• 2011

This precious prayer arises from the depth of the Heart of the most Beautiful Woman ever known, whom we identify with the Great Divine Mother. His beautiful words are nothing more than the true expression of what he feels for God the Father Creator, to whom he gives all that he is.

All those tremendous Beings that have reached the state of consciousness of the new human race, can feel identified with the intense Love that emerges from each of the feelings that are expressed. It is a prayer that can be integrated into our daily meditations and used by those who feel it deeply. We appreciate it being shared, even translated.

Joanna Escuder


(from the Heart of the Mother)

From the deepest part of my heart,

when you start this new path,

I only feel the greatest gratitude, never felt,

for everything that happened and for everything that is about to happen.

Thanks to Life and the creation that makes it possible.

Thanks to the Great Breath that moves this Life,

to our Great Creator Father of this Universe.

Divine Love is thrown into spheres from my sacred heart,

To yours United always one and the other,

being two and one at a time.

Thanks to all the kingdoms that make up this planet,

who nourishes our lives, to enjoy the will of the Creator.

Thank you Gaiatra, Great Spirit of this sphere for your wisdom,

The lap you give us is sweet and full of peace.

Thanks to the soul of this our home for your desires,

endless care and sacrifice, for all of us.

Thanks Christo, that you prepare the way for us all

let's enjoy feeling the Plenitude of the Pure Love of the Creator

in our hearts.

Thanks to all the Beings of Light and Love that serve the Divine Plan

from all Universes, for their support and dedication to all of us.

From my swollen heart, he threw Petals of Love

To All Light and All Life.

Is this my great gratitude

Mª Carmen Millán

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