Words of MARÍA MADRE of all human beings

  • 2011

My beloved sons and daughters ..

Crossing their foreheads with My Blessings, I greet their gentle Beings.

The heavenly Mantle of My love does not cease to envelop you in the same way as the Vault of heaven sustains and envelops this Earth sphere.

I have come with the breath of your habits since the first day that their hearts began to beat in physical incarnation and I have deposited with deep Love and Self-denial in each one of them, the diamond pearl of the immaculate concept testifying to the origin of everything created.

It is as if the Sacred Heartbeat of the Creator God was wrapped in a small Shrine or in a reliquary, being present in every fraction of a second, driving and sustaining their own Lives.

It is My Joy to speak to you this day when the early roses of the gardens of this Earth begin to button forming the cocoon that holds the jewel of the flower of an incomparable beauty as your hearts In cocoon they still contain the trine jewel of the Diamond of the Beloved Christ, waiting to hatch the three Sacred Petals: golden blue and pink showing the Glory of the Holy Inner Master.

Towards the Momentum of My sublime ascension My last look from the Plane of forms and my last thought were focused on the Center Heart of all existing Life Contemplate a small garden where various sprouts were born and compared them to the diversity of Peoples and Countries of the world and encompassing in My own Heart all Human beings, delivered My Last breath, before it was transmuted into Mighty Light, asking the Holy Creator Being, granted me the Grace of living from that Sublime moment, in each of you through the Core of Fire White or the Master atom who contains the Immaculate conception of God's Design in each one….

Already Ascended and therefore become the Mother of all Humanity, I have received the Grace to watch over and guard His inextinguishable Flames of Eternal Life !!

You will understand now how pure the flow of the FEELINGS should be poured !! because they are like living lava flowing in every second from the Powerful Electronic Heart to deposit His Sacred Energy in everything that is Life itself ...

You already know about the energy rating !!

In every feeling that arises you should pay sufficient vigilance, as I do for you, maintaining only the Purity of the Original Concept and rigorously selecting all those coated with the Rainbow-Rainbow Dye of the Seven Divine Lodgings or their seven aspects and letting them flow thus enlarging everyone.

Many of the Beings of Light, archangels, guardian angels and Silent Watchers, day by day and moment after moment, support the Primal Concept of All Creation with the Victorious Light Force ... You do not even notice it in its sublime totality, more They can sustain each day of their days on this Earth The Pure Light of their Divine Presences radiating above all imperfect creation qualified by their own foolish mistakes.

It is a Sacred duty to perform for each One, especially in this transcendent hour that only awaits the planetary and general elevation!

In the Angels you will find all the Strength, inspiration and all the necessary attributes to move forward, firmly resolved !! towards the Light, Invite them daily and every second they breathe! They will come immediately because they are your most loyal friends and selfless servants!

And I, your Loving Mother, take care of you and Bless you in every step

He loves them


SAINT GERMAIN ACTIVITY FOUNDATION Mirtha Verde-Ramo www.saintgermain.cl

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