Gaia in Light Transformation. Let's go to a New Sun. Anikha.

  • 2011




Channeled from the crystalline heart of Gaia by Anikha.

The Earth is sown with energy and it is time that the beings that inhabit it understand that the effluents emanating from nuclear power plants in Japan have generated a magnetic field of various energies, many of them committed to other forces. You as beings in manifestation are vibrating from the heart of Mother Earth and as such your effluviums from the sacred heart must be directed to the critical mass of pain in that country. But there is much more to manifest ... you and we from the other side of the veil are largely cooking a manifestation of abundance in Peace to co-create the presence of Unity on this earth.

In these hectic times on the planet it is recommended to expand Consciousness towards Unity. And as this consciousness expands, focusing on being One with the universe, beyond what is observed or heard, beyond the news each being must sustain his energy with all the Power that the universe offers him and expand from his heart the imperishable flame of Abundance.

This means that without Abundance in Love, shortages and pain are co-created.

The presence of thousands of beings radiating the area of ​​Japan implies a unification in the will and intention that this process somehow ceases and is resolved.

Even so, there remains a great work sustained by you and by the energies that are given to you from above so that somehow the solution to the even greater spill of nuclear waste is found.

All cetaceans and marine life are engaged in this process. No one is exempt and what does this manifestation show you? ... lack of love for the beings that inhabit the earth.

In these times when several natural disasters have occurred, Mother Earth has displaced its axis 2 times. You as humans have been displaced energetically 6 times that is multiplied by three. Why does this happen? because while the axis moves together with the tectonic plates the different bodies of you move in several dimensions remember that they are multidimensional.

They inhabit this land and in others. They move here and move on other planes. Then until they finish getting settled they will spend several months. But this is not serious in all the processes of planetary replacement suffered many displacements.

It is not easy to live in continuous transfer but this must be seen with Gratitude celebrating the movement ... celebrating the confluence and celebrating the translation ...

You do not need major catastrophes to move you and your bodies, but you need to have the consciousness of enlightenment in each movement or arc that occurs between your being and the passage to a new time space.

You will have felt that in some cases you lost orientation in your work, projects, it is difficult for you to get back on track. This is what has happened, they have gone back and forth, redirecting their records and more than one restores the old records in other catastrophes. How much work to do !!!!

Dear souls it is time to find the mesh of unconditional Love that has been enunciated so many times the cetaceans transport it from one pole to another look for it.

Get together to meditate with them since they: whales, dolphins every marine animal is receiving this health mark beyond natural disasters. How do you think the whales traveled announcing the Tsunami? they verified this disaster days before ...

Notice how they meet to pray. So they meet in a wheel to balance. Hundreds of blue whales, killer whales and dolphins are expanding Love towards the land of humans and in this celebration they are expanding to us humans and transcended beings so that we understand that nothing concerns a country or planetary sector but concerns the unified consciousness from Gaia.

Hold the memory and curling that was done long ago in the meditation of December 12, 2009, at that time the diamond energy was held collectively, this diamond had to move to the oceans ... why? because they were and are those who manifest the mirror reflection of a collective vision of Humanity.

You are building Unified consciousness. You are making a plan and that plan is to co-create the transfer that is already happening between this dimension and the inevitable journey of transformation that the earth is making towards a New sun.

If a New sun is not what you see daily and this transformation is itself the axis of the changes you are experiencing, it is like breaking the shell of an egg to find the matrix of life in its nucleus.

The Earth is breaking old structures and moving its inhabitants by leaps and bounds to other dimensions while others continue to elaborate the great transformation plan here.

Do not see the disaster as such withdraw your vision of pain without losing your calm and even if you know that there are many souls to rescue think that your souls have decided to go through this circumstance beyond their destiny or design. Even so, the great fissures that exist in the earth are not present when these disasters occur, the open gap in that area is a mesh of transformation tinged with pain.

They are recommended to visualize themselves in rainbow colors to radiate light to Japan and the oceans and to establish an auspicious day and time to expand a large mantle of Platinum light to the waters of the entire planet this energy that descends for several years will neutralize notably the excessive diffusion of toxic contents, retaining substances beyond what is established by current communications and in synthesis their intentions must be pure, without fears clearly establishing the pattern-intention that Gaia is healthy, Gaia is evolving, Gaia is present in all the hearts of human beings and living beings and all are traveling in a time ship that is transcendent and impeccable in its journey.

Thanks to Mother Earth for evolving as a time ship to other dimensions and thanks to humans for their contributions as evolved souls to expand Love here in this planetary stage.

From the heart of Gaia they are enlightened I am the divine unified presence in terrestrial expression.


María del Carmen Vila

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2011 events with María del Carmen Vila

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