The road to healing - 3rd part

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Accept yourself and others. 2 Accept dissonances and difficulties 3 Thank 4 Observe the past to heal, understand, forgive, love 5 Daily life as a means of healing 6 Create changes 7 Act with intensity

Angels Messages

Premise: you go to the first article

How to choose the means and methods of healing


With the personal experience that I have had about myself and with the people to whom I have donated the forms of healing known to me, and to those who have been close in the forms of healing chosen by them, I have understood that there is no means or a way to heal just or wrong.
For this reason, we simply donate our knowledge and our experience, so that the person who has asked us for help to heal, has more knowledge and possible consciences to be able to choose what is best for her.
Only she can choose, and we have to be very careful not to influence her choice in any way.
Although we offer her something miraculous, that could heal her instantly, in any case healing will not occur if she is not prepared, if she does not believe in how much we have offered her, if she has understood what the disease is helping her to understand and to know.
I have also experienced that a technique, a form, a medium, can previously complete the healing initiated with the healings previously enhanced.
They had 'plowed the ground', had already donated the awakening or consciences that this disharmony should carry.
The last treatment used simply completed the work.
If first it had not happened how much was necessary, also that means would not have healed.
This has allowed me to understand how much, after the choice of wanting to heal, of doing everything possible, of accepting what it entails, it is also necessary to accept the possibility that the healing does not happen immediately.
This, of course, is for oneself as for the people we want to help.
There may be many reasons that prevent healing until they are recognized, included and dissolved.

Some of them are:

If the dissonance has the objective of making a lesson understood, it remains until the moment of understanding it.

If the dissonance is an alibi for not taking responsibility for a certain thing or situation, the person will retain it, consciously or not.

If dissonance is a means to have advantages, or it is a way to call attention again, to receive Love, to make someone take care of himself, she will stay until the person will not choose to ask for everything this in a clearer way.

If the sick person is at a time of evolution because they are not ready to receive certain types of treatments, or look at them suspiciously, prevents any improvement.

Dissonances may be related to something of the Old that has to be concluded in the times and in the required ways, unknown to us.

It may be that in the design of the Soul healing has to occur with the help of a certain person. Therefore it will only happen in that encounter.

If a person wishes to receive treatments from famous doctors or therapists, or use special ¡ occur by simple or natural methods.

Someone can also choose not to heal to confirm the futility of that technique or therapy to highlight the failure of the doctor or therapist.

These and many other reasons may also be for you in case the person affirms that he wants to heal at all costs, demonstrates to do everything possible, accepts any proposal and help.
It is impossible to know the inside of a person Love and respect ask us not to want to know him
And in any case, the story of a Soul will always remain unknown to us.
With oneself you need a deep and total integrity and courage to discover the reasons that prevent healing.
With the others a total availability is required, accompanied by the respect and detachment that allow observing what happens without any judgment, interpretation and expectation.
So we will always leave everyone free, also to choose not to heal ...

“… Do everything you can, so you will allow me to complete as soon as you start.
No step can I take for you, no action, but I can lengthen your step a lot, make it become great even a small action that you fulfill.
No one who acts for Love can invade, can force, can act in the place of the other, not even for a good purpose: this is Love, this is freedom. ”

“… Everyone has to feel in his heart what at that moment can help him: and so on in everything, even in healing.
Only in this way can media and forms create and allow.
Along with a choice made with the heart, not with the mind, it is necessary to accept and face what the means and forms can create or bring out, to then allow healing.
Many can be aid, instruments and means.
It is necessary for each one to choose their own, with serenity, conscience, attention, remembering that what is most useful at that moment is often left aside, for fear of suffering, of discovering, of letting go.
Sometimes you would not want to know the cause of the dissonance, because it is intuited that then a choice, a step, an action will be necessary.
These fears can also be unconscious, and they turn their eyes to another place, make them take other tools believing them less painful, even knowing that they will require much more time.
Sometimes healing slowly leads to suffering for longer and can be more painful.
A seemingly 'soft' tool can actually be very sharp, an apparently simple way can be very intense.
In any case it is necessary to free the election, remembering that in each one there is always the necessary strength to face everything that a healing requires.
And anything an instrument or a form can create, you can live it with serenity, with sweetness, calling Me by your side, collaborating with Me, allowing me everything, wrapping everything with the Light, doing everything with Love. ”

“… In healing, total trust is necessary but there is no need to expect.
And in any case, it will always be you to heal ...
And you will discover it is not the healing itself that heals, but everything that exists within you, what you choose with integrity, and how you act. ”

“… Before acting in any way on your body, in your heart, call me by your side. Thus you can act, or allow someone to act, with My help, to bring the necessary Light, to wrap the whole with the Love that allows healing.
For every thing that you carry on or inside your body, let your Light descend first with your hands, wrap it with your Love, and then ask for the necessary Light and Love there.
When you carry your hands on your body, feel on them My hands. Then visualize that the sun enters that part of the body next to My rays that I will penetrate there.
Feel and visualize this even about what you carry on or inside your body.
Do this naturally and visualize it even when you give your healing to other 'Hearts'. ”

Accept yourself and others.

Accept dissonances and difficulties


I have understood that not only do I not accept my dissonances, nor myself.


“You close your eyes, open your heart, and feel how much I love you, how much I always accept you unconditionally, totally, uninterruptedly.
Feeling this, you cannot love and accept yourself.
In this way you will discover not only how much you are loved and accepted by Me, but also by other 'Hearts'.
It's hard to feel this from someone if you don't accept yourself first and don't love yourself as you are, you can see it but not feel it.
To grow it is first necessary to accept what will make you grow, and accept that growth will continue until when you want it.
You cannot continue the Path towards your goal if you do not observe where you are at that moment.
If you humbly acknowledge and accept with Love and joy, you will continue your Way and continue your growth in Love and joy, you will always be accepted with serenity.
And for everything it is like that, and in everything it will be like that.

Growth, transformation, change, healing, requires decisions, awareness, responsibility, steps and actions, but first of all acceptance.
Come between My arms and let yourself be wrapped by My wings. Feel like a loved and protected girl.
Feel how much you are accepted by Me that I carry you into My heart, and in it I envelop you with all My Love.
Think, visualize and feel this: then it will be easier to accept yourself and everything from you, accept the wounds of the heart, the dissonances of the body, recognize the parts to be illuminated or transform what is n creating those dissonances

From your heart not everything has come out, in your heart not everything has healed: accept this with serenity and do not fight it.
But don't think about what has to come out of your heart, about the wounds that exist in it, about the parts that need to be illuminated, transformed, that must be let go.
Smiling, observe instead, everything that shines in you, everything that you are manifesting around you, your luminous Essence, your colors, your perfumes.
So there will be no fear, you will not feel fragile, and you will know how to accept everything, heal, transform and let go, with patience, serenity and Love.
Donate Love, express your Essence, manifest your Light, rejoice for the courage you have, for the strength that exists in you: everything will happen sweetly.


I have been fighting this disease for a long time but I cannot heal.


Do not fight any more, but look at it with Love and accept it with serenity.
This will allow you to recognize its meaning, to understand the message it is bringing you, what the Soul wants to tell you through it.
It is important that you do not reject it, that you do not try to repress it or drown out what it is telling you.
Take your hands to your heart, look up at Heaven, express gratitude for it, so healing will bring you, and help me.
Everything will happen if within you there is deep gratitude, total acceptance, serenity in your action, joy for the offerings that dissonance, that difficulty, will undoubtedly bring you.
Never fear anything about yourself or what exists in you, never judge anything and love everything, convinced that the sun is always behind each cloud. ”


With joy I donate these two games that can help in the acceptance of oneself.


Look in the mirror, say your name and, smiling, express the reflected image, (to you):
Love, admiration, pride, dignity, for the Light that exists in you, for all that you already are, you already do, you already express, and you donate, because you already love, you help.

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a) Visualize before you your Angel who smiles at you and you look at yourself with Love, admiration, pride, and listen to it: let me tell you all the beautiful things that you would like to hear about you.

b) Do the same thing by visualizing in front of you someone you know.

c) Now do this by visualizing in front of you many people.

d) Now visualize yourself on a stage: feel the audience that applauds you and expresses how much you are wonderful, good, big, beautiful, feel that it tells you how much everything you know how to do is important, and what you are doing.

e) Having done this, smile at your Angel, this person, the group of people, the public, and thank them for the truths they have expressed, for their recognition and appreciation, for their Love.


I think that only when we accept ourselves, in everything, do we accept everything that happens in and around us, do we then be able to really accept others, in everything and in every moment.
It is said that it is easier to accept and forgive others than ourselves, but often it is not.
If we observe with integrity, we will see that we do not always fully accept a person, in every situation.
It is difficult for us to accept it with Love when it makes us a 'mirror' because it reflects a part of us that we still do not accept or do not want to recognize, although we understand that this is an aid to our growth.
Even more when it is a 'speaking mirror', and it tells us the things we would not want to hear, even knowing that they are true and that they can be helpful messages.
It is not easy to accept a person calmly when he refuses a help from us or traces an offering from us, especially if he had previously requested it.
It is not simple to accept detachment from your actions that move you away from healing or from the goal, after you have asked us for help to achieve it.
It is even more difficult if to do this, we have donated a lot of time and energy, done our best, and even renounced our needs.
We don't always manage to remain distant when we see her suffer because she doesn't make the necessary steps or actions, even those easy.
It is not simple to accept it with compassion when he complains about what he does not have, of what he fails to do or achieve, while we see that everything could have, do and achieve, if he put his knowledge into practice.
To reach total acceptance it is necessary to remember that everyone is free in everything, also to suffer.
He is free to lose what he has, not to receive what he is looking for, to be as he does not want and really could be.
We will still be able to accept everyone if we see them as Souls that are helping us learn the art of giving, of helping, of expressing unconditional Love.
If we remember this, and we feel it in the deepest part of our being, we can thank everyone for everything, even when they reject us or react violently against us, precisely for what we have donated to them, for how much we have loved them.
Here is why acceptance leads to gratitude, and both lead to serenity.
And they always attract great offerings.

to thank

“… The closed doors that you find, if you open them, can reveal a magical world to you, the obstacles can then bring you an infinite number of offerings, the dissonances of your body can make you discover understandings and wisdoms.
Therefore, when you encounter a difficulty, you discover a wound of the heart, or your body manifests a dissonance, thanks first of all with intensity, directing your gaze to Heaven, smiling at everything that is great, beautiful and magical, already exists behind And it's coming to you.
This gratitude will open the most impregnable doors, it will cause the strongest walls to collapse, it will lead you to overcome the greatest difficulties, it will lead you to healing and transformation in everything.
Thanking first of all leads to acceptance, understanding, total vision, transformation, healing, and makes us take the necessary steps, the required actions.


It seems absurd to say thank you for what we do not like or are making us suffer, for what we would not want, or that is preventing us from something, or is changing our programs.
But to really thank for everything and above all, create and allow the unimaginable, what we believe impossible.

Accepting everything and everyone, made with Love, joyful gratitude, humbly sharing the difficulties you find in accepting and being grateful for everything, leads to great conquests, hurriedly completes many Healings, even the healing of the Old, and allow the arrival of new offerings for yourself and others.
Continue to accept with Love, to thank with joy, to smile everything and everyone, uninterruptedly, remain detached from everything, from everyone, and from yourself, keep your eyes to Heaven, to the goal of your Soul: you will live happily by the magic that will happen, unimaginable now for you, you will feel transported by the wave of Love that will take you high, which will allow your Soul to fly free in Heaven.

Remember that:

The difficulties are:

tools that shape,
coaches that transform,
means to extract what exists inside,
the possibility of manifesting the luminous Essence,
steps to always climb higher,
mirrors to reflect,
test benches,
life teachers.

To overcome difficulties it is necessary to lay down the weapons of the mind and open the door of the heart.

○ For every problem there is a solution,
For each question there is an answer,
for every defeat there is a victory,
for every failure there is an existence,
For each end there is a beginning.

Observe the past to heal, understand, forgive, love

“… If you want, I will accompany you with Love to see a beautiful movie: your life.
With joy I will show you how to observe it.
I will donate a new force so that you can do it simply and calmly.
You will thus allow the awakening of a great force that will come out of you while you will do this.
You will understand that everything that exists in you and around you is part of a movie that has not yet finished.
You will see the images in a new way and with a new light, because now you have brought into your life a new light.
When you watch a movie that you like very much, you experience intense emotions, even knowing that it is a movie: this is what happens in life, this is life.
In some images we will stop to observe better, to be able to take the essence of that experienced situation, of that lived experience, of that encounter occurred.
We will stop to understand if healing or transformation is necessary there, if you can obtain a teaching or receive an understanding.
So you can learn and understand what you have not learned and understood even while you were living that situation, that experience, that encounter, or later.
We will bring Light to the past to increase the Light in the present, to bring even more Light into the future.
A part of you will push you to watch this movie with Me and see it again many times, because it is attracted to it, because it intuits all the offerings that exist behind.
One part will push you instead to escape away, because you fear discovering things that can make you suffer even more, or wounds.
One part will push you to come with Me, because he knows that we will travel the path that leads you inside to discover your beauty, your greatness, your treasures, your Essence of the Luminous Soul, of the Daughter of Light.
One part will call you instead to other paths, to other places, feeling that the path to oneself is the heaviest, although you know that it is the most beautiful, the richest of offerings and magic.
One part will make you feel too fragile and weak to watch the movie with Me. In those moments call me, and with the essence of the Warrior of Light, say:
- I am not fragile, I am not weak, I simply feel my heart fragile and weak, but now with my strength I will heal it and make it strong.
Say this out loud to hear all the force that exists in you, which will allow you to observe the film without suffering, without wishing to escape, which will lead you to love it and discover how much it is beautiful.
After the whole movie you will have seen again with Me and everything you will have understood, transformed, healed, you will feel much stronger, you will feel that you will not fear anything more than in the movie of life you will live, feeling that in reality life It is a movie.
You will not run away from anything, you will no longer suppress feelings and emotions, you will face it with enthusiasm, you will live with intensity.
This is how you will live life as a girl who is playing, you will discover your greatness, remaining humble.
Gladly you will reach out to Me and run happily towards the adventures that life will donate to you. ”


I fear doing this because I still suffer when memories of what I have suffered for my parents emerge. I'm afraid I didn't really forgive them ...


“As a child, come to My arms to observe with Me those parts of the film that you have lived with them.
You will smile at them and your parents, because you will discover how much you too are now protecting and defending yourself with the same means, modes and expressions used by them.
You will easily discover the roots, the causes, the fears, the needs, which have led to those expressions, to use those means.
With simplicity you will detach yourself from them, with joy you will understand that they did not need to protect themselves and defend themselves, as you really do not need it.
You will discover how much those expressions, those modes, those means, do not really protect, do not defend, but prevent Love from satisfying the heart, in the Light of making the Essence shine, Our offerings to arrive.
This is how you will understand your parents and further forgive them, you will love them as Souls that have given you a great opportunity for growth and evolution.
Yes, other beauties of yours will resurface.
You will know how to donate new aid, because all this will allow you to intuit even more what may exist behind each expression and action or no expression and no action.
You will donate the wisdoms that your experience can now donate to you, and these are the most beautiful offerings, they are the greatest help. ”

The everyday as a means of healing

Take your attention to the place where you are, be aware of everything you do and live, observe with detachment the emotions that exist in your heart, the sensations you experience.
Everything can be a means to understand the roots, the causes, the motivations, the objectives, the dissonances of the body, the sufferings of the heart.
In addition to being able to take all this, you can intuit the way and means to use to heal, to disarm, to transform.
Places can arouse familiar sensations.
Sounds, images, perfumes, can help you remember.
Words can contain Our messages, beyond the sources they come from.
An athlete, when preparing for a competition, does not think about anything else, does not take his gaze beyond his training ground, is not lost in memories of the past or thoughts about the future, on the contrary, he lives intensely his training, he is uninterruptedly attentive to his preparation.
If you live everyday like this, you will know how to consciously live sensations and emotions, you can discover to remember, to intuit, to receive.
And in addition to that it can lead you to healing, you can take advantage of growth opportunities, you can learn new lessons, you can remember old wisdoms.
This is also a way to move the mind away, clean the antennas, sharpen the senses.
When the heart will be emptied of all that is not Love, it is not Light, it is not joy, the Light will have the possibility to make it strong and to make you strong, Love can fill it and I can satisfy you totally.
So it will be easier for you to perceive and understand the invisible and the subtle of everything.
Even if you have not completely emptied your heart, you may share equally as I have suggested now, because this leads you to achieve the satisfaction of the heart, the freedom of the Soul.
And as you see, there is no room for memories of the past, for the anxieties of the future, for the illusions of the world, only to dream what is waiting for you. ”

“… When two 'Hearts' meet a lot, it can happen, be born and be concluded.
Souls meet to grow and evolve together, to illuminate more and more with each other, to heal together, to conclude what they have started together on other trips.
Many times it happens that more trips are made to conclude what has not been concluded when the opportunity existed.
This is due because at that time the necessary attention has not been given, one has not lived with conscience, it has not been understood how much has happened, what was necessary has not been done.
If one does not live with attention and conscience, the occasions do not create what they can create, they do not close, they do not conclude, they do not disassemble, what is possible.
And therefore the healing that could occur at that time, does not occur.
Therefore, always pay close attention to the meetings you make, take everything that arises, whether you understand it or not.
Feel the encounters as offerings of Love, even if at that time you do not feel Love towards who you find, or you feel very different feelings from Love.
If that encounter has an objective, if it is part of the design of the Soul to achieve healing, it will happen when you are ready, when the time is right, remember it or not.
If you feel the total certainty that it really is an offering, you will also feel Love, because in reality everything that leads to healing, to grow, are offerings of Love.
And as always, to feel it, there must be no mind even for an instant, only the heart, and the silence that allows us to understand many things.
Call me and sit by your side to help you live everything.
Clinging to Me it will be much easier to feel a Soul that finds other Souls, to see everyone as Souls on the way, to relate to you as a Soul that has chosen Love and Light.
And so you will get closer and closer to the Love of Souls. ”

“… The non-luminous and non-love feelings prevent Love from flowing, to the offerings of Love to arrive.
They limit your expression and that of the other, hinder the achievement of everything that could be.
These feelings prevent us from understanding or intuiting the reason for that encounter, of that relationship, therefore they miss that occasion.
Always be your heart free of these feelings, keep it light, clearly observing everything it contains to have a clear vision.
That way you will know how to act to make only Love, Light, joy, peace exist in your heart.
Each is a living 'mirror' for someone, because it allows the other to discover himself.
This can help you not to judge and not to blame anything or anyone.
You will learn to want that 'mirror' that is reminding you that everything that creates difficulty for you also exists in you.
It can be in a very small part, or expressed by you very differently. ”

Create changes

“… When you suffer, when healing does not come despite your efforts, see if you can change something around you.
Many times external changes allow internal changes and vice versa.
A dissonance can be an aid to make you reach better places for you and for your growth, or to help you understand that the place where you live has already completed its cycle, served for the stages that you have achieved.
New places, images and new perfumes can create healing.
A great change may be necessary: ​​work, place, way of life.
It can be a small change or a change in small things, which creates in you the fertile ground for the flower of healing.
A new consciousness may be enough to lead you to change an attitude, a way of behaving, of reacting.
This will make you feel, see and live everything around you in a new way, as if everything had changed, although in reality nothing of your daily life or what is around you has changed.
You will have the confirmation that nothing in life has an equal meaning for everyone or is lived in the same way: it all depends on how you react to people, in different situations, in everything that is lived. ”

Act with intensity

“… When you have understood what it is that healing requires, act intensely, because the intensity in the steps, in the actions, leads to great healings, leads to achieve it quickly.
The intensity expresses your desire to heal, and this mobilizes great energies within and around you.
Intensity allows me to act intensely with you and you, and thus complete everything you have begun.
Do not be afraid if you feel that many things are moving within you and very quickly.
Love everything that is happening, remembering that intensity decreases the suffering that may exist in healing when you touch the wounds. ”

Extracted from the book: Heal and help heal

Author: Satya, editor of the great family of

In addition to these books we have published 22 small-e-books:

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