Breathing to vent emotions: a support for true healing

  • 2015

Emotions are biochemical energy that moves through the body at every moment influencing deeply and accentuated health and all aspects of our lives. However, it is not always understood because sometimes we react in certain ways to the experiences of everyday life, sometimes anger is not understood, depression or fear, there are those who cannot cry or do not know what to do with their anger or emotional pain, and not giving meaning to what they feel can cause rejection, denial or repression of emotion.

The contained, repressed or denied emotion stays in the body, they are like bubbles of energy at the bottom of our being waiting to be released. Releasing an emotion means that it becomes conscious, or comes out. a to the light saved information that was not visible to the naked eye.

One may believe that he already forgot what made him feel bad and think: "That doesn't matter anymore, " "I overcame it" "Why go backwards?" And try to erase his fears or what caused him pain in childhood or some stage of his life. "Let's go forward." And yes. It can be a very good attitude. But, if the emotion was not released with understanding, and deeply relieved with a consciousness of learning, it will have been denied, stagnant or like a small shadow that will affect our lives.

If you want to heal your body or your life in a profound way, it is necessary that you learn to accept and release emotions, since these are great messengers of what we have had to learn in this life. Denying or judging them only causes diseases and limitations. Understanding why you lived certain things and why they made you feel a certain way is very important for your spirit to feel that it is really growing. When something does not grow, it weakens, falls and falls ill. So, you will be able to notice in which parts of your life or your body you have become stagnant or with a stuck emotion, and it is time to give it out and vent them in a way that deeply feeds you.

Breathing to vent emotions

Well done breathing not only fortifies, invigorates and rejuvenates the tissues, the nervous, muscular and glandular system, but it has surprising medicinal effects since it helps to mobilize deep and contained emotions, bring to consciousness experiences saved in the unconscious allowing its release resolution and integration so that the body and life heal.

Usually, very few people know how to breathe. The breath gets stuck in the chest part, and this does not help the person to really make contact with what they are feeling. Here we give you 4 simple steps to get in touch with the emotions contained.

How to start a healing breathing session?

Follow these 4 steps:

To start a healing breath, you need a place that is rather quiet and where you are not interrupted, being well seated, always observing that your shoulders, hands and body in general are relaxed. Playing soft music can help (avoid singing melodies, always instrumental and as relaxed as you can).
Put one of your hands in the belly area, about three fingers under your belly button. This is an area of ​​great power and little activated. Put the palm of your hand in this area and close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing and try to feel how it reaches the area of ​​your lower belly, where you have your hand. You should feel that your abdomen is like a balloon that inflates and deflates gently as you inhale and exhale. Inflates on inhalation ... deflates on exhalation ...

Focus on your breathing while visualizing the person with whom you feel you have had a conflict or it provokes or provoked some strong emotion, be it pain, repulsion, fear, sadness, etc. If you feel that "there is no one, " think of your mom or dad. Or in god.

Accelerate your breathing a little and keep it at an accelerated pace while trying to remember events you lived with this person until you feel that some emotion flows or intensifies.

Do the concentrated breath for five or ten minutes. Then, breathe gently and try to mentally tell the person that you have chosen what you really feel or feel for her. Express it without judgment and let your true feelings flow. If you think that "you must not say certain things, " the exercise will not work . Just allow yourself to express whatever comes to your heart. If you don't feel "nothing, " then try to write what you feel you learned from this person on a piece of paper.

This is just a part that I share so you can start a deep cure and heal your body and your life through emotional relief. To understand what you feel, consult my articles of fear, anger and sadness that are on this page, or write me what you felt and I will do my best to advise you.

How do you feel today? Good? Do you try to smile in spite of everything? Do you try to help everyone with good spirits and positive character? That may sound very commendable indeed. But if your body is sick, you feel weak or constantly exhausted, or your life is not going as you expect and the problems or limitations do not seem to fall apart, then it is time to start with you.

AUTHOR: Made by Eleykha (Laura K.)


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