Weekly Message of M. Ascended Hilarion by Marlene Swetlishoff November

  • 2011

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From November 06 to 13, 2011


They are moving towards a week with greater energy than ever before and staying anchored during this time is very important. Connecting with the tree family and being outside in Nature will be very beneficial. Also soaking in a tub of warm water with Epson salts (fig salt) or sea salt will help keep your etheric field in good condition. And of course, the most important element during this time is to keep your thoughts and intentions in your highest visions of yourself and your World, because what you focus on will create the First Light of the New Earth manifesting on Earth. Remain in the present and count yourself as those who are co-creating this towards your manifestation.

They are moving within larger dimensions of Love and, this will affect each person in different ways, but it will definitely be a deeply felt experience. The anguishes and worries that have been carried in the hearts of All will cease and will have a great impact on their daily lives, as each one goes inward, gracefully releasing the last vestiges of the three-dimensional consciousness and surrendering to a new and higher level of union with their Angelic Beings. From this place of understanding and awareness will come the empowerment to cooperate and co-create a New Earth, one in which Universal Consciousness can become our reality.

Many of those who are doing the work will have their epiphany moments and will expand their inner knowledge towards a greater level of understanding of the present opportunity to create more beauty in the World with our Love. By becoming more aware of the usual patterns of expression They need to be changed in their quest to develop a more Universal consciousness, more light can enter the deepest of their cells and, when this happens, a greater expansion of their multidimensional operating system will begin to unfold. Learning to observe themselves from a higher point of view will help them make a quantum leap towards greater awareness as they begin to understand how to get out of the old paradigm and create their new reality.

It's all about you, Dear Ones, you have vast potential inside. The seeds that you plant along the new Path that you illuminate will take root and grow in wonderful and magnificent ways that will bring Unity into you and then radiate them into the World that surrounds you. They are the catalysts that forge creative and peaceful changes as they advance in their true and authentic Being and thus empower those in their spheres of influence to see their own unlimited possibilities. When One is empowered there is an energetic interaction that occurs among others of his Tribe and, suddenly, everyone lives and struggles to be their highest and best Beings.

We truly tell you that the best is yet to come and your intention to participate during these opportune moments greatly adds to the entire Creation in ways that are still imaginable. We continue walking with you while your expansion unfolds.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

© 2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From November 13 to 20, 2011


Well done! His focus on the 11-11-11 portal helped establish the pattern for the New World that is in the process of re-calibration, vibration and frequency elevation. Celebrate and rejoice in this achievement because it was an important step in the progression to the new beginnings that are now to manifest on your Planet. There is much waiting to be deployed, but it requires the integration of the energy discharges they have and will continue to receive. His Light is becoming ever brighter and wider as they begin to remember their true identity.

Everything is displayed as established in the Divine Plan for your personal and collective destiny. As a unified voice, Humanity has sent a clear message to the Creator that Humanity is ready to take responsibility for its Planet and that they are willing to take the positive and peaceful actions that are necessary to begin the process. of healing and change in every facet of life as you know it now. Much more of Humanity is beginning to wake up and this metamorphosis will continue for months to come.

Each of you is performing the tasks that your Souls established as contribution and service before you incarnated on this Planet. His soul was eager to contribute the energies necessary to establish the Way of awakening, illuminated with the Light of his Love and its uniqueness. Now there is a period of adjustment, integration and re-calibration in each of its energy fields which will have a long-term term and a lasting effect on your bodies. Physicists, who are in the process of filling themselves with more light.

While this continues, the now familiar fluctuations of energy that occur in your system make each of you burst into high levels of irritation, frustration and emotional volatility. This is part of the process that occurs during the activation of its RNA / DNA filaments that occur when their frequency levels increase and it is something that one must adapt to and move on. We suggest listening to beautiful harmonious music to calm your Beings during these moments. Some experimentation with different types of music will lead them to select those that return them to harmony and peace.

At the highest levels there is a lot of activity while the new grids of the Earth are put online and recalibrated and we work in unison with our galactic brothers in our effort to ensure the smoothest possible transition to the frequency of the new Earth. There is already a great increase in the electromagnetic frequencies that have been produced by the activation of the Great Crystals and by unified human thought and, while this activity increases, the greater consciousness of all Humanity will be connected throughout the World and will facilitate the development of the new Human who is destined to walk the face of the Earth in the new Golden Age.

This electromagnetic grid is destined to become a highly beneficial influence in a myriad of ways, helping to develop a greater spiritual connection between all Humanity and to unite Humanity with Earth to the strengthen your magnetic field in the Light. This grid will be used for communications with the largest dimensions, healing and support. The increase in frequency will open humanity more to the concept of Unicity and this will lead to much more benevolent and far-reaching changes for all.

We celebrate with you this momentous occasion, take the time to celebrate and honor yourself for being part of this Great Work and as the energies are recharged, know that we are always with you, guiding, supporting, healing and assisting you in your progress.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

November 20-27, 2011


This week we will see them integrating and assimilating all the "downloads" they have received and are still receiving. It is time for reflection and serene contemplation and it is time to be good to yourself in simple ways. Contemplate the beauty around you and the glory in each new day. They are alive, experiencing being in a beautiful human body that is a wonder of biological functionality. Through this amazing vehicle, they can use their senses - breath through smell, touch through the sensory experience of their fingers, vision through the most wonderful lenses, the taste of the food they share and the Sound of the voice of his Beloved or the birds in the trees.

They are entering a time now to become more aware of other senses that previously were not so obvious to them. Although most of you have been experiencing many of these other senses, such as premonition, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and psychometry, these have been sporadic and in the scope of a miraculous occurrence for many of you, which comes as a flash and then goes. These have served as an internal alert system to keep them safe while walking in this World. These perceptions and many more will become an increasingly common occurrence than ever before in every human and, as this begins to occur in Humanity as a whole, it will create a totally new way of doing and being in your World.

When a person can easily discern and see the aura, for example, from their neighbor, there is no place for any interaction between them for dishonest motivations, thoughts or intentions. Everything becomes transparent and obvious to those who have this ability, therefore, relationships will be made by necessity more honest, reliable and based on the integrity of Being. While these senses align in you, it will be more challenging if you have not yet made experts in the art of detachment, because as humans, they tend to take things personally and, therefore, there could be some fun incidents in a person's reactions to knowing the internal feelings that other people feel towards him. An adjustment period will be presented as long as these skills become more apparent within each person on Earth.

These newly rediscovered abilities will have a powerful effect on the behavior patterns of Humanity and each person will naturally begin to cultivate qualities of Love, compassion, honesty, integrity, generosity and help. This will occur in a surprisingly natural way as more humans wake up to their greatest potentials. While the new crystalline grids enter at full power, Humanity will have a connection to them that will create positive changes through the power of focused intention and, in this way, unity and cooperation between Humanity and the Creator will be created, which will lead to A great peace and harmony in your World.

As we go into increasing frequencies, life will be more easily satisfied and expressions of joy, gratitude, laughter, humor and enthusiasm will manifest in Humanity's interactions with each other, and life will be lived in the Earth with joy, peace and harmony as a constant in daily existence. These times are coming, Dear Ones, and a new form is being created for every choice that is made at the time of Now.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

© 2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From November 27 to December 04, 2011


Each one is feeling the pressure of opposing forces within you. These energies are being aligned within your Being and manifest as a great feeling of tension, especially in the area of ​​your solar plexus. It takes a lot of willpower right now to be firmly on your Path. The daily alignment with your Divinity, and seeing the Divinity in others and in everything, will be good. The opposing forces within are the last remnants of third-dimensional thought patterns, habits and customs and, although difficult, the only way to go through it is to experience and accept them, finding the point of internal balance.

The calibration of their energy fields continues and sacred geometric codes are being sent to all Humanity and are constantly bombarded to Earth. Everyone receives these codes for their intention to absorb everything they are able to assimilate and integrate every day. These are cycles of receptivity and are times of rest and assimilation. They are now in the cycle of rest and assimilation and this will continue for some time. Honor yourself and listen to your elementary body and follow the calls of consciousness that are given. Many of you are resting and sleeping a lot and this means that you are processing and assimilating these new energies that are intensifying and creating changes in your bodies while the transmutation continues.

Continue to observe all manifestations that arise within and disperse them as they emerge. These energies that create such internal discomfort are ready to dissipate and you will find your way more easily and more gracefully. They are in the middle of a transitory time between the closing of one cycle and the beginning of another. Everything can be created new and that is why we encourage each one to decree, affirm and put their intention in what they want to see in their personal lives and in the World in which they live. Your dedication to the new cycle is known and recognized and we work with you to bring this to fruition. Seeing you incorporating more of the Light can be very helpful at this time.

Walk with joy in your daily lives and be grateful for everything that is coming to you, because gratitude tends to bring more of what you are grateful for in your lives and this sets the tone of the unified fields of consciousness surrounding the Earth and affects everyone who is connected to it, and where more revelations and growth are occurring; and while this happens, remembrance of your reason and purpose and of more of the aspects of yourself that you were not ready to manifest before, you are now reaching your consciousness. Ask each day to integrate these new aspects of you and accept them completely.

The power of Love continues to exert its magic on each and every person on the Planet and

when it is amplified in each Soul, it allows space for what is not Love to come out and be released. There are myriad ways in which these released energies can affect them if they do not practice detachment when they leave. Do not participate when this arises, but merely acknowledge and celebrate that they are leaving your system to never return. Soon the Path before you will be clear and greater understanding will enter your consciousness. Be at peace, Beloved, love yourself and each other and know that we are always with you as you walk your Ascension Path.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From December 04 to 11, 2011


The energies of Cosmic Love grow in intensity as you move into a new phase of integrating the newest aspects of you that are gathering your essence with the energy fields. By embodying more of your Divine Christ Self, your physical bodies adapt and go through a metamorphosis to accommodate this higher energy and frequency level. Everything is in a state of movement. Even when they feel trapped in an aesthetic position. Actually, the new reality, a lot of preparation and movement is happening.

These greater inflows of energy of greater frequency continue to take out everything that is not in correspondence with the internal frequency of each person. All the energies and patterns of expression that have not yet been transmuted into a greater order of manifestation will return again to be released. Allow this with the will to let it go now when they arise and bless the situation, person or event that was part of it. This will help them to release and let go and be filled, in return, with energies of greater frequency of Divine Love. By opening their hearts to this possibility, much healing will occur.

Allow yourself to feel the grace of the Creator permeating your Beings and your World. Accept that you are deserving of the Love of God and the love of others, and that you have the ability to love everything and, in this love, you are safe. This is the time of the year where it is easier to feel the energies of altruism, kindness, gentleness, generosity, peace, goodwill, happiness and joy. Use this time to cement the vision you have, so that the reality of the New Earth is rooted in the fertile soil that you have cultivated and enlisted for most of your lives and plant the seeds of new beginnings with faith and hope.

Continue with your work of raising the frequency levels as high as possible every day and give your physical vehicles time to adjust and adapt, being good to themselves and to each other. swim. The transformation of their four lower bodies will lead to their ability to integrate their Divine aspects with grace, comfort and protection. This is a continuous process and proceeds according to the needs, requirements and intentions of each individual. From our perspectives all are developing and transforming, literally, with much success. They would not need to extend their colored lights if they could only see themselves.

Each of you is in varying degrees of completion with many people, places and things and the most important issue to remember is that with each closure comes a new beginning. There is always more to learn, achieve, discover and manifest and this is the area where we are moving now, the manifestation phase. Be strong in heart, mind and spirit, Beloved, and be grateful. The new way of Being is to be in Joy.

Until next week.

I AM Hilari n

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilari n

December 11-18, 2011


With the expectation of the Christmas season increasing in the hearts of Humanity, the understanding will reach those hearts, of the importance of the relations of Family Unity and love. While this is happening, there will be a greater understanding of the importance of those people in the life of each One that have been necessary for you to experience, so that there will be a greater movement towards understanding the gift of these individuals in their lives. and the roles played by them, in the name of this learning in their daily stock; and as this happens in the days to come, a greater appreciation for the unique places in their lives and the love they have brought to them, in unconditional and sometimes difficult ways, will become clearer. When these understandings penetrate their consciences, a deep and sincere gratitude towards them will serve to awaken greater aspects of their Being to the great Plan for their lives and to how perfect this plan works, in great synchronism, to extract the highest aspects of their Greater Being., through these experiences, for the perfect revelation of the flowering of greater intuition and understanding in their daily lives.

Each individual will be more capable and more inclined to assume greater responsibility for their own thoughts, words and actions and the consequences of these on the World around them and, in this way, will be more aware of the inner power they really have to cause, lovingly and positively, changes in your World. Each individual will be widely honored for the specific role they have played in the life of One and that has brought each person to the understanding of the greatness and magnificence of their Being. Each of these individuals gave themselves in Love, in what that they could, to help you remember that, in fact, you are bigger than you perceive to be. The roles that these have played have not been easy for them, because it has required them to assume opposition or strong contrast roles to the path that you perceived to be traveling and that seemed to take a complete U-turn towards an area of ​​life that would never have been considered in other circumstances. Each of these experiences have or are helping them to grow towards more loving and compassionate Beings, capable of experiencing much in the name of Love.

Many of these revelations will be happening in the times that follow, Dear Ones, and it is important to follow these intuitions in such a way that the experiences they bring to them can be fully understood and recognized as the gift given to them. All events and occurrences in the World at this time and in the following years are times of acceleration to help bring humanity to a greater understanding of its greatest potentials and origins. These times will challenge every Human at the center of their inner essence to sustain themselves in their most basic precepts and beliefs and reassess everything that is really important in their lives. Each individual will seek to meet their major aspects so that greater Love and meaning can manifest in their daily lives. There will be many endings and beginnings in all relationships, often in relationships between the same two individuals. To the extent that each individual tries to find greater meaning and relevance in his life, the power of Love will come to the front and center and be seen and understood with a Light different from the present.

It will be understood that Love can overcome mountains of obstacles and that which is required of each individual is a humility of heart, in which the human ego is absent, to continue on a path that seems impossible, because following the path of the heart is the Only thing that makes sense. The heart is in the central essence of each individual Being and it is the heart that knows the way back to unity and completeness. The heart contains in itself the sacred place that will connect each Soul to its Source and, once this connection takes place, greater growth will be experienced and an accelerated opening of the remembrance of the Divine origins of One will occur. These are the times when Beings unite as we reach the end of the great cycles of the ages and endings occur in a golden circle of Love. It is important to Love and honor those who have served to unveil the Path back to unity and remembrance, without No matter how difficult or opposite your role has been. Only those Souls who had the gift of taking you to these places within you were chosen by your Higher Presence to enter their lives in a perfect unfolding of the Divine Plan of their lives and their lives and the greater life of God's Divine Plan for each and for all

Walk then, Beloved, with the utmost integrity and purity and wisdom of your own heart and follow your instincts because you will take them to what is for your highest and highest good. Know that each one is supported and assisted in all forms all the time. They never walk alone, even in those moments that are perceived as their darkest moments. All this serves a greater and higher purpose, and as long as it reaches your knowledge and understanding, only gratitude and appreciation will flow from your beautiful hearts. Everything is as it should be, have faith and trust in the Major Plan for your Path in this World.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

December 18-25, 2011


Many have been feeling the powerful discharges of energy moving through you towards the crystalline core of Mother Earth during the past week. This activity is a service that they have agreed to provide to bring the highest cosmic energies that everyone can tolerate, through their physical bodies. As transducers of the energies of Light and Love, your voluntary service in this function is very much needed to bring and anchor the Cosmic Christ Light. There is a collateral benefit for this service, because by serving the All in this way, your own physical being can absorb and bring more Light.

This activity can translate into feelings of tiredness and drowsiness and sometimes the opposite of this, that is insomnia. This is a natural part of the process of preparing your physical bodies for a greater influx of higher energies. Anything that still needs to be cleansed of your DNA and of every cell in your body that is not Love, will come out for recognition and liberation. Again, we advise you to observe the thoughts that arise, the mental and emotional patterns of pain, sadness, grief, anger, feelings of resentment and other feelings that leave you wondering if the cleaning process is an endless cycle of repeated history.

What is happening is that your understanding of these cycles and patterns can turn these moments into a practice of alchemy, into the mastery of your thoughts and emotions, because at this arise for review, you can quickly change your thoughts towards ones that are elevators and empowering and, thus, gradually diminish the effects of these thoughts and emotions until they are completely dissolved, cleansed and dissipated. It is difficult, we know, to overcome the egoic need to get involved again in these cyclical patterns, but with persistence it can be done and, once mastered, this process will be a tool that you can use throughout your life. The Mastery of Being is all that is about being in a Human body.

Continue to take time each day to focus the intention and decree the highest good for you, for each and every one of your loved ones and their loved ones, and for all of Humanity. Recognize the Light every day as soon as you wake up to establish the template for the rest of the day to follow the greater purpose and call of your Soul. Visualize the dove of Peace circling around your Planet and bathing everything in your loving embrace. Affirm that Peace prevails on Earth. Practice lowering your tube of Light so that it surrounds you so that you are always protected and then immerse yourself in the Violet Flame. Practicing these simple decrees on a regular basis will help them be more focused while the higher energies are poured into the atmosphere (See the Decrees of the Violet Light and Fire Pipe).

Every aspect of your physical Beings is being transformed into greater Light and Love and as this continues in the weeks and months to come, you will be amazed at how far you have come in such a short space of time. Love each other as the Creator loves you and forgive everyone and everything, because this is the sure path to elevate themselves to a higher level and frequency. When true and meaningful forgiveness occurs, there is a balance of karma in any situation in which you have been looking for a solution and, most importantly, forgive yourself for first putting these situations into motion, either consciously or unconsciously. Everything is for a greater purpose, Dear. Everything is fine and everything is perfect.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

© 2011 Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana, Guardian of the Symphonies of Grace.

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