Open days at the Ecovillage S mara

During this month of June and also in July, the Samara Ecovillage will hold several open days with the intention of making its project known, economically and legally structured around an integral cooperative. Located in Los Ruices, a village in the Valencian town of Requena, it is open to accommodate more members.

The first day of open doors took place last Saturday, June 13, and there are still three more, which will be on June 27 and July 11 and 25 (always on Saturdays). The objective of this initiative is to offer a meeting place, knowledge and enjoyment to all people interested in ecovillage. The visit schedule includes various workshops on activities as varied as bread, yoga or world dances. You can also know the surroundings, eat and even sleep.

Manuel Alamar, one of the founders of the Ecomaradea Sámara, explained to Positive News that the project that gave rise to this settlement arose in turn from another initiative, the Rainbow Bridge. It is a rural complex whose central axis is a house owned by Alamar himself and his wife, who along with a third partner are responsible for the management of the space, which is currently mainly dedicated “to the organization of courses focused on personal growth "

The Ecovillage Sámara currently welcomes 18 people, of which 13 are full members, while the other five are in the reception period. The project, which started in 2007, is still in its pioneer stage. The goal is to reach a number of adult ecovillagers that will be between 90 and 150.

An integral cooperative

The highest governing body is the assembly, which meets every 15 days. Decisions are taken by consensus and all members have the same rights. On the other hand, the economic and legal structure adopts the integral cooperative formula. Alamar explains the keys to this decision: “We saw that this figure existed on the website of the Catalan activist Enric Durán, and we decided on it. The highlight of the integral cooperative is that it allows the rest of the cooperative modalities to be used. For example, a section of the integral cooperative can function as a labor cooperative; another section, as a consumer cooperative; a third, as a service cooperative ”.

This way of functioning allows initiatives within the ecovillage to be undertaken only by people interested in the projects in question, without the need for them to be assumed by the entire community. "Thus, creativity and play possibilities are stimulated, " says Alamar. The founding partner adds that there are two fundamental principles that govern all the economic activities of the cooperative: “it is not worth the ostentation and it is not worth the exploitation”.

The integral cooperative also allows a large number of aspects of daily life that go beyond the production, distribution and consumption of goods to be cooperativized. Specifically, the Ecovillage S mara has developed an organizational model structured in five branches that responds to the main basic needs of its inhabitants.

The first pillar is the development of a self-sufficient agriculture that allows members to produce, produce and distribute their own food. In this sense, the intention is to have an organic garden that supplies them with vegetables, vegetables and fruits within a reasonable period of two years.

The second branch is the construction of houses, a task that cooperativists themselves also deal with. The basis is the use of local materials, without toxics, mainly bales of straw, clay and wood. These homes stand out for their low price and quality. They can last up to one hundred years.

Another outstanding aspect is education, in a very broad sense. “Everything we do is designed to educate. For example, when we produce biodiesel, it is not just for us, but for everyone to see this alternative as well, ”says Alamar. The ecovillage plans to build a school for children, as well as another center dedicated to university studies for adults. It will also be the venue for the next meeting of the Iberian Ecovillage Network (RIE), the last weekend of August

The fourth pillar is integral health. “It covers everything that has to do with health. It does not refer only to natural therapies, but it is a holistic concept that affects all habits of life. If I am satisfied with my life, my work and my relationship environment, that impacts my health, ”says the ecovillage member.

Finally, the fifth branch is "bioregionalism, " that is, direct contact with the region. The members of the ecovillage want to undertake campaigns and initiative in defense of natural values ​​and the conservation of the environment. Another aspect is the active participation in the social life of the nearby urban centers. "I remember that nothing more to come, we set out to collaborate with the neighbors in organizing the Requena festivities: That is why they are delighted with us, " says Alamar.

Those who want to know more about this project can take advantage of the open days, or go to the ecovillage as volunteers for a season to check in situ all that this lifestyle can offer.


Author: Redacion n / Daniel Jim nez.
Photo: Members of the Ecovillage S mara. Courtesy of its partners.

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