Why do allergies appear and disappear?

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 LIST OF ANIMALS AND GENERAL SYMBOLISMS: 2 3 PHASES OF ALLERGY 4 ALLERGY TO POLLEN AND LOVES 5 Why do allergies appear and disappear?

An allergy is a disproportionate reaction of our body to an element that it considers as an invader.

The Biological Sense of allergy is to be safe from the "aggressor." It is always a conflict of great stress where the LST (Upper Tolerable Limit) is exceeded due to emotional shock. The body registers the environment and labels it as "bad" when it meets the same situation again reacts against the "aggressor" previously identified as "bad." You also have to see the allergen symbolism. Frequently related to anger or frustration in front of a person or an event associated with the allergen product. Who or what was I allergic to when this situation occurred?

Silent phase : Identification of the situation, moment or circumstances that make me sensitive (equivalent to the CP) Noisy phase: Symptom phase, try to avoid a second aggression (equivalent to the CD)

A lot of allergies are based on the Transgenerational (family tree) or the Sense Project. The genetic emotional memories inscribed by dramas of our ancestors or situations experienced when we were inside our mother's womb, can create awareness programs.

Example of Allergy in Project Sense: A mother with an 8-year-old son with a fish allergy (intolerance) since always when they started giving him fish, he began to have reactions, first in the poops and then in the rest of the body. At 2 years of age he was diagnosed with a moderate fish allergy, which is why he removed the fish and especially the hake. If it is from birth we go to the PS What happens when the child is pregnant?

I looked for a dramatic, abrupt, unexpected event, around which there is fish and especially hake, it cost him but he tells me all overwhelmed, the event that occurs in Getaria: a family meal, which they have every year, and she pregnant with 8 months and that in addition to other fish was eating hake neck and with jokes and jokes, laughing and enjoying a thorn in his throat, danger! can not breathe, the situation is dramatic, they doubt in Osakidetxa of San Sebastián in causing the birth because the saturation of oxygen in blood is very low, finally they manage to relax it, they apply oxygen, they reassure and extract the spine; Everything has happened, the child lives in the mother's womb, her anguish, how to avoid going through the mother's situation ?, making a fish allergy, this way a thorn will never be swallowed, this is recorded in the unconscious: fish = danger of death, and this causes the child to create an allergy to not meet the fish and live the drama of his mother.

We can see the other allergies : to the hairs of animals, fruits, sun, water, metals, perfumes, seafood, mites, dust, fungi, milk, medicines, bread ... and the story will be the same, an abrupt, unexpected, lived event in solitude because we are even ashamed or afraid to tell it, without satisfactory solution for us and of dramatic or lived intensity as such and there is the emotional shock, for which we made an allergy, with the phobias that in Bioneuroemoción are psychological allergies, the history repeats itself, we can see them later and concretely analyze the characteristic of each one, which has them and differentiates them a little but the mechanics are the same.

We will always consider the symptoms that the person has in their allergies, everyone will give us information:

Symptoms of the digestive system : diarrhea, vomiting. Conflicts with the family that we live as guards, that we do not digest.

Pulmonary symptoms : cough or choking sensation. Conflicts of fear of death, fear of death, of losing territory, environments in which I feel drowned, disputes ...

Skin symptoms: eczema, hives, dermatitis. Separation or contact situations.

Eye symptoms : conjunctivitis. Conflicts related to vision. Losing sight of someone dear, for example. There may also be a notion of anger against the family.

Otolaryngological symptoms : such as allergic rhinitis. We will look for sexual issues.

Protocol for allergy:

Become aware of when it was the first time.

Become aware of what the allergic reaction is and what area or organ it affects.

What is the oxygen?

Look for the emotional shock of the silent / silent phase, in which we were facing the allergen but without symptoms.

Find the rail / anchor / engram and the emotion associated with the event.

Find the resources to make the emotional change.

Highlight some of the most common allergies / intolerances and their conflicts:


Conflict: Milk is mother . Separation + Maternal function. Toxic mother Resent: I want to be in merger with my mother. I want my mother, but I want her away. Really or symbolically.

Cheese: I would have liked my mother to be different. I need my mother, but not this mother. Dairy allergy allows us NOT to come into contact with the toxic mammal.

In allergies to many foods, we will also take into account the relationship with the mother.

1) There could be a problem (of mom) at the time of giving milk to the baby. It can be symbolic: The maternal function that cannot feed by a conflict.

2) Mother with depression or in treatment, is an absent mother. The baby at birth does not taste the milk in case he likes it or not. If you do not take it, it is toxic. Dairy allergy allows us NOT to come in contact with toxic mom. Practical solution: The baby is undressed, the mother is also undressed, we touch it with the skin, because we are going to talk to her archaic brain. We stick it to our skin because when the baby is touched it feels safe, we give it a lot of love with all our heart, and we tell the story as if it were an adult.


Conflict: Find a time when there was a destabilization (emotional shock) related to the animal or in the presence of an animal (as we would do with any allergen). For example: "I saw my kitten run over when I returned home" or "One day I was almost bitten by a dog." Or also: A separation with the father, in a strong argument with him, the consultant was stroking the cat, or simply a picture of the cat. We will also always look for the symbolism of the animal, both general and particular of each person.


Bee : Industry, the social, wealth, soul, diligence and eloquence.

Eagle : The air, the sharp sight, the freedom, the majesty and the power.

Spider: They are a symbol of feminine energy, for some weaving people, for others aggressive, of the fear of castration and represents a dominant, dangerous, treacherous and fierce woman; They are a fear of delivery.

Donkey: Related to the simplicity of spontaneous and perhaps sensual enjoyment, related to eating-sex-sleeping.

Horse: The earth, the mother, the freedom, the wind, the nobility and the intuition, the intelligence, the tenacity, the friendship and vitality.

Crab: Water and the unconscious. Protection.

Deer: Tenderness, femininity, speed.

Swan: (water bird) The sun and the moon.

Hummingbird: Love, joy, happiness, patience.

Rabbit: Sex, face fear.

Beetle: Protection sign, roots to mother earth. Wisdom and constancy. For some it is a sign of dirty and repulsive thing.

Cat: Independence.

Sea lobster : symbol of the unconscious.

Mariposa: Marital joy, happiness and freedom; It represents the metamorphosis or transformation.

Dog: Fidelity, companionship, loyalty, fraternity, unconditional love, guardian. Fish: Symbol of Christ, erotic symbol.

Frog: Mothers and newborns; Loyalty of couples and prosperity. Rodents: Fear and physical food.

Bull: Masculinity or super-masculinity.

Turtle: The view. Protection, attachment, time.

METAL ALLERGY Conflict: Non-precious metals = Transgenerational death with a knife. Chemistry is related to the earth, mother symbol.

ALLERGY TO THE SUN Conflict: Separation with the father. The sun is father. The skin = separation.

ALLERGY IN SKIN Conflict: Separation. When an allergic reaction occurs on the skin we must find the relationship between a specific separation and contact with the substance that causes the allergy. Example: A person allergic to a medication, it turns out that when he was little, his mother had to leave for a while and left him with his aunt. At that time the child was taking the medication in question.

WATER ALLERGY Conflict: Water means "Amniotic fluid" or references. Skin = Separation "What conflict happened while we were in contact with the water?" Water is directly related to emotions, life, flow, mother, amniotic fluid (mother).

ALLERGY TO ALCOHOL (Transformed Sugar) Resent: "I want love, a lot of love, but I don't like the love they gave me." "I want a love that is proven in time, a transformed love." "I want a love very different from what they have given me."

GLUTEN ALLERGY Bread = Family (Family environment) Conflict: Family cohesion. Resent: "I have been kicked out of my family" "The baby needs to grow in the family." Conflicts of the mother with the clan head (paternal function).

LATEX ALLERGY Conflict: Latex is the skin, the contact. Separation Conflict We will have to add the meaning of the part of the body where the allergy is. Foot = mother, hand = father ...


Official medicine says that there is an allergen that will enter the body . The first phase is silent, without symptoms, of identification of the aggressor, that is to say that the allergen will enter the body and will be analyzed by the immune system and there are no signs (symptoms) but an emotional shock. The second phase is very noisy: with signs (symptoms) in the nose, eyes, throat, breathing, skin, digestive system in case of food intolerance that is the phase of the arrest of the aggressor.

In Bioneuroemoción it is exactly the same as official medicine at this point, but some terms change. The first phase is silent, but it is not the identification of the aggressor, but that of the aggression, the emotional shock. The second phase is noisy, with all the clinical signs, and it is not the arrest of the aggressor, it is to avoid a second aggression.

During the first phase something has been registered by my brain because my stress has risen very high, above the tolerable upper limits (LST), this for biology means danger, and each one has its own tolerable upper limit depending on our childhood, its values, beliefs, education, self-control, Zen relaxation practice, whether one is optimistic, pessimistic ... one can have a high or very low limit; In each person it is different, not necessarily what is good for you, it has to be good for me. When there is danger I will launch a survival program and I will record and record everything I can, to avoid encountering this situation later (the unconscious records everything, so before an engram recorded in a shock emotional, “danger” alarms are awakened).

What happens at the biological level? Everything will be increased based on my sensitivity (LST): the eyes will register everything. The eyes are the video band. At the ear level we will record everything and it will be the audio band. At the skin level we are going to register everything at the same time: the temperature, the cold, the heat, if someone touches me, the clothes I wear, if it is thin…. Taste, for all that is gustatory: if I am eating something at this time, all the characteristics of what is recorded will be saved. The last thing is the smell, it is the olfactory band. And the sixth sense is thought. This is important to keep in mind.

The eyes they record? the images take them to the visual centers and then they will be placed in the associative areas of the brain. Therefore, it is not the eyes that say whether it is right or wrong, it is the conscious thought that judges. For example, for someone who has an allergic conjunctivitis, the dominant rail / engram is visual. The one with allergic dermatitis, the dominant rail / engram, is the contact, the skin, the temperature. That is important to understand, because the sense organs record, everything is recorded unconsciously and our symptoms will help us understand that emotional shock recorded.

Example: I am sitting in a cafe and I look at the women who are walking. There my eyes think "look, how beautiful are the women here and how great they are", but in reality it is my thought who says that. My eyes only record the people who are going through. And if a bull of miura appears, I get up and leave immediately, running, because my thought tells me: “I am in danger.


Pollen symbolizes: Loves, reproduction, love, pollen is the male part of plants. We will often find stories of love separations, affective disagreements ... In allergies in children, under 7 years old, we often find stories of heartbreak in parents, they fight, they will separate, they no longer want to, they have quarreled and already there is no love, then the somatizing child.

Example: I am sitting on a bench under a tree with a girl I am in love with, I am calm until my stress exceeds the LST + pollen of any tree falls on the skin or mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, so it manifests there. Pollen continues to fall and although they do not see it in a moment comes the emotional shock: "Today is the last day I will see you . " Well, tomorrow I go to the Canary Islands, my father who is a military has been assigned there and the whole family goes with him-, but my brain records: pollen to the weeping willow, because that was the tree that sheltered them, this is the phase mute, nothing happens but the following year I will make an allergy, my eyes will sting, I will sneeze and have respiratory symptoms, because the unconscious prefers you to worry about the symptoms that remember the aggression, the drama the pain of separation.

Source: http://mireyalarruskain.com/

Why do allergies appear and disappear?

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