Messages from Mother Mileila. You are what you think By Fernanda Abundes

  • 2016

Suddenly you consider that everything you think only stays in you as if it were a perfectly kept secret, but everything that happens in the Universe above all, everything that happens here where you develop and live day by day, which is Planet Earth has a potential effect on all its activities.

All the thoughts that a human mind projects reach an All and this Everything is the Earth, for example, those beings that are afraid are projected into an energy that others can perceive; that being who is happy can be perceived happy without the need to speak even smiling; the one who is sad without the need to shed a cry, without needing to say what is happening, feels his sadness; and it is clear that emotions through the transformation of energies can be impregnated in certain places.

Those beings that suddenly exist in enclosures where they say goodbye to the part of the physical body, they feel sadness; those places where there is joy, in a situation of power you can feel too much energy that releases the part of happiness.

And it is that all of you leave an important mark on the world of energy that is the same that surrounds us; so sadness, anger, worry and all the endless thoughts that run through the human mind, can be constantly perceived.

You are what you think, including fears, the one who constantly thinks of your failure, as such it is to be projected before others; he who fears the world and the future, as such receives life and times, fearful, depending on luck, destiny or that beings suddenly be benevolent with him. He who is convinced that regardless of time, circumstances, beings and everything that is around, will excel, indeed it will be.

You are what you think including positive and negative, what do you want to be? What do they think? What do you project towards your reality?

I will be working with all of you ...

Many times the great events are based on all those things that happen around us, we think that it is the beings that can make us a happy day, the ones that can propitiate at the same time that our life changes. Many times we think that success is based on all those things that we achieve in an effective and efficient way and we also think that we will be happy until the moment when all those things and clouds of illusions are realized; but we can say that in the end all this is external, the most important thing is to internalize and deepen what it really is to be for what it is in itself, for what your thought can bring.

Gemstones are not those that shine in things, but those large and crystalline ideas that are born from a being that seeks its balance in the end.

It is true that there are certain circumstances, things, people, that generate one or another emotion, one or another circumstance, but in the end the most important thing is that these same beings may or may not be, may the same circumstances change and not on that will depend our stability or our balance.

That is when basing our joy on facts from abroad is like considering that some drops will go up and not go down. They are principles that in the end are not necessary but that are always already marked, the drops fall never rise.

So it is important that all those crystals of pure ideas always materialize in oneself, so if the questions change, the people leave, they transform, they change interests, the facts change, the times change, We are neither more nor less happy, we continue to be, because we do not expect life to give us a pleasant face, we put to life the face that is necessary at that moment.

That is to be truly an alchemist of life, nothing transforms us, we transform it, because even in the storm something favorable can be found, there is more water; water on the sunny day that seems to be too bright we could consider that there is a shadow space to reflect, because nothing is completely of something, it is not absolute, there is always the possibility for that great alchemist.

I will continue with all of you

Until another moment and remember that an instant cannot be quantified, therefore without observing at what moment of reality, forever there enjoying eternity. Happy

Message Channeled by Fernanda Abundes. (Puebla, Mexico. October 2016)

Published by Geny Castell editor of the great family of the

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