Prayer of the month of Master Hilarion

  • 2015

There is the prayer given today by the divine healer Hilari n.

The prayer consists of two parts, the first one is to begin to tune into the green flame of divine healing and then we will begin to descend the divine gifts of healing, particularly stimulating your cardiac chakra tuning in with the divine energies of heaven. Today we will apply this healing but you can do the same since the withdrawal of the month. We greet the teachers Hilarion, teacher Amanahaiman and teacher Mayamaina, Virgin Mary. Divine Mother now we ask for healing from your emotional mental etheric physical bodies. Know that prayers have a very powerful effect on every spiritual body. Particularly the withdrawal this month is linked to physical healing. The previous month the teacher Serapis bey gave his blessing to Gaia and all its inhabitants now it is the master Hilarion who blesses you with his loving energy.

We hope this is true to your homes and you can distribute it and listen to it as many times as you want. From the month of July the teacher of the tenth energy sphere of consciousness and love Maha Chohan .

Begin a halo of light on your temples we try to feel these energies so imagine them as well as possible. Particularly this halo of divine healing light irradiation will be on your foreheads there it will intercept any low frequency energy and avoid possible energy leaks.

Now place on your heart a ray of pure green radiation and prepare your being to receive the prayer of this day.

The divine light of the father radiates on me, The divine light of the father radiates on me, the divine light of the father radiates on me.

I begin to feel the prayer in my heart center) Think of a contradictory situation and send it within this sphere of pure green irradiation to the heart and let it heal in it. Now contemplate the magnificent energy radiating from the heart chakra, see how you can multiply that light by blessing this prayer this divine light.

Father-mother trusted you, trust that this day will always be your will, trust that the divine breath is distributed with love to the men and women in need of your blessing, father receives the divine breath of and your children calling you this day asking for his manifested divine health. I ask Master Hilarion that the divine light looms over your sons and daughters throughout Gaia and throughout the universe, Father asked because this day the healing of the world is necessary the activation of the heart chakra and the divine complement manifested through your children . Forgive all wrongdoing committed by us in our bodies, minds, emotions, in our spirit. Father allow this blessing to reach your sons and daughters in Gaia and I ask for and through this prayer for their healing manifested at the physical mental emotional etheric level, I ask for them father and I ask for all who are here in this sacred place of healing I ask for my brothers and sisters I ask for all the living beings of the worlds I ask for each planet for each divine emanation and I ask for Gaia our beloved planet earth. I ask for the most needy countries I ask for their divine healing I ask that the divine breath heal the wounds of the sons and daughters of each of these countries in need. I ask for all beings commanding the green ray of healing and love forgive father those who deny their divine truth those who still do not see their own amorousness forgive them and I ask for their spiritual healing. Father, do not let us fall in moments of weakness and heal us light up our homes and light up the homes of our loved ones, I promise to be faithful to my heart and to my superior being I promise to ask for my redemption by healing myself I promise father to be faithful to the unique law of love and I promise that my healing will be initiated through my intention thought directed to the world from the heart. I ask for healing the truth and the divine arts manifested in this plane in all the divine planes, potentially manifested. May the divine grace descend upon the sons and daughters of Gaia and I ask for my own essence to continue promoting healing.

The Virgin Mary:

The luminous essence of being is being irradiated through the heart, do not deny your identity, son, daughter of father mother love. Be true to your principles and don't be afraid to grow old, don't be afraid of losing, don't be afraid of loneliness, don't fear child because being always blesses you in an immeasurable way, believe in faith and foster trust in you in Gaia. Propitiate it because through you you lead your own spirit along the path of love. Ask father mother to always be the spread of love and healing.

Archangel Raphael

Now I greet you Beloved son of Gaia archangel Rafael. We serve the divinity father as we serve you because the angels have always been with the father and the father has always responded to the love of the angels. That is why father do not believe that you are alone, do not deny that you are as divine as any being on this plane, trust you trust your own divinity and trust your own essence. I Rafael sent my loving Angels of healing to you son / daughter that you are in need at this time of the joy of the divine healing beam, propose this to your great presence I am, propose to be healthier, more loving every day, more honest of yourself and trust please don't forget that trust is not only important trust you potentially you co-create your world and your destiny cooks in love cooks in light cooks thats divinity cooks cooks everything I crave It is and you yearn without forgetting anyone or even yourself because forgetting others is as unloving as it is to forget yourself. Ask your angels of healing to help you in this evil or ailment that afflicts you and ask for yourself ask and pray to the angels Rafael loves you and greets you blesses you with angelic divine love and you Keep a place in your temple of healing, but in spite of everything, do not deny yourself the possibility of being the one who heals your own body and energy .

Master Hilarion, Master Maria, Master Alamanahaiman, Arc Raphael

AUTHOR: Master Isadris Mar a Laura Cavalieri


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