Wisdom Of Gaia: WORDS ACCORDING TO WHICH TO LIVE - Gaia through Pepper Lewis

In times before this, a small percentage of the world's population could write a little more than their own name. Reading was a privilege and so was a formal education. In the modern world those are the exception and not the norm. Advances in advertising and the advent of the Internet have made words, many of them, accessible on any imaginable subject and in a variety of languages ​​and formats. Words convey information and provide insight on important issues, but they can also confuse, disorient, incite and repel.

The acceleration of this moment in time has accelerated the human ability to explore their situations and concerns. This is fine because it will lead to an exploration of possible solutions, but it has also reconfigured the patterns of the language in which words are expressed, making it more difficult to understand the central truth of the communication delivered. Since this applies to both spoken and written words, partners, colleagues, family members, readers and listeners alike are at a disadvantage in terms of the clarity that reigns.

This short-term problem will find its own solution as the paths within the structured human brain rearrange themselves and make new connections. Younger generations have already made these necessary adaptations, but progress in the middle and older generations has been more gradual. This phenomenon is remarkable because the younger generations have found the value of communication in the newest style of social media work, other generations have not, and in fact have found themselves more adverse to new things and ideas, as well as with each other.

Regardless of the category to which they feel their synapse belongs, this would be a good time to pause between thoughts and words so that your brain restructures them. After a structured pause, rethink and reread your last thought. Notice any difference or nuance between the first and the second attempt. There is something tangible that exists between every thought and word and it may be important for you to discover what this is. Executing this little exercise will be of benefit to you, and it may be important that you discover what this is. Doing this little exercise can be of benefit to you in many ways, including an increased memory recall, thoughts aimed at solutions, conflict resolutions, creative inspiration and much more. Your mechanical brain is undergoing improvement and will soon reap the benefits of it.

In the following exercise you will find more words regarding this topic.



Reflexology is a system in which specific points of the feet or hands are being manipulated to produce changes in other parts of the body. These reflex points correspond to the major organs, glands and other areas of the body. Reflexology is a therapy of zones, through which the vital force circulates through the body connecting one part with the other. Reflexology restores natural balance, harmony and health. The brain also has its corresponding reflex points and normally these are being stimulated on your behalf. If you have noticed a slight pressure that is increasing in one or more parts of the brain, it could be that you are acting on specific points. You can actively help the process and also change unwanted ideas and patterns with the following procedure:

1. Relax and intentionally calm the physical body.

2. Begin talking to you with every tranquilizer that recognizes the will to be present at this time in the processes of life.

3. Tell your body to balance and adjust your body temperature, raising or lowering it if necessary to achieve a greater degree of comfort.

4. Make a long, deep and relaxing inspiration, remember what and who you are. Remember the relationship you have always had with yourself.

5. Isolate this moment in a perception bubble, so that you can find it with your perception at another time.

6. Recognize that you are being presented with an opportunity to grow beyond previous limitations.

7. Take responsibility for that moment and acknowledge that you have pulled it towards you on purpose.

8. Ask (or allow, if already present) the introduction of a Higher Perception and expand any fissure that avoids the presence of clarity or true knowledge. If they can do this simply and detachedly, they might want to include a specific problem or pattern. If they cannot present the matter in its pure form, it is best to leave the process on its own.

9. Monitor the activity of your body so that you remain relaxed and attentive. Pay special attention to the area inside the heart that maintains an active and constant communication with brain activity.

10. Do not get involved with thoughts that judge or object. You may be in the process of being expelled and you will not want to delay the process.

11. State the things that you know are true in their absolute or formless form. Name a few of them silently or loudly.

12. Recognize that you are always in your right so that there is no need to be aggrieved for life. This is an important step, since it is often where victimization reveals itself.

13. Allow the experience to be as it is, including fissures, empty moments and inconsistencies. Release any interest in filling in the empty spaces with something.

This simple exercise requires little time or effort. In fact, the less importance they attach to it, the better, since it will become a natural and normal part of its development. Soon the benefits will be obvious and an important part of your life.

The Peaceful Planet |

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He with the proper authorization of the original site has the material translated into Spanish in Word file which can be downloaded from your site

Thanks Anita Manasse !!!


July 14, 2009

Translation: Alexiis

Wisdom Of Gaia: Words According To Which To Live

Mother Earth / Gaia through Pepper Lewis

Clarity and Courage for Today, Orientation and Wisdom for tomorrow.

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