Tips to modify a situation that we don't like, by Mercedes Cibeira

  • 2016

Every day life presents us with challenges, changes, problems that, even if they look like stones in the shoe, are paths that we have to travel to the evolution of our soul. But there are some principles or laws called Hermetic or Universal that can serve as tools in our favor to travel this learning path with more elegance and less unnecessary stumbling.

What are the Universal principles

  • They are true of universal application.
  • They were hidden for millennia from the great masses and now they are beginning to come to light.
  • They were and are known and used for thousands of years:
    • Egyptians and Greeks of the Hermetic School (the Kybalion)
    • Quechuas (The Elder I speak of Ponce de Leon Paiva)
    • Kabbalah Jewish
    • Some religions focused more on some than others: Hinduism, Buddhism
    • Sapiensal traditions: shamans, metaphysicians, alchemists, also know and use these concepts

Today we will talk about the principle of Polarity:

“Everything is double, everything has two poles; all its pair of opposites ”

The similar and the antagonistic are the same, the opposites are identical in Nature but different in degree, the extremes are touched, all truths are semi-true, all paradoxes can be reconciled.

-Everything is dual in the Universe, everything has two faces. Polarity maintains the rhythm of life. We know the existence of something by the contrast of its opposite.

In each thing there are two poles, in the temperature there is cold and heat, and although they are opposites they are the same thing.

Any phenomenon has the possibility of its opposite manifestation and it is feasible to change something undesirable in its opposite condition.

How can i use it?

The ability to polarize in the positive:

We are human magnets and what is manifested in our life is because there is already something inside us that is attracting it.

We attract events with the information we have inside, mainly with our thoughts, with our emotions and our beliefs.

I should never seek to deny or resist something, since "what resists persists" or reaffirms its existence.

The basis of mental change is: "the undesirable is changed by changing its polarity."

Therefore, if you want to change something negative, anchor yourself in affirming your positive opposite: For example: instead of saying “I'm afraid of being unemployed” or “I don't want to be sad”, try to repeat internally with will and confidence: “I live in Total abundance and I receive everything I need ”, “ I am surrounded by love and joy ”

Optional personal work:

- Self observation: determine what can be polarized (thoughts, emotions, actions).

- Observe in the family, office, etc. and detect the operation of this principle.

- Take pencil and paper, write down what your fears are and what the positive opposite statements of each would be. Repeat these statements every morning and every night.

Who is Mercedes Cibeira?

- Teacher of Facilitators of the Kamadon Academy Australia for America and Spain

- Degree in Business Administration

- Usui System Reiki Teacher

- Floral therapist

- Iyengar and Ashtanga Yoga instructor

For many years he traveled and continues to travel his spiritual path through different teachings such as Reiki, Mind Control, Akashic Records, Flower Therapies, Gemotherapy, Alchemy and Yoga. While she was living her spiritual transformation, she worked in companies as a Bachelor of Administration until, after knowing the Melchizedek Method, she decided to fully devote herself to her vocation and mission of helping others, assisting her in her spiritual path, through Holistic Therapies .

She worked in the office as a therapist for the Method combined with other techniques and trained as a Facilitator for the Melchizedek Method in September 2008 with Scott Terrill (Kamadon Academy Australia) in Buenos Aires.

In September 2009, Mercedes had the honor of being appointed representative of the Latin American and Spanish office of the Kamadon Academy and in December 2012 she was appointed Master Facilitator of the Melchizedek Method.

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