Esther and Jerry Hicks The Amazing Power of Emotions

Dare to let yourself be guided by feelings. You are a vibratory being . You perceive your current physical environment thanks to your senses. This interpretation of your environment occurs in such a natural way
Without deliberately paying attention that most of our physical friends are not aware that what they see, hear, smell, taste or touch is an interpretation of the vibration.

When you watch television, you know that the people and places you are watching are not miniature versions of a life that takes place inside that little box or that thin screen that you are watching . You understand that somehow that device is receiving signals and translates them into coherent images that are projected on the monitor to please your view. Although the analogies are never perfect, the idea we want you to keep in mind is that you are the receiver of vibratory signals that you are translating into your reality by means of your physical senses.

And when interacting with e! rest of Vibrating Beings, you all believe together an extraordinary reality. You did not need any other wise physical friend to teach you to see with your eyes. The hearing, smell, taste and touch also occurred so naturally that you didn't need any explanation as to how to use them. That is, you were born in a physical body that contained within it the cells of knowledge to translate the vibration into a meaningful life experience.

You have a sixth sense Apart from the five physical senses that you know very well, there is another one that you are not so aware of: the sense of emotion. As with your other five senses, that sixth sense, active from the day you were born, does not require any training on your part to understand that it exists.

Just like no one taught you to smell, smell, taste or touch, you don't need anyone to teach you that you are feeling emotions. In fact, your emotional awareness is manifested by your conversations when you define your life experience. You usually explain how you feel about this or that: `` My feelings have hurt '', `` I feel happy '', `` I feel lonely '' or `` I feel guilty '' . Emotions play a great role in the experience of your life and of the people you know, but few are truly aware of its amazing power and value.

Our intention with these words is to help you understand your emotions in a more conscious way: their existence, what they mean, and most importantly, how to use your knowledge about them effectively.

We want to explain that your emotions are literally the indication that your self is merging with your Self.

Let's go back to the whole. Before you were focused on the Non-Physical and you still are. You projected a part of your Non-Physical Consciousness into your current physical body and you were born in this body. You perceive your surroundings and continuously launch desire rockets through your physical senses. That Non-Physical part of you that remains focused on the Non-Physical sees your new desire and pays full attention until it merges with it and becomes the vibratory equivalent of this new expanded version of yourself.

Your experience in the physical plane propitiates your incessant expansion.

In each encounter with other people, with the things you read, see and experience, you generate new rocket of desire. When someone is unpleasant with you, you want other people to be kind. When they don't understand you, you want to be understood. When you don't have enough money, well-being or friendship, you want more of those things. Life makes you constantly expand.

In other words, a new-and-improved self is (through your norms and perceptions) in an incessant state of becoming, since the Non-Physical part of you is always in the process of becoming what you have asked for - Esther and Jerry Hicks

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