Pedagogy of Inner Growth by Master Solanis

Master Salonis

May the connection with the Divine Source be the center and purpose of your life and activities, to tune into the current of your essence of light that travels in the multiple dimensions of the dynamic evolution.

Through these interdimensional communiqués we are creating a platform of spiritual formation that helps you understand who you are, what you should do and where you are going. Although in general terms you have information on spiritual concepts, it does not mean that you have spiritual knowledge or have integrated it into your life. If you analyze the dynamics of your life impartially and objectively, you will discover certain aspects of it that are dissonant and vibrate at very low and negative frequencies. The conflicts you have are devices that the universe and your Essential Being use to show you the path and aspects of the evolutionary path that you must modify. You have become addicted to “Spiritual Information” without understanding what the purpose of that information is, and learn to discern between information that brings spiritual growth from what is merely informative. Your human facet mediated by the mental ego constantly fluctuates in parameters where speculation, imagination and distortion of reality direct your life. You create bubbles or fictitious life dynamics nourished by false expectations that end up frustrating and discouraging you.

Life, as an evolutionary phenomenon, is the mechanism that the Infinite Creator has designed to help us understand our divine, immortal and eternal nature, eclipsed by an erroneous perception of reality. Very few are interested in reality, because it implies personal commitment, interior work, perseverance and a great deal of honesty and sincerity. Your spiritual goals are undefined, and you fluctuate in mental currents that are unstable and oscillating. Therefore, uncertainty and anxiety are the dominant tonic in your life. Spiritual growth is not a secondary aspect of life that, as an object of leisure, is used to cover the emptiness, confusion and unconsciousness in which you usually live. On the contrary, spiritual growth is the foundation of your life because in essence your being of light is the object of life and, as a manifestation of God, you must recover your divine status to experience immortality and infinite bliss. You are beings of light who are sailing in the waves of cosmic time without knowing where you are going or why you have to experience so much tribulation, confusion and suffering. The cause of this is unconsciousness, the product of dissociation with God and the laws of life and evolution.

As immortal light particles that you are, you have the duty to vibrate in the divine frequency beyond the limitations of the mind, of the physical body, of the relative space-time in which you live and under erroneous existential paradigms. The purpose of life and evolution is not to improve your living conditions on planet Earth, or to be transferred to higher worlds, but to reconnect with God. The entire cosmic process in constant mutation, and under the supervision of fundamental evolutionary axioms, aims to awaken your spiritual sensibility and the eternal and indissoluble connection you have with the Infinite Creator.

You have not yet understood that your human expression on planet Earth is an ephemeral manifestation of your Essential Being, which is traveling in cosmic spacetime seeking higher levels of spiritual perfection. Your mission and responsibility does not depend on what others do, or what may happen geophysically, geomagnetically or socially. In the course of human history on Earth, catastrophic events have occurred; However, humanity continues to experience different evolutionary cycles without understanding the origin of its existence and the purpose of life.

The media is the emblem of the negativity, unconsciousness, confusion and chaos on your planet. Wars, violence, poverty, destruction, environmental problems, economic crises, international political tension, etc., are the synthesis of a decadent and sick civilization that has not understood the essence of life and cosmic evolution. You are all very busy in solving your basic survival needs, reducing priority and importance to inner growth, which is something secondary in your life. What happens on your planet is the reflection of your minds eclipsed by misconceptions, pernicious tendencies that threaten the life of the planet and the psychological, energetic and physiological well-being of your bodies. Most of the information you receive is harmful, and encourages separation, selfishness, exploitation, manipulation, violence and destruction. Even on a spiritual level you are unable to polish your egos that are always on the defensive and willing to defend their territory. You are not even able to respect and collaborate with people who may have a vision and spiritual knowledge different from yours.

You are waiting for something magical to happen so that the inner change takes place quickly and with the least effort, which is a utopia on your part. Have you ever wondered if you are willing to shed the human facets that generate conflict, suffering, unconsciousness, manipulation and exploitation? You frequently use terms such as love, peace, light, but they are mere words whose real meaning you do not know, because you are trapped in personal interests, where egocentrism is circumstantially disguised as light, love, solidarity and fraternal collaboration. The pedagogy of inner growth implies deep reflection, discernment, introspection and spiritual praxis. You often dissipate in the current of the trivialities of the world in which you live, and from time to time you invest a brief space to inner work, although in reality it is more complacency than spiritual challenge, which implies alertness, perseverance, concentration and integrity.

Without pedagogy of inner growth you will not overcome the veil of unconsciousness, self-deception, limitations and internal conflicts that relentlessly harass you. Spiritual growth is not a playful or secondary aspect or aspect of your life, but "The Essence of Your Life." As long as you do not understand this, you will continue to navigate the labyrinth of the mental ego, whose highways are multiple and that subtract your energy and time to investigate and experience the alchemy of inner growth. As divine essences of immortal light that you are, it is your duty to understand the relevance of boosting your spiritual growth, without which human life ceases to make sense and you descend to the level of irrational species, where the struggle for the survival of the strongest is The essence of their lives.

It is important that you understand the great responsibility and commitment you have with life, evolution and with God, who has blessed you with human intelligence to understand the enigmatic journey of life and discover the origin of your existence and your divine nature. The search for a better standard of living does not classify you as "Beings of Light", but as "Human Being-Is" lacking in spiritual sensitivity, which is the relevant characteristic of the human being and that the lower species of life do not have. Your Being of Light has no link with the physical and mental plane in which you live, but with the divine plane, where the parameters are different. You are divine essences trapped in the turbulent spiral of the wrong perception of reality. You will not be able to transcend the veil of the fictional reality in which you live as long as you do not connect with your Being of light, through the pedagogy of inner growth, which implies dedication, awareness, effort, commitment, time, discipline, methodology and much integrity and sincerity .

The goal of your stay on planet Earth is not to enjoy better existential conditions, but to illuminate the darkness that hides and masks your spiritual identity. You waste a lot of time in banal aspects, and unaware of the impact it will have on your life. The journey of spiritual evolution is arduous and complex, and requires great determination, intelligence and spiritual sensitivity. Our goal is to foster sensitivity, awareness and discernment so that gradually, and with the correct guidelines, you can discover the light inside you and the intrinsic connection it has with God. The happiness and prosperity that you crave so much does not depend on the strategies and material resources you have, but on your awakening and spiritual growth, which uses different parameters and vibrational frequency. The more you tune into the pedagogy of inner growth, the more understanding, strength, intelligence, harmony, well-being and prosperity you will have. All these facets are an additional consequence of your connection with the divine plane, which naturally manifests in your life.

The purpose of our messages is to inspire you and set the guidelines for you so that you do not deviate or confuse. Sometimes they may have a recriminatory connotation, but the background is the desire to help you and the love we profess, because you are members of the cosmic family and we want to help you grow spiritually.

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