The Company of Heaven: “They must love each other more

  • 2014

The Company of Heaven:

Yesterday, the Creator gave them a wonderful message. It was full of wisdom and love. Everyone read it, right? And yet, today their conversations are still filled with the language of fear: fear of darkness, conflict and lack. We do not want our children to be in a state of worry, anxiety and frustration, no matter how difficult their day may be.

We were very hopeful that the series of messages we have prepared for you and the radio programs that we have knitted together would help you turn the corner towards a higher dimensional way of life, completely fearless.

The Creator told them, (is it not true?), That they are made for the Light, because they were born in Love and the Light . We know that what he spoke is true. But it is a difficult transition for you to move from the customary state of adrenaline to a state of peace and Divine acceptance.

Now, we do not mean that they become resigned people. You see how words are limited. We want to say that there is a state of being that is so firm, so serene, that it leads to complete acceptance. The first level of acceptance on which serenity is based is the deep knowledge of your own power: the absolute confidence that you are competent, strong in body, mind and spirit, so that you are completely at peace with your own ability to handle anything that comes.

The second element of acceptance is based on knowing without a doubt, that your life has a meaning, and that this life is not the only one you have experienced, and that this will not end regardless of when this life is over. They must also be comforted to know their incarnations and their eternal life as a soul, since it is necessary to see the wheel of life and its part in it as something so deep, unique, necessary and important part of a greater whole.

They are also beginning to see how deeply the lessons of this life have affected them, and how these perfect lessons were of their own choice, for their own growth and expansion.

The third - and the most important element - is your Faith. We are not "anything passing." We are present, adorning them and delighted to see how they expand until they understand the difficult challenges that life brings them. We just want them to join us fully in a two-way conversation, which allows them to perceive our presence enjoying every moment of the day and night.

When they have experienced our presence in their lives in a constant and intimate way, they will have found the key to ascension, because they will be operating in a state of 5th Dimension consciousness.

Once they have fully accepted their own competence and their absolute uniqueness, they have the necessary basis to advance the spiritual path to a deeper understanding. Without the deep acceptance of yourself, you cannot experience the great love for others that you are capable of, and you can never be at peace. Let's explain why.

After a lifetime of criticism, competition, mockery and having been ignored, despised and denied, the belief that you are not worthy, that you are not good enough seeps into your pores and enters your nervous system, in your feelings and in every thought.

Few people have not experienced this, as it even occurs in "good families." Humanity has reached a particularly rude and cruel phase in recent years. Determination and persistence are required to end these toxic references of themselves, which have been embedded in the thoughts of "their own self-reference", so they assume that it is normal, and because everyone thinks the same.

How can we convince you to accept our alternative point of view, which we know is a more accurate picture of you?

We see its brilliance, and we see its mistakes and stumbles. We are delighted to work with those of you who are able to listen to our words of encouragement, and we do not hesitate to point out the possibilities when they go out of the way of what is for their greatest good, but we never look at their possible capricious actions. We accept that it is a normal part of their learning process, and we send them love to help them balance themselves. For us, there is no option of disapproval, impatience or contempt.

You see, we are not blind to the problems in your lives, or the difficulties you have in "keeping your eye on the ball." We know how distracted your lives can be from the rapid pace, and we see your insecurities. These insecurities are all based on the feelings of "not being enough", produced since childhood.

No adult who has embraced his integrity would feel bad about himself for being who they are. It is impossible if you embrace your whole being, "Body and Soul, " as the old song says. Maybe you should sing those love songs to yourself, just to get used to the wonderful feeling of being in love with yourself.

Each morning upon waking and looking at you in the mirror, look deeply into your own eyes and send a concentrated burst of Love straight into the eyes of that person who is looking at you. Look at the interesting eye color. Run your hands over your faithful body, which has brought you to this day, despite the rough and violent life you have led. Send also Love and Light through your hands. Feel the tingling sensation in all your cells. This is the heart of the cell, which has been activated by the great Ruby Crystal, responding to the energy of Love.

They are also being sent the continuous and powerful energies of the Central Sun to gradually activate their crystalline body, which now responds to the Ruby Crystal, which they could not have felt in the same way just a few months ago. This will make it easier to feel our great Love for you, and accept that We are right about you, and that everyone was wrong, even you .

Is it possible or not that we are more objective, more precise in our assessment of you than yourself? After all, their opinions are strained by the fact that they see themselves with the eyes of their parents (siblings, teachers, etc.).

For example, their cultures have a terribly distorted view of what beauty is. Heaven helps (and we are happy with) the one who has a brother who is more beautiful, by cultural norms, than you were, or that that was judged as such by the parents, regardless of actual appearances. Parents are notoriously inaccurate in the evaluation of their children, are they not? In any case, why would they listen to his words instead of ours?

We see you how you are, and we love you greatly, because we remember being with you when you decided to come here in this body, and we can assure you, there were very good reasons for it, with all its flaws, as you can I mean. We admire your courage then, as we do now.

When they are given the options to choose the body with which they will come, the majority do not voluntarily choose astonishing and beautiful bodies, unless they are part of the contract to play a role specific that requires it, since they don't want the lessons and responsibilities that come with the body . No, most people prefer a moderate path when it comes to appearances, because they prefer to focus on the inner development of their being rather than being a center of attention for their physical beauty.

Then, they arrive here in the body of their choice, and as soon as they are approaching puberty, what do they do? They spend hours every day complaining and getting ready or exercising with the specific intention of changing their face and body to be more like the others, those same who denied before coming here.

His goal is, therefore, to be loved and admired by the forms and appearance, not by what they are inside. Many of you even forget that there is a place in yourself.

Enough is enough! Dear ones, we have tried to persuade you to be kind to yourselves, so we try to encourage you, indicate you and guide you on the path of self-appreciation. Now we must simply insist . It is not fair, that is not the way of the Higher Dimensions, of being cruel or negligent or insulting your poor and overwhelmed Self (themselves). Not anymore. We love them and we don't want to see more cruelty in the world, so now you have to start with yourself. Remember, you cannot say that you are a good person if you are unfair to yourself. You are also a person!

Now, stay together with us as we form a "conga line" to celebrate your beautiful Self (and yourself), and ask for the promise to join us in your commitment.

- No more criticism of yourself. Not even a "That was stupid." When you dropped your keys in the car, or you dropped your dishes.

- No more looking at his reflection in the windows of the store thinking: "If I could only lose 5 kilos (or 12 pounds) I would look much better."

- No more thinking about "bad hair days".

- No more doubts about your ability to enter a place, smile and make friends with everyone you meet.

- No more comparing yourself to others to get their defects and failures.

- No more bleak feelings about whether your future will be dark because you are not intelligent enough at the moment being the magnificent and successful you thought you would be.

- No more anxiety because you are not sure that you are able to impress the boss, or pass the test, jump through the hoop or win the prize.

- No more anxiety because you think you cannot handle your feelings, because you are too anxious or confused, or damaged.

- No more comparisons of your home, your work, your car or your children with other people, feeling inferior when they seem more beautiful.

You can add one here ...

Let us join, then, in your grateful praise, of your uniqueness, and the wonderful choice of the Creator in the desire to be part of our human team for this exciting time and place. You see, once you accept - with deep agreement - that you are a beautiful, talented and capable of fulfilling the journey you have claimed to make in this life, you will see how easy life becomes . You are good! They are perfectly designed for this fascinating, very special and unique challenge!

Now you are ready to accept our love, are you? Because, who could be more deserving, more receptive and cheerful with our close relationship than you and us? Now we agree that this warmth and acceptance is inevitable, that it is destined to be inevitable, absolutely and totally deserved.

Do not forget us when you go to sleep, Dear. Accept our kisses and our blessings for a quiet rest. Do not forget us when you wake up. We will be there with your “angels-partners” to radiate our smiles with pleasure and welcome you at the beginning of your new day. You see, all this was destined by God : this great love that we have for you, the difficult life that you are leading to a good port, and now, our invitation to dance with you, and sing in the new and glorious life that you deserve so much .

We are your Company of Heaven, in service to our Great ONE.

Transcribed by Kathryn E


The Company of Heaven: “They must love each other more

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