The interpretation: between cyberculture and the semiosphere

  • 2018

It is in July 2018 that a Tibetan disciple finds correspondences between the films of the UCM (Marvel Cinematic Universe), the letters of the UMMO beings (exoplanet in the constellation of Virgo) and the books written by Alice Bailey; so he does not resist the opportunity to carry out a dialogue with his teacher, a series of questions-answers that will be weaving the idea that the Tibetan has about consciousness: "that expansion of memory and imagination."

FOREWORD: It is necessary to penetrate the deepest part of oneself to discover the hidden knowledge, it is in this sense that the Delphic mandate “know yourself” must be understood. Biologists like Ludwig von Bertalanffy are the true initiates in the mysteries because they have an understanding of life and its purpose. The geneticists deciphered the DNA but it was the cognitivists who understood the functioning of the mind and the constructivists who showed us the teaching for understanding. It will be the hermeneuts who enhance the development of consciousness, through the social meanings that they interpret from their transactions, through the cultural values that preserve the caretakers of the soul: the therapists.

1 P. Jorge Ariel: The boundaries between computer science and cognitive science are disappearing as a result of biotechnology, which promises new medical procedures adapted to each patient. An example of this is in the manufacture of insulin, the hormone that a large number of diabetics have to take regularly, whose body cannot produce it naturally. Is it possible for genetic engineering to produce complete organs such as the human brain or heart?

1R. Djwal Khul: It is in the consciousness of the atom, the molecule and the cell that all forms are constructed. The triple nature of the substance aspect allowed the domain of electricity and its use, the triple nature of the consciousness aspect favors the domain of magnetism and radioactivity. The heart is the carrier of physical vitality, the brain is the seat of conscious receptivity, the larynx corresponds to the creative aspect, but in each part of the physical structure lies the microcosmic "plot of life".

2J. A: That plot of life was exposed by the scientist Fritjof Capra, as well as the concept of autopoiesis was proposed by Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela in 1973 to define the self-maintenance chemistry of living cells. Is autopoiesis analogous to the creativity of the human being?

2D. K: Human creativity implies the use of two energies: the dynamic energy of purpose and the magnetic energy of desire: clean mind and pure heart. Hence the differences between the black magician and the white magician. One deals with the substance aspect of manifestation and the other with consciousness, they and their work, according to the great law of evolution, contribute to the general purpose of the Solar Being.

3J. A: So that autopoiesis would have to be linked to ethopoiesis, that something that has the quality of transforming the way of being of an individual, the ethos of the subject, his way of acting. Is there really the supreme magic as exposed by Stephen Strange ?

3D K: White magician is one who, by conscious alignment with his Ego, his "Angel", is receptive to his plans and purposes, therefore, capable of receiving superior impressions. The Ego is in deep meditation throughout the cycle of physical incarnation. The magician creates a central point of energy in the mental plane, visualizes in detail the form he tries to build, imagines it with all its component parts and sees, “before the eye of his mind”, the consummate product of his meditation .

4J. A: If the mind creates reality then we can invent multiple possible worlds as Nelson Goodman states: we build worlds with the help of symbolic systems acting on a given world that we take for granted. Would the acts of the imagination give meaning to the experience?

4D. K: Visualization is the process by which the creative imagination is activated. Imagination is the emotional equivalent of mental discrimination and it is necessary to transmute it into intuition. They have to develop the ability to expand mental concepts by building a bridge between the concrete and the abstract, who aspire to act in the vehicle of intuition.

5J. A: I understand. Our brain can imagine a human being the size of a millimeter, which ant man ( Antman ), but such a biological entity would not be possible, the reduction of biochemical metabolism It would be proportional to mass, therefore, the possible forms of BEING must be consistent with the physicochemical laws that govern the cosmos. Is an analogy possible between the atom, a human, a planet and a system?

5 D. K: No, the analogy is never exact in detail, but only offers certain broad and fundamental correspondences. In the four factors mentioned in the question, there are immutable points of similarity; but, during its development, the growth stages may not seem the same in the evolutionary details, if they are considered from the point of view of the human being in the third dimension, because it is hindered by its limited uptake n. The semblance points between the four can be synthesized as follows, taking the physical plane as a starting point and developing the concept in stages:

6J. A: The atom is to the universe as the human being to the solar system. Much of the current research in nanotechnology focuses on ways to configure nanoscopic structures so that they serve as devices for storing information, generating electricity from light or generating photoelectric cells. Is it possible to create a liquid armor with nanotechnology like the one activated by Tony Stark ( Ironman ) from his reactor?

6D. K: The central triangle of energies represents the three radiations that condition the periodic vehicles of the human being: spirit, soul and personality. The result of the evolution will be the contact established between the three points of each triangle, thus forming a nuple contact and a nuptial influence of energy. The central triangle expresses life, quality and personality appearance. The four physical ethers control the centers below the diaphragm, the four cosmic ethers control the centers above the diaphragm.

7J. A: What you call ether is what science has called quantum, spheres of light. What relationship do they have with the dragon spheres spoken of in Chinese culture or the snake of the Hebrew tradition?

7D.K: At the base of the spine the "serpent of God" undergoes two transformations: The snake of matter remains overwhelmed, said snake is transformed into the snake of wisdom, the snake of wisdom is translated and becomes the "living light dragon". The basic center governs when spirit and matter come together, and matter, the Virgin Mary - under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the energy of the etheric vehicle, is transferred "to Heaven", where as expressed by the Christian phraseology " He will sit beside his Son in the Father's home. ”

8J.A : Each center would be made up of a specific class of atoms, which ionize matter. How do these quantum particles contain the active substance in the healing process?

8D. K: Atoms are vibrating points of force and centers are generated by the action of the positive force and its interaction with the negative energy. The sphere of radiation or radius of influence of the energy centers is what constitutes the aura of the human being. The etheric body manifests and conditions the aura. The clairvoyant can see the center from which the healing energy can flow, and the center indicates the type and quality of the projected force.

9J. A: In the thread of life, permanent atoms are strung like pearls. Is there a relationship between these atoms with the soul?

9D. K: The permanent atoms of each plane have a fourfold purpose with respect to the life of the soul: Distribute a certain type of force, preserve the capacity to respond to vibration, assimilate experience and transmute it into quality, hide the memory of the unity of consciousness.

10J.A: I notice a difference between the mental atom and the mental unit: while the mental atom is the memory of the soul, the mental unit is the Thinker in the causal body, the generator of images. The human brain supports the mind that unifies the most complex system of the organism, which makes up the most perfect of the known networks. Why is the network concept important, so much so that we identify with the spiderman?

10D. K: The man weaves like the spider, binding threads, and thus weaves with the environment and makes contact with him, gaining experience and sustenance. The threads created by the human being are triple, and with the two basic threads created by the soul the five types of energy that make man a conscious human being are formed.

11J. A: The mind is ultimately the willpower acting on the physical plane, and the mental atom would become what we know as artificial intelligence. How is the personality affected when it is struck by the ray of the mind, just as Captain Marvel does when he pronounces the magic word SHAZAM ?

11D. K: A ray confers through its energy, peculiar physical conditions and determines the quality of the emotional nature, gives color to the mental body, controls the distribution of energy, because the rays are of varying degrees of vibration, and govern a certain body center The quality of a life of lightning (intelligence) determines, in time and space, the appearance (personality). The affirmation of "I am" not only distinguishes man but is the mantric word that preserves the integrity of all groups. The rays are the seven emanations of the "seven Spirits before the throne of God."

12J.A: So the real word of power is I Am, so much so that you can read the law and vice versa: I Am That I Am . If we associate each ray with a center, what would the relationship of permanent atoms with centers and rays be like?

12D. K: Let us first consider the matter from the macrocosmic point of view, and then draw its analogy in the microcosm or human being. The Ray of Personality exerts direct action on the permanent physical atom. The Ray of the soul exerts a similar action on the permanent astral atom. The Spirit Ray has a close relationship with mental unity. The coronary center is the agent of the first ray of Will or Power, the heart center is the custodian of the energy of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, while the third ray of Creative Active Intelligence passes through the laryngeal center and energizes it. It is not possible to say which center is expressing the energy of a certain ray, because there is a constant movement and activity.

13J.A: The energy, being formed by standing waves, generates Space as forms within forms, like ivory spheres carved by Chinese artifacts or matrioska dolls made by Russian artisans, where sphere or wrist is within another, although free and yet confined. If the atom is related to the substance, the soul with consciousness and the spirit with the cosmos, how to differentiate the mind from the soul?

13D.H: The soul develops through the use of matter and reaches its culmination in the human soul. The soul is neither spirit nor matter but it relates to both. The soul is the intermediary of this duality, mediator between the mined and the personality. The personality hides in itself a jewel, that point of light of the soul called the light in the head, and it is only discovered and later used when the superior aspect of the personality, the mind, is developed and active. The mind is electricity, it is the ray of active intelligence that synthesizes the four rays of attribute: harmony, knowledge, idealism and organization.

14J.A: In the Avengers movie they show how Loki, son of Odà © n, activates the mind of an android named Vision using his scepter. Are there scepters and gems? Is there really a struggle with the infinite Being?

14D. K: The scepters are four and are used to accelerate the evolutionary process through external influences that tend to awaken consciousness and unite the poles. The cosmic is used in the graduation of a solar being, the systemic is used in the graduation of a planetary being, the planetary and the human are used in human graduations. The jewels are the life points that contain in itself all the possibilities, potentialities, experiences and vibratory activities. It personifies the will to be, the quality of attraction and the active intelligence that brings the experience and love to its maximum expression. This point in the center really constitutes all that is, that which the three aspects defend and the seven principles protect. These seven gems express the sevenfold nature of consciousness. The fight is very real and takes place in five stages called initiations.

15J.A: When I hear the word graduation, the learning process and its relation to time and consciousness come to mind. Apparently, the state of transition between the material and the spiritual is the marital, how to understand the concept of marriage? What is its relationship with learning?

15D.K: Marriage is the fusion of two in one, in fact, the unification with the soul is an internal individual experience that results in the expansion of consciousness, so that the individual and the specific are unified with the collective and the general. Time is that process of activity or that progressive development, in which the immanent consciousness seeks its opposite and is governed by the Law of attraction, which leads to atomic, planetary, spiritual, solar and cosmic marriage. The whole objective of the learning process is to bring revelation, the expansion of consciousness takes us to the Classroom of Wisdom, provided that the information given is used.

16J. A: The emerging property of the brain gives way to the mind, requiring a quantum leap in its complexity. Time would be formed by a discrete succession of temporal quantum, so that being our "I" as a long space-time tunnel, consciousness illuminates the successive sections of that long gallery. How do you explain then the continuity of consciousness?

16D. K: There is no interruption of continuity between the sense of perception in the physical plane and the mental plane. Continuity of conscience must be understood as being able to be fully aware of the events in all spheres and functions of being, during the twenty-four hours of the day. It is the ability to remember constantly and correlatively, both internal and external life.

17J. A: It would be like a tunnel with 62 doors, each representing the same neurosensor organ throughout successive moments. Successive images enter through each door, door 43, for example, is that of vision. When we go on a train it illuminates, with its light, a section of the long tunnel, not only captures the image that has just entered through that door (newly perceived image), but through a mirror: memory, the images that are BACK (never the front ones: the future). If we got off at the door 25 of the train (Innocence) we would find the door 51 of the tunnel (Commotion), the one that connects us with the inner wizard and the word of power: The Thunder. How are images of time transmitted in a lifetime?

17D. K: The etheric substance creates a network of channels and generates thin tubes similar to an intermediate mesh between vitality and the nervous system. I use the words channel-tubes, thus giving the idea of ​​a network through which the transmitted energy can pass.

18J. A: Consciousness is thus sequential, progressive in Time thanks to the filar structure (chain or thread) of our psyche, it is like a rosary of Catholics, or a japa of Hindus, who break the accounts of prayer one by one. one sequentially. What would be the difference between that illuminated path traveled by the disciple and the fabric of light made by the apprentice which "paragon of virtues"?

18D. K: The illuminated path is constructed with mental substance to generate consciousness, the fabric of light arises from consciousness to generate life. The centers are activated by the cultivation of certain main virtues and not by the concentration or meditation on the centers; they are automatically brought to the necessary radiating condition through proper living, elevated thoughts and loving activity.

19J. A: The death of a human being coincides with the disintegration of the body's link with the soul, krypton atoms return to their quantum behavior. In the crucifixion of Jesus what happened was the total fusion of the soul with his personality, so did Jesus really die?

19D. K: Death is the destruction of the causal body, the body of the soul. If the statement that the sense of time is the brain's response to a succession of states of consciousness or events, and if it is also true that (for the soul) there is no such factor in consciousness as time, but that it is only known the Eternal Now, then the three worlds of the incarnated being constitute a unit of experience in the life of the soul, experience that ends with the crucifixion, because the soul in incarnation, by the use of the will sustained, definitively and consciously, renounces everything and he turns his back finally and forever, to the material world. The Master Jesus went through the learning of renunciation, while at the same time Christ was elevated to the seventh degree: the resurrection.

20J. A: The soul and the cosmos are linked together. This means that our soul reaches the maximum state of integration, in collective psyche, as they showed in the movie War of Infinity, when Thanos snapped with his fingers. How then to differentiate the transfiguration from the ascension?

20D. K: Christian theologians have turned these two graduations, crucifixion and revelation, into three distinct episodes, but ascension as such has no real existence nor should it be called graduation. The transfiguration is performed on the mental plane, "ascension" on the spiritual plane. The resurrection essentially teaches the "ascension" of matter to heaven, teaches the "life experience" and the state of the "Unchanging Being."

21J. A: The Infinite Being generates a self-conscious multiple cosmos, capable of self-correcting in a cybernetic loop. The mandela effect would actually be a mandala effect. Which magic circle that reconciles the pairs of opposites achieves the fusion of the yin-yang: the primordial spirit and the conscious spirit. How does a Master manage to move from the septenary to the quintessence, from five to three, from the trinity to duality and from this to the unity of consciousness?

21D.K: Master of Wisdom is one who has transformed Himself, fivefold in triple and triple in dual. He has become the five-pointed star, he has sanctified the quaternary, he has mastered the triple response law. Master of Wisdom is the one who knows the meaning of conscience, of life and of the spirit, and can arrive directly, by the line of least resistance, to his Father's womb, in Heaven . He has ascended the Mount of true Transfiguration.

EPENDOGUE: Disturbances in the brains or cosmos are produced because one of them manifests a type of imaginary mass (interpretive, critical). Only after achieving correct social transactions, will we pass directly from cultural significance to enlightenment of the masses. Hermeneutics will help us in it. Hermeneutics represents a theory of truth and the method that expresses the interpretative phenomenon from history. Cyberculture appears as that virtual forum in which the netizens make their comments. But while cyberspace is a simulated reality that is implemented within computers and digital networks around the world, the semiosphere is the world of meanings in which all “humans live, move and have their Being” .


Alice Bailey Treated about white magic . Buenos Aires: Lucis Foundation. 1951 (answers 1, 15, 16)

Alice Bailey Treaty on the seven rays . Buenos Aires: Lucis Foundation. 1953 (answers 7, 8, 15, 20)

Alice Bailey Treatise on cosmic fire . Buenos Aires: Lucis Foundation. 1995 (replies 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 19)

Alice Bailey Telepathy and the etheric vehicle . Buenos Aires: Lucis Foundation. 1995 (replies 6, 17, 18)

Alice Bailey Letters about occult meditation . Buenos Aires: Lucis Foundation. 1995 (answer 21).

Carl Jung The secret of the golden flower . Buenos Aires: Paidós. 1961 (question 21)

Emanuel Kant. Metaphysics of customs. Barcelona: Altaya editions. 1993 (question 18)

Fritjof Capra. The plot of life . Barcelona. Anagram. 1998 (question 2)

Jerome Bruner Mental reality and possible worlds . Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial. 2004 (question 4)

Michel Foucault The hermeneutics of the subject . Mexico: Economic Culture Fund. 2002. (question 3)

Ra Huru Hu. The 64 steps of evolution . (question 17)

Richard Rudd The genetic keys London. Watkins publishing. 2013 (question 7).

Tom Standage The future of technology. Lime. 2008 (question 1, 6).

Xavier Penelas, Quintín García. UMMO behind his footsteps . Barcelona: Ediciones drives. 2018. (questions 5, 16, 17, 19). Letter D731

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