your perception window, and this is more difficult to heal because they have been ignored for a long time. In order to find peace, dear beautiful and bright hearts, you must first realize that peace lies within your freedom to select which waves of emotions will allow you to live within your emotional mind and which ones are willing to let go. The dear Beings who try to find peace must also try to let go of the need to desire anything that could create a conflict with this. Your precious minds may not recognize you, but your heart always knows the right way, and the way of the heart is what we encourage you to take. In order to create peace within your precious hearts, you are required to let go of any animosity, anger or any other negative feelings or emotions that might follow there, and create a life free of blame and peace-giving. When your heart is ready and you are ready, then your precious Being will discover a way to instruct you on the necessary lessons of peace that your dear and busy mind will acquire and for which it will make space. May every beautiful and bright heart, dear beings trying to achieve peace in the entire world, discover that this knowledge is already within them, simply waiting to be discovered and shared. And so it is. I AM the Ascended Master, Lady Nothing, via Julie Miller

Be a peaceful force of love and compassion ~ Message from Lady Nada

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