Uriel Heals Weekly Newsletter - May 4, 2009 - Archangel Uriel



May 4, 2009

Illuminating His Life

In this number

· The perfect body

· Healing Mother's Energy

· Message from Archangel Uriel - Practice Emotional Acceptance

Indigos and Crystal - The Age of Gifted Children



This month's article is titled The Experience of Totality and is what describes the totality of our experience on earth and the material plane, the return to totality in body, mind and spirit. This is a return to synergy, integration and clarity, where we become more than spiritual beings in human form, we become spiritual humans. This article is available in Spanish in The Temple of the Sun. Each aspect contributes to the whole and when we focus on one and the exclusion of others, we get out of balance. When we focus on the body and our external appearance, we limit our perception in many ways. Read more in that week's article, "The Perfect Body." Practicing Emotional Acceptance is the message of the channeling of Archangel Uriel, reminding us that each person has come to heal their unique emotional vibration. Are today's gifted children a sign of time to come? They are and through their special gifts they will provide us with new solutions for the new earth. Read about this in the Indigos and Crystal section of this week.

The Indigo and Suicide series as well as previous articles and newsletters are available in Spanish at www.templodelsol.com. I would like to welcome all our new subscribers and thank them for joining the Uriel Heals newsletter. The subscriber list grows daily and your emails and testimonials are appreciated.


The perfect body

Our journey towards totality is a challenge on many levels because we have lived so long with the energy of separation, from our Being and our Source, that we believe that to integrate the Spirit we must release something else. The only thing we have to release, however, is our belief in the imperfection of the mind and body and learn to become integrated humans. While we go through the process we seek perfection in the physical world and some do it through the search for the perfect body.

Our quest for physical perfection can take any of the many paths we see today. From an obsession with our appearance with endless exercise to material consumption, we look for new and different ways of finding the best material expression of our physical perfection. Then we become addicted to plastic surgery, gym, or shopping, in our quest to prove ourselves perfect outside, because we believe in our internal imperfection.

I had a friend who was obsessed with her appearance. She exercised several times a day, did hundreds of abs and was always on a diet. And I wasn't overweight at all. When she was hospitalized with severe anemia, she learned that her obsession with exercise was slowly destroying her body. But I didn't exercise because I wanted to be thin, she thought I was ugly and imperfect and I was using the exercise to create a perfect body that I could be happy with.

We live in a world that is obsessed with physical perfection and totally focused on external appearances. Our journey towards totality tells us that we must integrate all parts of our being and remember that we are already perfect. Whenever we focus on one aspect of us, we are expressing a belief in our imperfection and in judging. Our body is perfect and what we see as imperfect is a reflection of our inner fear and unhappiness, our judgments about what our ego thinks we are instead of what our spirit has as truth. We are perfect in every way and when we fully accept that our body will not have to confirm our belief in our imperfection and, instead, will express its perfection in its own way.


Healing Mother's Energy

Sunday May 10 is Mother's Day here in the United States, a day in which we celebrate our mothers with flowers, cards, dinner and any other way in which we let them know how special it is for us. For some, this is a difficult day because their feelings towards their mother are not warm and loving. For many, their experience with their mother has been one of the greatest challenges of their lives and Mother's Day serves as a reminder of the type of mother they did not have and wish they had. Can we celebrate our mother as what she is, a means for us to experience feminine energy and transform our perceptions of it?

I know very few Lightworkers who have had a pleasant childhood experience with their mother. Most describe their relationship as one they regret for their difficulty. Some speak of mothers who did not protect them, who were jealous, cruel, unkind, who criticized and were abusive. Others had mothers who were negligent or not supportive and some had mothers who were absent, who left their families to live their own lives. How can we reconcile the mother's energy so that we understand what lessons they were and be at peace with them?

Our mothers introduced us to impotent, dysfunctional and damaged female energies. This is what they knew from their life experience and it is what they were able to give us, as their mothers did with them. But we did not have the will to accept this weakened version of what we know is the goddess's energy. We knew there was more and we fought with our mothers and refused to accept the limitations they tried to impose on us. We thought they were trying to disempower us and they were doing it because they had tried and failed to change and did not want us to be disappointed by our results, like them.

They had also learned that it was better and safer to hide feminine power than it was to express it. But that was never good for us. So we challenge them at each level. And we have succeeded. On Mother's Day you don't have to pretend that your mother was the sweet, kind and adorable mother that the media presents. But trying to accept that whatever she did was the best she could do, find forgiveness and compassion for her, regardless of the circumstances and remember that each of us chose parents for the lessons they could help us with and we used our lessons to handle our children differently. I want to wish all mothers a Happy Mother's Day and I hope they can be celebrated for all the work they do.


Practice Emotional Acceptance

Message from the Angel Uriel through Jennifer Hoffman

You understand the concept of acceptance in spirit, where you allow each person to be in their own energetic vibration and know that each one is vibrating to their highest potential in every moment It is necessary to bring this understanding to the level of emotions because that is where the energy gets stuck and cannot move. The emotional attachments they have to the results, to others, to beliefs and desires is what requires liberation to bring them into harmony with the spiritual growth they achieve through their work of Healing

The emotional energy of the experience of the earth is dense and based on fear and it is the density of this energy that allows it to gather in multiple layers in your consciousness. Each emotional experience has an energy footprint that is encoded in your DNA and can be released through your healing work. It is this mark that feeds his desire for closure, restitution, resolution and a result that meets his expectations. Embedded in this impression are lives of emotional experiences that form the layers of your emotional body.

Emotional acceptance occurs when you honor the emotional energies that you and others carry and allow you to be transmuted through the elimination of judgments and expectations. This removes the footprint and all its lower vibrational energies, as well as its detachment from them. Without the trace you can be in acceptance of all emotional energies, yours and those of those in your soul group. You take away the connections to your expectations and allow yourself the freedom to accept the choices of other emotions as theirs, without being connected to them.

Your emotions are never good or bad, they are simply your representation of the energies of the earth when you experience them through your emotional body. Accept these energies as a physical experience of your soul journey and become the observer. Each person has chosen to heal a specific emotional vibration that they should experience. Learn acceptance and can resist the urge for attachment, to change and transform your emotions. The lesson of releasing attachments is one that all humanity is learning and with it comes the liberation of the density of emotional energies and the opening for higher-level energies that It comes with acceptance in all things and the release of fear.


Indigos and Crystal

The Age of Gifted Children

One of the gifts of the new generations of children, indigos, Cristal and generations beyond them, is the emergence of the gifted child. These children are called geniuses, wonders and s per humans because they can process information and have a level of understanding that is remarkable for their age. Yes, they are amazing children but their gift to us goes beyond their abilities, they are showing us what is possible for each of us when we remove our limitations and expand our awareness.

It was once unusual to hear from pre-teens go to college, now many are doing that. There are children who read and write at two years of age, others who play music or who are artists. Their abilities are seen as unusual because they do things differently than other children their age. However, their number is increasing so they are not anomalies, they are at the dawn of a new era that will introduce the world to new ways of thinking about children and their abilities.

Each generation of children has added a new perspective to the vision of the world's children. The Indigos introduced the change in schools and other systems, the Crystals created more community mind and attention focused on the needs of the children. Future generations of children will introduce amazing perspectives on life, culture and society that focus on learning, knowledge and changing our thinking about limitation and how "things" should be. And each of these generations will have the gifts they need to do this.

The emergence of these children is not accidental, they are the new paradigm of what is possible and they have new ways of thinking to create solutions to replace what is being dismantled. The attention they are receiving is part of that process while the world watches and listens to them. Your deep perceptions, ability to solve problems and perceptions in complex situations will contribute to the new world that is being created now. They will be the leaders of the future and are preparing for that task. We can marvel at their abilities and remember that they are a gift that lets us know that everything is in divine order.

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The contents are copyright © 2004-9 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. It can circulate as long as the full copyright notice is displayed, appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the message.

Translation: Xitlalli Contreras - www.templodelsol.com

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