Yeshua - Energetically don't let yourself be, by Alexiis

  • 2013


Good afternoon, Beloved Masters, it is twenty minutes to four in the afternoon and what I least expected was to channel now, but I had to stretch and I necessarily see that my indicator plate is spinning, it's been days Calm down, so just in case I connect because well, if there is a signal, that is to say that someone of you is present and I am delighted to transmit the message, I am waiting with Love as always .

If Alexiis come even with a brief note, I am YESHUA- you know that, I see for all that immense work that you are doing, compiling all the past, all the important events, very well I know that it is a huge work and Apart from that I am also aware that your physical body although we have told you countless times that it does not react to the events of Gaia, to earthquakes, to the tsunami, to all that but not There is a case it seems that your connection is so strong that we cannot prevent you from having a physical reaction, I am sorry because that is not ideal, but nothing can be done either.

Dear humans, many of you believe that nothing is happening, that there were many promises for the end of the year, for December 21, for December 12 and in the end it seems to you, and I emphasize It seems to you that nothing has changed I regret No - I do not regret it, I am glad to inform you that it has changed and is constantly changing, although you apparently do not want to notice it, already in messages I have stressed earlier that he who has ears will listen and he who has eyes will see.

Those who are attentive to the manifestations of Mother Nature of everything- we could call it the living environment you well know that there are changes there are changes for the better unfortunately also for the worse, but this was also planned, it was planned because it is known that Gaia can not ascend with humanity that is not even aware of what is happening, there are many who prefer to ignore all the events and continue their customary life crossing their arms and complaining about what they see, that is not so.

What I regret that there are also light workers who were so disappointed not to see great events that are being let go wake up brothers wake up things are happening try to see it try to perceive it because yes there are changes and we are improving, but we need the collaboration of all of you, we need everyone to put their grain of sand to help, I regret having to come With this form so endemic but it is necessary it is necessary to shake them - it is necessary to wake them up - because it is not the time to be asleep and say ahh nothing happens, total - not my dear ones - it is the moment they have to feel it internally and they are going to feel it and they have to move forward and they are going to move forward - but not having fallen arms.

Brothers, friends, all of you - please - think, analyze, discern - there are changes - but if you do not want to see them, well then go to the group that will not move forward with Gaia, Gaia will ascend and if less people accompany her than we have thought, we are going to regret it a lot, but she needs people who even at this moment are willing to face things, are willing to do everything possible to help and that is what I come to emphasize, so I come in such a way Energetic this time, you know that it is not my way of transmitting messages through this channel in such a way, but today if I do it because it is necessary, she is absolutely capable of enduring such a message, although I know she does not like it - but it does not matter.

She is one of ours and as such she knows what she is facing, she knows what is needed and continues against all odds, even against her own physical state that does not help her but there it is.

So please again I insist - do not let yourself be - we need your help - to hurry all that is possible - to finally reach the desired goal, as I always send all my Love and the Love of all my heavenly environment Think about it, analyze it and get to work brothers, get to work.

We love you deeply and I send you all my Light, all my Energy, I am for Alexiis YESHUA and for you ESU EMMANUEL SANANDA, THE PLANETARY PRINCE !!!

Alexiis : Ahh Thank you Yeshua, thanks.

February 6, 2013

Mary Carmen Quintana


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