The Guardian of the Earth - The Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman - The Law of the Circle and the Triangle

  • 2011

The Guardian of the Earth

April 1, 2011

Translation: Alicia Virelli

In this circular: Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman

“The Law of the Circle and the Triangle”

Beloved teachers, you have been living in an unreal world, a world of illusion where the truth has been distorted, altered and even eliminated to take away your powers given to God and keep you captive in a reality of fear, struggle and deprivation.

The Creator's master plan for this universe is kept far within his Sacred Mind, and the key to the wisdom of the ages and the ability to become a co-creator teacher on the Earth plane is stored within his Sacred Heart That is why we have emphasized so frequently about the importance of removing the protective shield that you placed on your Solar Heart Center eons ago so that you did not feel so much emotional distress. What they did not know is that in doing so their splendor diminished greatly because the influence and emanation of the Light of the Divine Creator from their Sacred Heart Center also diminished greatly. As a result, you could no longer activate the Adamantine Particles of the Creator's Light with a pure and loving intention from within your Sacred Heart. After that, you had to work only half of the spectrum of the Primal Strength Substance. His Triple Flame could no longer shine, therefore, his co-creative abilities to manifest also diminished, and thus began the struggle to harness and utilize his Divinely granted talents.

You are in an era of great reversal, rectification and expansion, where you are being given an opportunity to harmonize all the negativity that you have personally created along with the inequalities to which you were forced. We have explained to you that when you, the STAR SEEDS, began your journey into the great emptiness and the unmanifest universe, plans were made for the path back to the refined kingdoms of Light and placed in suspense until the appropriate time and certain conditions were found. That time has come and the plan was activated in the early 1980s of Earth's time. As you well know, every phase of life for humanity and the Earth has changed radically in the last thirty years. Beloved, know that what has happened in the recent past is only the beginning of even greater changes and we are trying to provide you with techniques, advanced information / teachings and every opportunity to traverse the waves of change with ease and grace.

We have briefly explained to you, in several ways, how you refrained in smaller facets of your Divine I AM Presence in preparation to assist in the creation of the increasingly reduced and dense frequency, lower dimensional galaxies, solar systems and planets. We have also discussed how each fragment of his Divinity was then separated into two Sparks of Light, one with feminine attributes and the other with masculine characteristics. Each of these deep separations was achieved within a small pyramid of Light created expressly for that purpose. The master plan was fail-proof, because each time you divided your Essence, you left an etheric replica waiting for the time of reunification inside one of the small Pyramids of Light. These personal pyramids are scattered throughout the universe in each dimension and many of the sub-dimensions.

Our Father / Mother God, the Elohim / the Builders of the Form and the Archangels have created the living Pyramids of Light within each level of Creation so that you could have access to the building blocks of life. These life-giving forms give access to the frequencies of Light that are the necessary components of the transformation so that you, as Human Beings, can return to a higher state of consciousness, your Divine state.

You are in the process of reconnecting with the many facets of yourself that are located within the multiple levels of the fifth dimension, and some of you have even connected with a fragment or two of your Sixth Dimension Essence. When we talk about a Fusion of the Soul, it is not just a one-time event. It is the beginning of a wonderful, complicated and continuous process where every time your Energy Firm reaches a certain frequency, you are reconnected with a higher facet of your Higher Soul / Self. The Pyramid that contains the Etheric Replica of that facet of the I moves in alignment with its column of Light, which is its connection to its I AM / I God Presence and gradually the Essence of that Fragment merges with its I-Soul in the interior of its Sacred Heart center. When you reach a certain level of God Consciousness, the process is greatly accelerated, and the time span between each Soul Fusion is dramatically reduced.

The Law of the Circle has been initiated through this universe, and the energetic impact of this great Seed Thought of the Supreme Creator is now functioning with full force. The expansion time for this phase of Creation has come to an end and the current phase of the cycle involves the Creator sending HIS Essence to incorporate ALL that has been created during this particular cycle of expansion. . It is a fusion of the entire Essence of Creation manifested and balanced so that the Supreme Creator, the Gods and the Goddesses through the Omniverse and all the Great Beings of Light can KNOW and EXPERIENCE everything They have created. You have heard the saying many times, as it is above, thus it is below, and this is an important truth to remember. Just as you are claiming all facets of your Divinity, the same process of reunification is happening from the Source of the Supreme Creator to the outside.

The information we have provided to help them claim their co-creative abilities is a micro-cosmic duplication of the creative process throughout the Omniverse. First you must increase the ability to attract the Full Spectrum of the Metatronic Light / Life Force of this universe called Adamantine Particles that is radiated to the River of Life from the Heart Core. n of our Father / Mother God. It becomes accessible when your Energy Firm is tuned to the middle level of the fourth dimension and above. In order to take advantage of this Divine gift, you must understand and apply the Universal Laws of Manifestation and must activate Adamantine Particles of Light with your pure intention before this Essence of Light that can be activated and flow into the world. To accelerate the process it is important that you have created your own Personal Wheel of the Creator / circle of the Flower of Life around you, and that you have carefully filled it in with your thought of great design for the future. Then, and through the Infinite Breath, its focused intention and deliberate actions, the process of manifestation in the material world is greatly accelerated.

The ebb and flow of Creation never ends. There is a pause at the Point of Deep Silence while the Seed Thoughts are being formed and melted and the Essence of Life is activated within the Creator's mind and heart and at each level of Creation. n to you, a human co-creator on planet Earth. This is accomplished by infusing / activating Seed Thoughts with love. The Seed Thoughts are then exhaled out, in a vacuum to be manifested in the world of form. This process continues through each great cycle until it is time for the return / meeting process to begin. Every Creation is in the process of being incorporated into the great Circle of the Creator of Divine Light in anticipation of the next great pause of the Deep Silence Point and the next transcendental cycle of expansion. This process is repeated over and over again at each level of Creation within this universe.

You are in the middle of a cosmic gathering process, my brave friends and you will evolve in due time, one way or another. You should be aware that this process of transformation is a long and complex cycle, however, it can be a great journey if you take advantage of the teachings of wisdom and the tools we are offering to you. The LAW OF THE CIRCLE affirms that each task must begin from within the Point of Silence / Deep Will / Power, the Core Essence of the Creator / co-creator.

The TRIANGLE LAW is another important component of Creation. You are familiar with the concept of the Trinity of your Bible: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which is really the Masculine facet of God, the First Ray of Divine Will / Power and the Holy Spirit is the Mother Facet of God, which has been infused with the Seed-Adamantine Particle Thoughts - coming from the mind of Father God. Seed Thoughts are then activated with the Second Ray of Love / Wisdom inside the Heart Core of Mother God and then sent out to the universe through the River of Life, to be used by the Suns (sons and daughters) through the qualities attributes and aspects of the Third Ray to create endless worlds and wonders.

The Power of the Trinity has been a driving force throughout this universe. The Archangel Metatron, Lord Melchizedek and I, the Archangel Michael form a Trinity of Consciousness on the universal level. We carry and IRRADIATE the aspects of Divine light / Divine Wisdom / Divine Will and the qualities of our Father / Mother God outward in this universe. The Trinity of Consciousness is an important component of the creative process, because you must use the attributes, qualities and aspects of the three powerful Rays of God if you wish to become a successful and competent co-creator of form at any level of Creation.

You, the SEED STARS, have joined with many groups, large and small, throughout the universe and have accepted special tasks that were to be carried out as a "group" in various locations and at specific times. We have mentioned to you before that you have been coded with time or triggers of events within the Cell of God Diamond Core, which have been or will be activated at the appointed time or when a specific part of the Great Plan will begin. You have been a part of many Trinity Cells, which consisted of special assignments of the highest order. These Triads are usually composed of very close companions of the Soul, or Souls that have had many special assignments together in the past and also go together to the future. Groups of three, nine and twelve are joining together more and more often, during these times of meeting and this will happen even more frequently in the future.

Are you ready to expand your vision beyond your little world deprived of micro-cosmic reality? Are you ready and willing to accept the truth that you affect each and every one and everything in this universe, in one degree or another and that each and every one on Earth and in all other kingdoms also affects you? We ask each of you, are you ready to use the wonderful gifts that are your Divine Birth Right? What will be his legacy to humanity and the world?

Reach for the beloved stars, because there is no limit to what you can manifest when your visions are in harmony with the Divine Plan for the greatest good of all. Call us and we will assist you in strengthening and sustaining your decision. Know that we are always close to you to inspire, guide and protect you and radiate to you the love of our Father / Mother God.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * As the transmitter of this article, I, Ronna Herman, claim universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Publication on the websites is allowed as long as the information is not altered, extracted or added and that the author's credits and my email and website address are included. It can be published in newspapers, magazines or in public prints with the permission of: E-mail:

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