Divine Mother the healing of the great cosmic beings

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 2 RESUSCIING THE PAST TO RELEASE TRAUMAS. 3 Emotional healing energy: 4 What is the life force? 5 COMMENT:


The thinking mind has to give up, stop trying to understand all this. Then united to our hearts we can heal, create, and free ourselves from the traumatic experiences of the past.

The punishment comes when you think you are guilty of something. Your hearts are clear. You are not guilty of anything. Do not punish yourself. You have never done anything wrong; in the eyes of God they have simply learned.

You are letting go of fear and trauma to participate on a deeper and more universal level, so you are not reacting, you are creating; allowing the power of Totality to free you from fear.

My only purpose here; it is to bring them to unification with me, to bring them into awakening, not only to a reserved place and a relatively stable life, but also to the creation movement.

Letting go has a great reach. You are more powerful if you let go than if you retain. Letting go is your strength. The more you can let go, the stronger you become. Fear grabs people. Letting go will create infinite freedom. I suggest you take infinite freedom.

Attention is your most powerful tool. Where you put your attention, your consciousness moves there, and your consciousness creates. As long as you focus on that point of attention, the Infinite Universe finds it and solves it.

Attention is your magic wand. You can call it the magic wand of attention. What your attention touches, you change it.

When the heart is soft, you are freer, you have more access to your infinite Source, so that wisdom can flow for every situation. When the heart contracts, that flow is blocked, you feel lost and do not know what to do. Keep the heart soft.

When they are at a point of energy agitation, calm the storm. There are difficult situations in their lives ... They give them situations in which they have to choose. I emphasize what they should choose, so that they can learn something about God, about their relationship with God.

Never give up. The Force of Life is flowing powerfully through you when you use it. Trust her. Let go of the tension of the mind, the tension of the heart, the fear in life, the emotions of pain, the excuses they create for not being integral. Let all that go. They trust, knowing that although they have experienced the ups and downs of life on this material plane, they are divine beings.

I love them. Because I love you; I want to tell you that the Earth will change. There will be some great event in things. Some people will be upset about it, but not you. They will know that these things had to happen and that everything is fine on planet Earth.

The love I have for you, will take you through all the changes to a beautiful and new planet. Their lives and their presences are significant in this plane of the Earth. You have needs that can be met by your alignment with me.

One of these changes is that they are emerging from the beauty of 3D.

How do they do it?

With the change in the vibrational frequency of energy around their lives; which means that you are dealing with time and space as you do. Time and space are changing, because you are entering the Infinite and, time and space are not linked. They are taking action against the old belief structures that are linked by time and space.

I will say it again: The Divine Mother is the energy that animates the Universe, and when they align with that energy, their lives are blessed by the same energy that animates the entire Universe.

Children, Daughters are under my protection, under the protection of the supreme intelligence that directs the Universe . You can rely on this for your highest assets. I want them to know that being in a lap is safe, and that all the changes they are going to experience are good. When they go through these changes, they should know that they are sitting on my lap. I am the one who sustains them. You are sure. Trust me. Give me your hearts and I will resurrect your lives. Give me your hearts and we will resurrect this Earth. I AM the Divine Mother. Notice me. Let your attention move towards me. Notice their divine presences. Get soft on me. I am directing everything in their lives. When they know this, when they refer to me and communicate daily with me; Their lives are being polished.

Ask for help first. Ask me for help from Me or another divine being. When they ask us for help, our energies begin to fluctuate in their systems. You can even see this energy if you look at it. For example, if the energy you are observing is that of Jesus, that of Archangel Michael or that of Mother Mary. When they say, "Jesus, help me, " Jesus appears suddenly. You cannot see Jesus physically, but feel your energy, Jesus will be there to help you. The first step is to ask for help.

You can experience your unity with the flow of the entire creation; This is the time to unify, and enjoy this participation in your individual life stream as part of that. There is enormous joy when one feels part of the universal flow, even if you are keeping your attention on your individual life stream.

If you are looking to embrace success, do not be afraid. If you are visualizing success and participating in it, increase that in your lives. The control has to be released. Trust has to insert more confidence in infinity. You have to keep and trust in love and truth, and move there, flowing in them, softening in them, again and again. Well, if you do this, the whole sense of guilt in the mental body dissolves. The truth will be revealed. The knowledge of the truth will reach them. And then the structures of their lives will be made from their hearts. Your hearts build the way you interact with others.

The great beings of the universe who know that they are infinite and complete, are the only ones capable of providing true divine healing.

You have habits that you have adopted while believing that you are part of the whole. These habits have created behaviors and patterns that need to be dismantled. You have created emotional responses of guilt, shame, terror, which you are dissolving. The physical body has to be aligned again within the divine flow of life, through the Universe, and the Force of Life. When they are in alignment with the divine flow of life energy, everything is fine.

The light that now enters Mother Earth; It is the light of the Resurrection. It is here to change, purify the old and replace it with the Truth. You are receiving this Light of Resurrection in the heart. Your hearts are opening like a thousand-petalled lotus flower to receive this Light of Resurrection, to be absorbed, and draw through your physical body.

The auric field makes their lives vibrate. Around it, every thought and every feeling we have is being created in the auric field. The auric field vibrates the life they are living. He is the developer of life all the time, revealing his inner lives, but the old vibrations will take place; If these are not released. I am assisting you to free you from the former vibratory frequencies around the issue of wealth and prosperity, so that you can accept them in your lives.

Divine healing comes from the Infinite Unlimited Source of Creation. This is the highest level of healing available to mankind. It is the infinite energy without healing limits, from the highest level of Creation. This energy is without judgment or limitation, and always comes from a place where there is Divine Love. All energy that does not come in the name of Divine Love, even if it is well intentioned, comes with the limitations of a lower plane of existence than that of the Infinite Divine level. When they use healing energy, they always work with the highest, the Infinite Divine Source. Then they will experience the power of what divine healing is.

To initiate the divine healing it is necessary to connect with the infinite divine energy, through your divine beings (who are not sick, contemplate them and they will heal). Know that they are infinite. This type of healing not only cures the disease, but also brings the entire system in alignment with the Creator's Life Force.

I facilitate a holistic healing; balancing the most subtle level of their lives (the etheric body). Healing at the most subtle level then creates healing on all the most superficial levels.

By allowing the healing of the Divine Mother, this will take place in the cleansing of her systems and in the progress towards full harmonization with the Divine Presence of each one of you. When they receive the deep healing of their physical bodies, they have access to divine wisdom, and all aspects of their bodies, the mind is integrated and thus enriched. Even the areas of your system that you didn't know needed healing; They are repaired. Wonderful transformations will be carried out as a byproduct of authentic divine healing.

Give yourself the gift of divine healing. Rest assured that with my Orientation and Healing; Your healing comes from the unlimited source of my Love. It is a deep healing, and will give you an experience with me and, the healing power of your nourishing and healing energy. It is the vibrational healing that occurs at the most subtle level of your energy fields; the healing of the vibrations that their bodies create.

Their bodies are made of atoms that form the molecules, and these molecules form the cells that then form the bones, organs, and tissues that make up each part of their bodies.

But what forms the atoms?

Atoms are created by the fluctuating particles of light. This is where the vibrational healing energy is produced at a level more fundamental than the atomic level. Heals the energy created by the physical body. When there is a blockage or confusion in the energy that supports the physical body, the physical body reflects and manifests a mental disorder, a physical, emotional or spiritual problem. If it is out of balance long enough, it will cause physical damage somewhere in the system.

They are divine beings in physical form, multidimensional, with a field of energy that is huge. It is important to keep your vibratory field intact. This vibratory field consists of a flow of the Force of Life that emanates from the Source. This life force is energy. When the Force of Life flows strongly, they radiate vitality. Its cells are alive with the vital energy. When the Life Force flows without obstacles, they experience moments with enormous progress in whatever they do. You are happy, satisfied, and everything is working for you. But when something releases its vibrational flow of equilibrium or blocks it, discord arises. The energy is confused, and if it is not corrected quickly and allowed to remain in this state for a long period of time, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual problems arise.

The emotional healing energy:

Corrects vibration currents in your subtle energy field

Dissolve the blockages that have managed to keep the energy stuck

Awakens the Force of Life in your physical body, and the body becomes healthier.

Your physical body has all the support of a vast energy field, a field of light that builds and supports its subtle levels.

The Universe is structured in such a way that everything that arises from the Infinite Source has purity, and has all the potential for life. But yes, it is of formless origin. The Force of Life is the forma or expresi n of this Unlimited Source in time and space. The Force of life flows from the unlimited Source to create everything we know as life.

What is the Force of Life when it flows without obstacles in its pure form?

It is the manifestation of beauty, balance and freedom (of conscience) in life. When the Life Force is blocked, beauty, balance and freedom are in danger.

The heart generates the vibration of love. Receive the Life Force and then generate, activate, and increase the flow of life force with love. Focus on the heart; It helps to increase the vital force in the center of the heart, to create more of this energy of the Life Force of Life. The heart is a generator of life energy, a generator of love, sustained by your relationships with God.

What is the force of life?

The Force of Life is the Divine Mother who is returning to Mother Earth with her strength and power to transform the planet. The Force of Life is waking up in you, emerging through you and connecting you with others that are opening to the force of life, and the increase occurs in such a way that everything on Mother Earth awakens.

What happens when the Force of Life is obstructed in human beings?

In humans, the option of blocking is created involuntarily and comes from an unconscious fear. It is the unconscious fear that needs to be dissolved before it can cause destruction in the physical body or in the environment.

It is natural that their bodies can be aligned with the flow of life force that is the maintenance of life in the Universe. Problems can appear when something obstructs or dismantles this natural flow. All the problems of human life come from a blockage that creates mismatches at the most subtle level of our energy flow.

Your physical system is composed of vibratory fluctuations at the atomic and subatomic levels. If your atomic and subatomic levels are not aligned with the life force, problems can develop and present in your physical system as; illness, mental discord or emotional disorder. What has really happened is that fluctuations in the most subtle level have been pushed out of the natural flow.

If you are sick; The Life Force is not getting into their bodies sufficiently. The Force of Life is blocked somewhere. All problems can be solved by dissolving discordant energy patterns and energy blockages. That is what the energy of vibrational healing can handle and the reason why this energy of healing is so necessary.

Vibrational healing energy is available for this purpose, but unfortunately, few people are using it at this time in history. It needs to be brought back as a viable method of healing. It is resurfacing now to change the suffering caused by the loss of knowledge of the life force. Healing energy is a gift that comes from the Life Force .

Unlock the Force of Life at its most subtle levels : Unconscious fear dissolves and your life force is allowed to flow through you to create good health, emotional balance and spiritual growth. We find the blockage and dissolve its energy. Every time there is a constant problem in their lives ; There is a blockage or confusion in the vital energy that flows despite your system. When energy flows smoothly, without disturbance, things are going well for you and you are happy and successful. This is because they are in alignment with the Divine. Find the blockage of energy, release it and then atoms, molecules, cells, organs, and the rest of your physical system will begin to heal quickly.


There are traumatic experiences that are not remembered because the mind has blocked them, and without understanding the reason we feel unable to do certain things that are vital to us. To free these traumas, you have to resurrect them in the past from the heart.

In order to help the great cosmic beings in our divine healing; attention must be paid to the purification of our physical bodies and the contemplation of the Divine Presence.

The energy of new life is reaching us in November with more force than ever. It is time to unify and unify our chakras, for the transformation of the etheric body into the body of light. The only way out of fear is by entering love. Let us with love the metamorphosis that is happening now in our physical bodies.

We can find a blockage of the vital force, with this exercise of Master Kuthumi to clean the pranic canal.

Beloved it is very simple, you just have to breathe well, anchor yourself again in Gaia, that is, breathe two or three times and visualize how a beam of light rises either blue or very bright white, which fills you with energy from the plants from your feet, to the crown chakra, and from there, it extends to the universe, breathe slowly, gently, and ask for ki energy or vital energy to the universe, to descend, and fill all your physical body, with golden light, that you will descend from the crown chakra to the base chakra, and from there to your legs and your feet, a span below you, you will enter the so-called Gaia star chakra, located a span, more or less than You, this chakra is the one that keeps your awareness of the present incarnation, and with it the rhythms of the present incarnation, and from there to the core of Gaia. Breathe again and visualize, as an infinite and constant energy is directed at you, that is to say a ray of blue light, perhaps with shades of turquoise light; It starts to rise from Gaia and then, little by little, it turns on itself, forming an infinite of light, but when it passes through the center of the first infinity, it continues to rise forming a new one, one by one, as if with a finger we walked a zipper, from side to side forming infinities, and as they climb towards the base chakra, they regenerate and restore that nucleus, like a balancer, as if unclogging a chimney, and continue to rise vertically one after the other, thus reaching the chakra crown and climb a little more, once there, we will visualize if we have been able to arrive, as the light transforms into a beautiful waterfall, which allows us to spread that energy on all sides, in the form of a cascade of light that surrounds us. Sometimes we can find that there is some blockage; The energy cannot go up for us; at that moment, just let them turn round, on themselves, as if they were drawing a circle, as if they formed the movement of the blades of a fan, as many days as needed, or maybe only a time, and when this aligned, no doubt, reposition itself. And he will continue his journey, vertically through the pranic canal. Little by little, they will be breathing and retaking their energy, visualizing that they are rooted, or visualizing roots, or, seeing as prana, it lengthens from the lower end, to the Earth's core, and connects with it. Breathe again, gently move your body and then, when you feel it, there will be your eyes gently. Thank you brothers for your attention, Kuthumi says goodbye with love.

AUTHOR: Susannah


MESSENGER: Connie Huebner

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