Reflections on life ...

  • 2014

The intensity of the Self itself is more vast than the cosmic sea.

Some of us sway between the lines , between Earth and Heaven, and we feel lost in the intermediate space.

Others try so hard simply to survive on the planet that there is no rest there - in the sense of being specifically there.

And there are others who are trying to ascend to a higher state of Being without truly understanding that ascension at this time means lowering the highest stages of evolution and transmitting them back to Mother Earth. Therefore, bring Heaven to Earth - in everyone and everything we do and are aspiring to be.

Many of us wish to dishonor the Earth and free ourselves from the breath of life that sustains our physical form on planet Earth. And yet, without the physical form we cannot anchor that Heaven on Earth, even if we try. Whatever we see in some form in the higher states has to assume a concrete form on Earth .

I was trying to explain this concept yesterday, where I was pointing to the fact that the inner Earth is rearranging itself - and therefore, there is a lot of activity on the inner Earth. We live abroad, and then, when there are earthquakes, tidal waves and any other natural catastrophe we tend to lament over the forces of nature and blame Mother Earth - but we never take the time to truly honor Her Being and to understand that She is a living and breathing Entity, just like us. It's just that her physical body is more vast than ours - but that doesn't mean that She is something to abuse and exploit and destroy!

Interestingly, much of our inner world manifests itself in our outer form. When everything is rolling inside us and when there is no inner peace and there are desires for self-destruction or death, then we will manifest them in some way outside. If we hate our inner guts then we will activate hatred somewhere in the outer form and hate the guts of everyone around us.

The total microorganism of the Earth is reflected within our own physical body, in our belly; so even if we want to break away from Mother Earth, she literally lives in every cell and fiber of our bodies . What happens in the microcosm happens in the macrocosm, and vice versa.

I am touching all this because often the core of what we perceive not to be functional in the outside world is reflected within us. It could be that certain organs are dysfunctional or that certain aspects of our physical bodies are suffering pain or trying to focus on the objective, what we have not released, or with what we have not made peace in our inner world .

I was reminded of this the other day when I was going through a period of pain in my body. I tried to heal the physical body, but the priests did not help . When I refused to go to an in-depth exam and decided to get to the root of the problem, I found that I had to do a lot of internal cleaning and clearance and release. Memories of past lives began to emerge, and with the help of a healing friend, intense things were taken out of my spine and throat, and my sacral chakra.

But the pain persisted. Only when I went to a Reiki session and the Reiki Master innocently asked me to return to an incident of my childhood, and I remembered it and released the feelings of an intense guilt of a five-year-old girl and cradled that girl in my arms, then I could let go of the memory banks. Interestingly, when I did that the pain disappeared.

So with the multiple cleansing and liberation of emotional pain and memory banks I was able to delve deeper into my being and go truly deeper into the scars and wounds that I have carried in this life - as all those karmic bonds and bonds that I have come to solve in this life come to the surface, I am ready to release that memory bank and forgive myself and others.

With this has also come a deeper understanding of how we have to fulfill spiritual contracts with other beings. With some beings this has been done for many lives, and sometimes we have been part of a specific group of beings that came to do a specific job on the planet.

With the advent of the fall of the state from 7D to 3D, a great deal of work needed to be done again, or at least it had to resurface again at some level. Some had to firmly hold certain codes or take themselves to some level in order to recover them later on some date, when humanity was ready to finally understand them again or had raised their consciousness sufficiently.

Some of us, during training in the ancient schools of hidden mysteries we had to go through severe initiations, and sometimes we lost our lives during them. Therefore, some of these deeply rooted fears have to do with the method used, or with the fear of failure, or with a deeply settled fear of failing the tests, so to speak.

Some may have been persecuted for telling the truth or for practicing healing methods or doing things that were not understood or feared by those who were not able to see.

Some others may have held positions of power, and then abused thirst for power - so there will be fears at some level of assuming their power.

Most people have a great fear of money and wealth because they have been in some religious order in which they had to take vows of poverty, obedience, chastity, and still have the beggar bowl syndrom and the feeling that another Person has to take care of them . Some truly expect others to pay their bills, etc. for they see it as their right - to live in their own worlds and then have other people to support them in their lives at some level.

If you fear money or hate it at some level, then you will attract more fear and hate.

Well, money is essentially ENERGY , just like power . He does not have a negative or positive connotation, except when you evoke it in your mind or in your memory bank of your own being. When they begin to bless the energy of money, they begin to release all those vows and begin to advance to higher states of consciousness; Then they begin to feel deep inside and understand that when they reject money in some way from deep inside, that is what is going to manifest in their life.

The moment you change the inner consciousness concerning money and begin to send loving energies and bless you, you will begin to attract more money in your lives. You have to live and sustain yourself on this planet, and you have to do it at some level in order to be anchored in your mission of your being in life. If they do this abundantly, they can create more job opportunities for others and more goods all around them.

Remember that the energy of money is NEUTRAL. What they do with money is their own choice and free will. Because others decide to choose to use the energy of money for their own benefit or control, that is their own karma, not theirs. Choose to use the energy of money wisely and responsibly, and you will improve your own life and that of others, and in the end everything works for the greatest good and the greatest good of the whole.

The same applies to all energy and everything else.

I have used and used a higher healing meditation where one literally begins to release the fear the fear of all past lives, all fear schedules, and to remove other blockages and impediments caused by their own internal belief system. It is surprising how this works in multiple ways. It has made me more aware of how rooted our fears are and how deeply rooted our fears, insecurities and schedules are accredited for many lives

I am sharing all this today so that you become aware of what you are creating inside and outside of yourself.

The more conscious they become, the more conscious they become of their actions and reactions and the way they choose to create their inner and outer life.

The responsibility for your life lies only in you and no one else. It does not lie in your spouse, your lover, your boss, your family, your society, or any other . It is entirely your responsibility. At the end of their lives, they cannot blame anyone other than themselves for what went wrong or good. You will be before your Creator, naked and stripped to the very center. That is when there is a review of his whole life. The lessons they have mastered and those that still do not dominate. Those will be for another life and another life experience.

Consequently, why not make the best use of the time they have here and now to truly create the best life they can for themselves and take full responsibility for their own well-being, and to anchor their mission of being unique on planet Earth and manifesting Heaven on Earth?

By: Judith Kusel


Translated: Gloria Mühlebach

Reflections on life ...

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