Energy Prophylaxis

  • 2011




As therapists we have a responsibility to maintain a clean and healthy body with a flow of pure and strong Chi blood and energy.

If we are going to heal another person energetically we will have to be in balanced and healed ourselves first. As healers we have a responsibility to maintain a healthy body and strong pure energy.

When we are unlocked from psychic energy we will be better prepared to help others detach and unlock their patterns all the combined channels form the body's energy network. Therefore we will perform all kinds of exercises and techniques to clean and purify any energy meridian that our body has.

The chakra of our crown, the heart and the navel are three important energy centers that we will ensure that they are free of blockages or interference.

We are going to be the pattern of healthy energies and healthy body with which the patient will be compared and thus discover their problems or strange elements that may be obstructing their circulation of energy.

It is very possible that any negative emotion experienced by a person or the therapist is transmitted to another person or to the patient.

Umbilical center, this center can be seen as a door between the physical body and the energy body. All energy channels or meridians that form and sustain our being pass through the umbilical zone Universal and earthly energy descends and ascends through the umbilical region through a series of energy channels that form the micro cosmic orbit. We will try to have clean and pure all energy channels and centers, especially the abdominal area. The abdomen is the part of the body where we can find more fascial tissue.

We must clean the abdominal region through abdominal massage and thus discover that our emotional state and our attitude improve.

If the therapist breaks free of her blockages, she will be better prepared to help other people.

A healer is intelligent and careful with vital energy. A healer takes his time in the morning to verify his energy level and thus be able to raise it if necessary.

A healer has to know how to say no when his mood or energy is not ideal for healing.

Below we will list some exercises we can do to improve the quality and quantity of our energy or life force.

1- The daily practice of meditation.

2- Establish a strong connection with the energy sources themselves. It will be easy for us to connect with the energies of the earth in the sky of the universe to unify and project them in a single salutary energy towards the patient.

3- Avoid energy depletion. Many of the healers take unhealthy energy from their patients and run out. We will try to make a connection before heaven and earth. Visualize and place a beam of light from the sky or above our heads and that descends through the center of the body, to the sacrum and from here to well anchored on the earth, a few meters below our feet. This connection with the earth will help us to derive any unhealthy energy towards the earth. We can imagine the liquid fire that exists in the center of the earth.

4-Energy transformation. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transformed. Our job right now is to transform the negative energy into positive energy, the blocked energy into free energy. We will learn to use the inner smile, the opening of the heart and the projection of energy. We will send energy from our hands to the sutures or cranial membranes.

5- We will recognize that healing is a gift of nature. Any person with health and will can heal another person. The ability for energy healing means having a powerful life force. What we can give to others is that vital force, that higher vibration energy to restore that of the patient. To send healthy energy to another person we must have that reserve of extra energy, have an open heart and have a good will at that time. Each has its own limited energy so it is important to connect with the energies of the universe of earth and sky. Our success will depend on the ability to open our energy channels and transform negative or blocked energy into healthy energy and improve our health.

6-Give and take healthy and loving energy. When we try to help another person, we will ensure that the energy or vital force that arises from our hands is beneficial and therefore healthy energy.

It is very likely that any bad energy that we have at a given time transmit it to another person, the same can happen in the opposite direction when we transmit healthy energy to a person the insane energy of that person can pass U.S. This can cause the problems that this person had become our problems. This is how many healers get sick because their energy systems do not have enough strength to counteract the effects of the patient's diseased energy or simply that they have an exaggerated ability to absorb energy. negatives and poor ability to part with them.

7- Become a channel of powerful and healthy strength. The more energy channels we open the better we will be. To receive and energize it is important to open at least the two main channels of the Microcosmic orbit. We have to know the direction in which energy circulates and thus be able to direct and absorb them. Opening the energy channels and knowing how to direct the energy we can eliminate and burn unhealthy energy more effectively without succumbing to the diseases that relieve patients.

8- Protect our body from unhealthy or negative energy. By helping other people we are likely to accumulate unhealthy energy on the surface of the hands in the arms and even on the shoulders and in the body. We have to avoid this energy between beyond the shoulders towards the body. We can use some of the energy cleaning techniques such as putting our hands on a conductive surface of energy to the earth, a kind of grounding through a pipe Water n a brick a cement base. We can send this unhealthy energy to a salt stone that we have in the room to neutralize them. Of course we should also wash our hands with cold water reciting mantras and with the feeling of being performing a psychic cleaning.

9- We have to regain strength after each therapeutic session. It is important that after each therapeutic session we sit down and meditate. We have to allow a moment of download. We will adapt to a type of meditation that helps us regain our strength and perform a good cleaning of psychic energy.

10- We will use the elements of nature for healing. Rivers, mountains, stones, plants, trees are elements that help us regain strength and terrestrial energy. The pines become good trees to carry and clean our energy towards the earth. Indoor plants to a lesser extent can also help us release limited amounts of negative energy. We can also use the influence of an ascended master who has an affinity like Jesus Christ, angels or a virgin to whom we have devotion.

Before performing a healing and after this we can create an energy field in and around us that protects our body and our energy. This energy field will burn and transform unhealthy energy before it goes deep into our organs, muscles or bones.

When we help another person regain his health with all our soul with all our heart, it is very likely that his energy and mine will become one. Both beings become one, so we will be predisposed to release and release all kinds of energies. Our attitude will be effectively loving and grateful.

11- We will try to be connected with universal love before doing any session.

"May your food be your best medicine."

(Hippocrates, Greek doctor)

“Eat only when you are hungry,

and stop eating when you still have an appetite.

That way you'll never get sick. ”


Health is a condition of balance and harmony of the soul that extends through each of the individual's dense and subtle vehicles. As everything has a vibratory and energetic origin, before the body gets sick the mind becomes sick, and before the soul. Therefore, in the healing process we must go to the cause and not to the effect of the disease. This is more than useful prospecting or observation of the aura of health where you can capture the vibratory and energetic states of each of the individual vortices or energy wheels, called chakras ...

Extraterrestrial medicine is preventive non curative. The guideline is to teach people not to get sick, for which they resort to an integral education that emphasizes the positive attitude and the need to live in harmony with nature, with one's own body and with others.

The human being is like a sponge, while it is dry it is seen with a defined shape and color, and without weight; but, as soon as it begins to absorb water, the sponge loses its shape becoming amorphous, dark and heavy. And if one takes time to squeeze it, the sponge rots and falls apart. Therefore we must learn to squeeze the negativity of our lives, the same that has been absorbed during everyday life, and we must also know that as we learn to breathe and channel more energy, our aura, which is the barrier Immunological and natural protection dome of the person, it will be enlarged and she will isolate us from the low, dense and heavy vibrations that disharmonize and make us sick. This is like putting on a raincoat in the rainy season.

We must learn to live, so we are forced to start with proper breathing, then continue to change the diet, because we are the product of what we eat. If you feed on death and decomposition, after seven years in which you have regenerated the cells of your body, you will have become precisely death and decomposition, contaminating you completely with all kinds of diseases that will await the moment of weakness in which you defend They are at a minimum to kill you.

Breathing should be done through the nose, using the diaphragm as if it were a bellows, inhaling and inflating the belly forward, making room to then contract it by pushing the air filling the lower and upper part of the lungs, trying to inhale at full capacity. After holding the air, it exhales equally through the nose, trying to do it slowly.

With a slow and deep breath we will not only oxygenate the blood and better irrigate the lungs, improving memory and concentration, but we will also be charged with electrons, which is all that electrical charge that lodges in the nervous system that is the electrical system of the human being That energy manifests itself through the physical body as a light (halo) and as a magnetic field forming above it, known as the bioplasmic body or electromagnetic belt of the human being that is nothing other than the aura.

As we said, what is seen with the naked eye above the individual is the Halo or Etheric, which is the amount of energy one possesses. In the morning, when we have rested properly, this light that is perceived around our body is greater than in the afternoon or at night, when one is already tired, and the energy field has been weakened. Above the Halo, the Aura is perceived, which is the quality of energy. But the Aura is not seen with the naked eye, it feels.

Arriving to perceive the aura we can perceive that it is not one, but that there are three Auras that the human being possesses: the Mental Aura, the Total Aura and the Health Aura. Thanks to the sensitization and continuous stimulation of the neurovegetative system through breathing, the aura can be captured, and with greater dedication and practice, we could even perceive the health aura, which reflects the state of health of the person. In her they appear as spots floating on the body the cause of the diseases and not so much their effect, being able to achieve precision diagnoses.

In addition to learning to breathe and take slow and deep breaths several times a day, we must learn to relax because many diseases are the product of tension and stress. It is also advisable a balanced diet and as natural as possible, if possible, based mainly on vegetables and whole grains. And let's not forget the therapeutic fast of organic cleansing, at least once a month, and the importance of exercise and sport to keep us active and healthy as well as going to bed early, seeking contact with nature and setting aside the stimulants

Recently we have seen the phenomenon of Agroglifos or Crop Field Circles increase not only in southern England but in more than twenty-five countries. These "Signs" or "Signs of Heaven on Earth" always appear on cereal fields, as the extraterrestrials, who are the intellectual and material authors of them, mean by saying that a natural diet based on whole grains can prevent and even reverse most of the diseases that we ourselves produce due to inadequate food. It is also noteworthy that these brands are produced, on soils rich in Magnesium, so if we include in our food diet Magnesium Chloride (a teaspoon the size of those of Flush Coffee in a glass of water, stirring it and taking it on an empty stomach every morning), we will balance all the electrical part of the organism ending with cramps, migraines, migraines, stress, lack of energy in the morning, lack of sleep at night, joint pain, digestive problems, etc. As Magnesium intervenes in more than three hundred physiological processes of the organism, its lack is gravitational in our health, so its daily consumption will act as the best natural antidepressant and anti-stress, it will improve our digestion and help disappear constipation. Magnesium also helps to strengthen Calcium better in the bones, fighting osteoporosis. If for any reason our body resists direct consumption of magnesium, we should strengthen our diet with those foods that contain it.

Another important aspect is psychophysical gymnastics and sports to keep pace in our lives, because the universe is movement, and being sedentary is harmful to health. We fight the ankylosing of the body with movement.

To complete the recipe it is recommended to minimize or eliminate the consumption of all types of stimulants that affect the nervous system and create dependencies undermining the will, such as the consumption of Coffee and Tea. It is also advisable to reduce sugar consumption, replacing it with honey or Stevie, and avoid tobacco and alcohol because they violently affect our aura. It is said that tobacco has volatile substances that pierce the aura.

A healthy life routine is more than advisable, which includes going to bed early so you can get up early and be in harmony with the Sun and the Moon, like plants. In addition, taking advantage of the best hours for sleep, the deep and relaxed rest will allow us to have more conscious astral trips, remember our dreams more easily and even learn to schedule astral trips.

We must also maintain the continuous cleaning of the body and go out to the field at least once a week, walking barefoot on the grass or on the sand, to make contact with the earth, because our body is an electrical circuit and needs to discharge and Recycle the energies.

As we can see, in order to work on the healing of the planet and that of others, we must first consolidate our own health, and this requires harmony of life, balance and being consistent with the teachings that have been transmitted without major variations in its essence throughout the centuries. The teaching is good, but what we lack is perseverance and conviction. Let's get into the knowledge of perfect health that requires the will to know how to give up everything that hurts us, adopting the appropriate guidelines that will bring a healthy life.

Every person has the ability to channel energies that can restore harmony and balance other people. But to be able to do this we must know that the channeling and transmission of energies exists and can be manifested through us. You have to believe it to create it!

The help bridge is established when the person who will serve as a channel of higher energies is aware of his capacity as a transmitter and that he is prepared to do so. The preparation as we have already seen part of an attitude and then a discipline. This preparation gives us authority and presence, emitting an energy that can be perceived by others, which reflects confidence and security. It will do no good for someone to feel and believe that they can help others if they do not get other people to trust her; and vice versa, it will do no good for others to believe that one can help them, if one does not believe it. Trust is a bridge that facilitates the displacement and concretion of energy.

We can all intervene in any case of healing either with people present or at a distance, because for mental power and for love there are no distances or limits. Let's try not to lack concentration and less conviction when it comes to helping. Above all, let us trust in a superior will that has allowed the situation, and that we find ourselves there as useful instruments of universal love.

There is not a single specific or definitive technique to heal, but many. For example:

Imposition of hands, which places our hands on the head, on the area affected by the ailment or on the vertices of energy along the back (chakras). You can then work by placing both hands on the head of the person who will be helped, without touching it while taking slow and deep breaths. At the same time, it is visualized how with each inhalation, retention and deep exhalation, a ray of color descends through us in the order of the chromatic scale, beginning with the violet, transmutation color and change, following the blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange and finally with red. You visualize, imagine and feel how these colors are projected through our hands and chest towards the head of the person who is sitting in front of us, perceiving in our mind how the energy of this or that color goes down the crown, wrapping it outside and inside, reaching the different parts of the body of the patient. If the person was not present, we can imagine it and do it equally, as if it were.

Everything in the universe is just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary part, even our thoughts and consciousness are only vibrations. We can define the Aura as a vibration surrounding every material object. This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura.

> The Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ) changes over time, sometimes very fast.

> The Aura around non-living objects (stones, crystals, water ) is essentially fixed.

The above data have been confirmed beyond any doubt by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the past 50 years.

The Aura around humans is partially composed of EM (electromagnetic) radiation, ranging from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency and infrared microwave part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) while the high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. Russian scientists, who are 3 decades ahead of everyone in Aura research, discovered that our DNA can be altered, influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV light part is very important and very interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with the eyes.

By reading the Aura you can diagnose malformations in the body (diseases) long before physical symptoms become apparent. By consciously controlling your Aura you can actually heal yourself.

However, the healing of the physical body is nothing compared to what seeing and reading auras can do for your consciousness, spiritual development and Nature consciousness.

Everyone has an Aura. But most people on Earth have VERY WEAK and opaque Auras. This is a direct consequence of his life-long materialistic attitude denying and suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating fear, envy, jealousy and other similar emotions. Such attitudes suppress their True Nature, and their Auras become suppressed as well.

When you learn to see Auras, he is prepared for a REALLY DIFFICULT question: "Can you tell me what my Aura is like?" And the situation when you don't see an Aura or see something you don't want to talk about. One of the best answers I've found is “why don't you learn to see for yourself? ". And this is one of the main reasons why I teach people to see auras.

When people become aware that their Aura is on display and many people are able to see it, they will take care of what they think. And they will try to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will become better and wiser, being able to recognize the intentions of other people. Surely, the whole world will become much better if all people can see and read Auras.

Prana, mana, universal ether divine energy, light, is the vital energy that keeps the body alive and healthy

The healer projects the prana or vital energy,

or the "breath of life" to the patient and thus heals him.

The so-called "miraculous healing" is done through this procedure

There are essentially three main sources of prana: prana del sol, prana del aire and prana del suelo

The prana del sol is the one that comes from the sunlight. It invigorates the whole body and promotes good health. It can be obtained by exposing it to sunlight for five to ten minutes, and drinking water that has been exposed to sunlight. Prolonged exposure or excess prana alone 'damages the entire physical body, as it is very potent

The prana that the air in deep breathing contains is called prana del aireo globule of air vitality.

The prana of the air is breathed and absorbed by the lungs by breathing, and is also absorbed directly by the energy centers belonging to the energy body.

These energy centers are called chakras. More prana can be absorbed from the air by rhythmic, slow and deep breathing than by short and shallow breathing. Those who already have some training can also absorb it through the pores.

The prana that the soil contains is called the soil prana soil vitality globules.

It is absorbed with the soles of the feet; This is done automatically and unconsciously.

Walking barefoot increases the amount of prana from the soil that the body absorbs. We can learn to consciously extract more prana from the soil to increase vitality, be more industrious and think more clearly.

Water absorbs prana from sunlight, air and soil with which it comes in contact. Plants and trees absorb prana from sunlight, air, water and soil.

Humans and animals get prana from sunlight, air, soil, water and food.

These contain more prana when they are fresh than when they are preserved.

You can also project prana to another person to heal it. Those who have excessive prana tend to make those around them.


Some healers may feel pain in the joints of their fingers, in these and in the arms. This is due to the absorption of diseased energy or diseased etheric matter from patients.

They could avoid this by washing their hands and arms immediately after a general and localized sweep, and also after energization.

In the long run, when the hands and arms are not washed immediately, the result may be regular partial absorption of diseased energy and, as a consequence, arthritis of the fingers. The healer can use salt and water to wash his hands and arms.

Some healers may feel the symptoms or ailments of their patients.

This is due to the total absorption of diseased energy in the body of the healer. Two factors could cause this: first, by not washing your hands and arms after healing; and second, for not using the waste container when treating patients. The legs can absorb some sick energy from the surrounding area. It is advisable after treating many patients in one session to take a shower to clean the entire body. The healer should wash his whole body with salt and salt water. This process has a cleansing effect on the entire body, and the healer will feel his horn lighter.

Some healers can get infectious diseases. They could avoid this by refraining from healing when they feel bad, very angry or exasperated, and after an emotional outburst. These types of negative emotions produce temporary pranic depletion, falling rays of health and, likewise, holes in the external aura. It is also advisable to wash your hands and arms with a germicidal soap immediately after treating a patient with infectious disease, to protect not only himself, but also protect the next patient.

The healer may feel too tired or exhausted after treating a patient or several patients. Several factors could be the cause of this:

Ø The healer energizes intensely and very quickly. The amount of projected prana is much greater than that of absorbed prana, or the rate at which prana is projected is much faster than the rate at which it is absorbed. The healer can avoid this by being patient, without rushing. Slowly and gradually heal your patients. Some healers have very high energy levels. Its internal aura is about ten meters thick and is very dense. They absorb or introduce formidable amount of prana with a very fast pace.

Some healers are born with a very high level of energy, while others reach that level through disciplined esoteric instruction. In the long run, good health and a very high level of energy are the result of adhering to a certain lifestyle, such as being a vegetarian most of the time, leading a moderate sex life, regulating emotions well in life. and regularly practice a lot of physical exercise (especially tai chi and yogic exercises). Through clairvoyant research, it has been observed that vegetarians often have more purified energy bodies and brighter and denser auras. However, although this is advantageous, it is not necessary to be totally vegetarian. Pranic healers must strictly avoid pork, as the energy of this animal is very dirty.

The healer continues to "subconsciously" energize his patients.

This can be avoided by visualizing how the cord between him and his patient is cut after treatment.

The healer is closely surrounded by his patients, and they tend to absorb prana subconsciously and thereby exhausting him. This can be remedied by keeping a certain distance from the waiting patients.

It is advisable that the healer regularly go on vacation to recharge his body.


It has been observed that, when a healer practices pranic healing for a long time, as a consequence he develops a stronger "willpower". Therefore, he will be prone to using too much "will" in healing, which will tend to overwhelm the cells, thereby making the healing rate slower.

Por otra parte, cuando un sanador regula la “voluntad” al sanar y, en lugar de ello, impregna con amor a la energía que él proyecta, se ha observado que el ritmo de la sanación es más rápido y que la energía pránica proyectada es asimilada fácilmente por el cuerpo.


El ritmo vibratorio del cuerpo energético varía de una persona a otra. Si el cuerpo energético del sanador tiene un ritmo vibratorio más alto que el del paciente, este se sentirá liviano y tal vez experimente una agradable sensación muy difícil de describir. Si el cuerpo energético del sanador tiene un ritmo vibratorio mucho m s bajo que el del paciente, este puede sentir pesadez, molestia y, a veces, dolor. El cuerpo energ tico del sanador suele estar m s refinado que el del paciente.

Quienes son muy fumadores tienen cuerpos energ ticos m s burdos. El cuerpo energ tico de un fumador empedernido est lleno de manchas sucias, de color marr n. Este material de tonalidad marr n obstruye parcialmente los nadis o meridianos y, en consecuencia, afecta negativamente a la salud del fumador.

Las manchas de color marr n est n situadas no s lo en los pulmones, sino tambi n en otras partes del cuerpo energ tico; esas manchas causan enfermedades pulmonares y otras dolencias. Cuando un sanador cuyo cuerpo energ tico est m s refinado se contamina con un fumador empedernido que accidentalmente lo ha tocado, el sanador se sentir pegajoso, pesado y dolorido en la zona que le est n tocando. Es important simo que el sanador no sea fumador o haya renunciado a fumar porque, en vez de mejorar, el paciente podr a empeorar, especialmente si la parte que le est n tratando es muy delicada.

A veces, el paciente puede sentir un leve dolor y pesadez en la parte que le est n energizando, si el sanador est cansado y tuvo un d a de mucha tensi n emocional. El sanador deber a descansar y reanudar la sanaci n al d a siguiente o cuando se sienta mejor.

En contadas ocasiones, el paciente puede tener un cuerpo energ tico muy refinado o el ritmo vibratorio de su cuerpo energ tico puede ser mucho m s alto que el del sanador. Ese paciente, si es tratado por un sanador cuyo cuerpo energ tico es m s burdo, s lo experimentar am s molestia, y deber a ser tratado por un sanador cuyo cuerpo energ tico sea tan refinado om s que el del paciente.

A medida que un sanador sigue practicando la sanaci n, su cuerpo energ tico se va limpiando y refinando gradualmente, su aura interna se torna m s brillante vm s densa, y llega a ser un sanador m s potente.


Relajarse interiormente y energizar las manos

Explorar el aura

Cuerpo et rico




Barrido generalizado

Barrido local en las partes congestionadas o da adas con prana azul

Limpiarse las manos hasta los codos con agua fr a Conectar la lengua al paladar

Separar axilas

Concentrarse en la mano receptora (m s) y en la dadora (menos)

Absorber prana con la mano receptora y enviarlo con la mano dadora


Falta energ a: seguir energizando

Sobra energ a: hacer barrido distributivo

Sellar la parte tratada con color azul Cortar vinculo

Limpiarse las manos hasta los codos con agua fr a.

Medita-acci n de conexi n Uterina

Para que la mujer pueda acceder a la energ a de su coraz n, debe primero sanar su vientre, curar la herida ancestral de lo femenino. En pr cticamente toda mujer encarnada hoy en la Tierra existe esa herida. Es la herida formada por todo el dolor acumulado en el inconsciente colectivo de la humanidad, por los miles de a os de represi ny utilizaci n de lo femenino.

Tenemos que empezar por sanar nuestro vientre, para que la Diosa se pueda manifestar. Y hoy en día, el vientre de las mujeres se encuentra impregnado a nivel celular de la herida de siglos de dominio y deshonra de la Diosa… Nuestras relaciones sexuales no han hecho, ni hacen, más que agravar dicha herida… Tenemos que empezar a pensar, que cualquiera que no nos trate con reverencia y respeto, no tiene derecho a entrar en nosotras.

La sanación de la mujer, y esa toma de su verdadero poder, ayudarán también al hombre a curarse, porque va a deshacer toda la energía atrapada a través de historias de cientos y cientos de encarnaciones, que lo que hacen es crear más dolor e inseguridad en la Tierra.

Ejercicio para sanar y conectarnos con nuestro útero:

– Ponte en un lugar apartado donde puedas estar tranquila, que sepas que no vas a ser interrumpida por un tiempo.

– Escucha una música (con auriculares preferiblemente), que te ayude a conectar con tus emociones, y con tu aspecto más femenino. Te puedo recomendar: Sanación emocional, Lisa Thiel, mantras de Shakti, mantras de la Madre Durga (1) y (2). Musica africana…etc.

– Visualízate en un gran valle, rodeada de vegetación, de naturaleza, en medio de la luna llena. Estas con más mujeres, visualízalas con luz, como tus hermanas y amigas, todas llevan largos vestidos de color de rojo, el color del útero, y están en circulo, todas se dan la mano.

– Empieza a danzar con los ojos cerrados, alguna danza sencilla que te surja, mientras visualizas a las demás hermanas danzando contigo, y declaras que están honrando el útero de vuestras madres, de vuestras abuelas, de ustedes mismas, que están honrando el útero de la Madre Tierra, y haz un sencilla reverencia al útero en el momento que estimes oportuno.

– Hónrate por ser mujer, reconócete como la encarnación del Amor, de la Belleza, de la Sabiduria, de la Alegría, de la Felicidad, de la Libertad, de la Sanación. Reconócete como la encarnación de la Diosa misma.

– Cuando creas que debes parar… Hazlo… Repite este ejercicio los días en que te sea posible.

Atención: Es probable que sientas ganas de llorar, o sientas una gran tristeza, no reprimas tus lágrimas, permítiles que salgan, para sanar, para curar esa herida. Así también obtendrás más energías para mejorar tu vida a todos los niveles, para tener más fuerza, para tener más paz mental, para liberarte de bloqueos, etc.

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