October 2010: Polaris stasis channeled by Karen Murphy

  • 2010

October 2010

The main theme for the month of October is Wait . Many of you now feel as if you are on a waiting time, not much is happening, and perhaps your life plans have been temporarily suspended. It is not so much an awkward sensation of waiting, but more of relaxed expectation, knowing that something is coming, but without knowing yet what that something is.

Stasis is defined as a state of equilibrium, a state of stability, a period of pause during which there is not much movement in any particular direction.

The energy of October, therefore, can be used as a rest period.

While it is relaxing for some, for many of you this sense of expectation without movement is going to be uncomfortable. If they are used to making things happen by using their personal energy to create what comes next, then they could feel as if they were turning their heads against a brick wall this month. The important thing to remember this month is basically the same as in September - sitting and staying with a feeling reveals a lot about what is below the feeling and what are your typical response patterns. To that end, October provides a particularly rich set of opportunities for self-introspection, and to get to know who you are at the deepest level possible.

If you find yourself experiencing this feeling of awkward expectation without movement, you can learn to change that feeling towards a restful one, if you wish. The feeling of rest is achieved when they become less attached to 'doing'. In addition to learning to allow yourself to sit and remain with feelings of discomfort, this is an excellent time to practice being alert in many ways.

Here are some ideas to stimulate your synapses and reshape your brain to allow you to rest in the present moment more often:

1. Activities with the left and right side of the brain . Try to brush your teeth with the non-dominant hand. Pay attention to the sensations - physical, mental or emotional - that arise for you. Write a letter to someone (yourself or someone you know), alternating between the dominant hand and the non-dominant hand. Again, pay attention to how you feel. Does the flow of energy (words) change depending on which hand they are using?

2. The pause that refreshes. During the course of your day, stop a few times and do nothing but pay attention, without judging, to the sounds around you for a minute. At another time, focus exclusively on visual information: colors, shapes, shadows, again without judging.

3. Body check. Once a day or so, stop what you are doing and focus on your body for a minute or two. Begin at the top of your head and slowly move down, exploring your body and noticing anything you feel (for example: tension in your back, the texture of the carpet under your feet, the light breeze of a fan), of New without judging.

And what happens if things seem to flow for you this month? Congratulations! But don't worry: they are as busy as the others. For those of you who feel flow and rest this month, you continue to internalize everything that has happened in the last months since the June Equinox. They may find that while on a personal level (spiritual, occupational, physical) they feel relaxed, their relationships are being challenged. This is partly because you are instilling internal changes, and others around you will find this challenging on many levels. This is a month of endings for many, especially in terms of relationships, and it is not especially favorable to start new relationships either (Venus is retrograde since 8). Pay attention to the challenges that arise; They are magnified this month and observing them can offer a new perspective to their lifelong patterns.

Other trends this month


Interestingly, this is a good time to start a program to increase health, whether based on diets, exercise, or other personal practices that focus on the body. Pay attention to your sense of inner vitality this month and explore the changes that take place for you.


Relations with the family-of-origin are again at the forefront this month as you begin to explore the deeply settled patterns that have been within you for a long time. Do not be surprised if you are exploring again topics that you thought you had already buried. Try not to get discouraged if you feel more of the same; What they are exploring this month is a deeper layer than in the past.


Expect some disagreements among local communities this month, as people are more concerned about what is going on for them personally than for the community as a whole. Try not to take things on a personal level if acquaintances seem distant or even sullen. At the local political level, expect more conflicts than usual since people's opinions are surfacing in a less self-edited way.

Global Policy

Change here occurs slowly, often more slowly than it seems easily apparent. With all the personal introspection that occurs this month, what appears at the broadest level moves slower and is less noticeable. But overall, this month is a preparation for the most obvious changes to come.

Earth Changes

Hurricanes and other wind-related events are common this month, as the planet's surface reacts to the most internal and deepest changes.

Global Spiritual Changes

Reports of UFO contacts and sightings increase this month, as the “veil” between realities continues to fade. Apparently opposite spiritual groups are increasingly polarizing, setting the stage for an eventual conflict of some kind to occur next year.

A practice for everyone

This is a good month to determine what small physical things - real objects, routines or practices, bring them comfort on a physical and sensual level. This could be a fragrance that gives them pleasure, a special blanket or cushion, warm socks, or music that gives them a soft sense of peace. Keep these things at hand and come to them frequently this month to help you go through these energies and towards What Comes Next in your life.

Copyright (C) 2006-2009 by Karen Murphy. All rights reserved. All material on this page is protected by copyright laws in the USA. and international and cannot be cited or reproduced without the express permission of the author. All authorized reproductions, quotes or copies, complete or partial, must refer to the author's name and the Polaris Rising website, www.polarisrising.com

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Translation: Margarita López

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